TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

Applied 08/09
UIN 08/10
Accepted 11/1
Academic Admit
GPA 3.78 uw
4.36 w
Top 20% of class
ACT 31 composite
OOS Colorado
Major- Finance - Mays school of business
Honors: No

When did you apply: 10/26/16
When did you get your UIN: 10/28/16
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/3/16
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Auto-admit
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in: Mays Business School but want to go to Med School so may do Biology
Honors program: will apply
Class Rank: HS does not rank but top 7%
SAT: 1530
ACT: 35

CONGRATS! I think any MD these days will tell you that a business degree with a focus on healthcare business aspects would be a fantastic thing!

That’s what she was thinking. She went the business route rather than biology since it would allow her to do so many things. She can still take all of the required classes for med school but worried what she was going to do with a biology degree besides teach if she changed her mind about med school. Still trying to figure it all out.

When did you apply: 10/31
When did you get your UIN: 11/3
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/10
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Auto-admit.
Major/College of Choice: Allied Health. College of Education.
Did you get in: Yes.
Honors program: Considering.
Class Rank: 29/477
SAT: 1240

Congratulations to everyone who also got accepted! :slight_smile:

Engineering Reviews! Decisions are out and rolling

When did you apply: 10/2/2016
When did you get your UIN: 1 week after applying
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/10/16
Auto-admit, Academic Admit, Review Admit? Review
Major/College of Choice: Statistics
Did you get in: Yes
Honors program: No
Class Rank: Top 14% out of 800 students
SAT: Old: 1900 (780 M + 570 R + 550 W)
New:1350 (730 M + 620 R)

Good Extra-Curriculars
Great volunteer hours
Decent rec letters
Good essays
Total of 8 AP exams by end of senior year (Statistics, Computer Science, Environmental Science, English lang, Calculus BC, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Government)

When did you apply:10/14
When did you get your UIN:10/16
When did you receive your admission decision:11/11
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review b/c ranking? National Scholar
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in:YES! Engineering (Electrical)
Honors program:Auto Admit- Applied but have not yet received confirmation
SAT:1490 (750 M 740 R)
Great letters of rec, strong essays, diverse extra curriculars, Letter in community service, 8 AP’s so far all 5’s except Physics = 4’s

Two questions

  1. Is there a way to get feedback on a current review application, i.e. is there anything more that can be added to improve the chance of acceptance.
  2. How are review candidates ranked? Is there a formula/metric used. I know class rank and SAT score are 50 percent of the equation with everything else being the other 50 %. Guess I am looking for objective data on the essays, EC, etc.

My son is a review candidate and we are trying to get a feel on his chances. Top 12%,1340 SAT (New) all 3 essays, NHS, AP scholastic award(AP exam related). probably an average amount of volunteer time, club and high school soccer. 2 letters of recommendation.

responding for daughter

When did you apply: 9/19
When did you get your UIN: don’t know what this is???
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/10
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: review admit
Major/College of Choice: Allied Health. College of Education.
Did you get in: Yes
Honors program: did not apply
Class Rank: 89/581
SAT: 1170 (old)
ACT: 27

we were pleasantly surprised to hear so soon and for her to be accepted, as we were told it wouldn’t be until Jan/Feb.

Congats, my son applied at the same time. Hopefully we will hear something soon.

When did you apply: 11/2
When did you get your UIN: 11/7
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/15 & 11/21(Engineering)
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look COE BMEN
Did you get in: 11/15 Admitted to University 11/21 Admitted to COE
Honors program: Maybe
Class Rank: Top 1%
ACT: 33
SAT: 1470 (Reading&Math old SAT)

When did you apply: 8-2
When did you get your UIN: 8-15
When did you complete you application? 9-2
When did you receive your admission decision: Have not
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Political Science (Liberal Arts School) Did you get in: N/A
Honors program: No
Class Rank: 2nd Quarter (non ranking)
SAT: 1170 new
ACT: 26
Resume: Founder of club, Vice pres of debate team since junior year, Varsity debate since freshman year, chair of my event since sophomore year, senior leader, speaker of stuco, academic award, and many others.
Volunteer: Went to Zambia Africa to be a counselor for orphaned children is the major one and then others.
2 letters of rec and extremely good essays.
AP: None
Dual Cred: None
GPA: 84.5
In state? Yes

Some of my friends have applied later than me but were review admits and already got it, and it a lot of cases I have better stats than them. Does this mean I am getting deferred? Was I skipped over or does it have something to do with my major?

When did you apply: 10/24
When did you get your UIN: 10/26
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/21
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Agriculture (AgriBusiness)
Did you get in: Yes
Honors program: no
Class Rank: 1st quarter
ACT: 31

@Burnsy115 I wouldn’t stress out. It could have something to do with your major, but I honestly couldn’t tell you with 100% certainty. I doubt you were skipped over. You’ll hear back in due time. :slight_smile:

@TamekaLatt Thank you very much. Being a review candidate is awful. I would not mind getting Blinn but I really do not want PSA. I just hope they take into accound accomplishments, ECs, and volunteer hours.

When did you apply: 08/01/2016
When did you get your UIN: 08/09/2016
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/21/2016
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: REVIEW

Did you get in: YES
Honors program: NO
Class Rank: 61/490 (12%)
SAT: 1380 M:730/RW:650

@Thelma2 Do they release waves based on majors?

Waves do not seem to have rhyme or reason to them. Whole colleges (majors) are not released in a single wave. No major is finished with decisions until the last wave, which the past two years has been around the third Friday in Feb, with the exception of engineering. Decisions for that major will be complete sometime in Dec. In the last wave of decisions, there will still be full admits to CStat, and that is when the decisions for Blinn Team and PSA come out.

When are engineering honors decisions supposed to be released?