TAMU Class of 2021 - Engineering Admission Decisions

Now that admissions have started to roll in I thought I’d start a thread for those that have been admitted to A&M but are still waiting on a final decision for Dwight Look COE. Those already admitted should hear from the COE by early December. From what I have heard the decisions provided will be as follows:

ADMIT - Admitted to COE
DEFER - Defer decision to Mid - January decision timeline (For those that complete app by Oct 15th)
DENIED - Denied Admission to COE

Applications that completed application by Oct 15th will receive decision by early December. Those that finish application between Oct 15th and Dec 1st will receive a decision by mid January. Students denied admission to COE but admitted to the university will be allowed to change majors.

When did you apply: 8/6
When did you get your UIN: 8/9
When did you receive your admission decision: 9/20
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look COE MEEN/AERO
Did you get in: 9/20 Admitted to University - Awaiting COE Decision
Honors program: Maybe
Class Rank: Top 18%
ACT: 31

When did you apply: 8/2
When did you get your UIN: 8/9
When did you receive your admission decision: 9/20
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Auto Admit
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look COE AERO or MECH
Did you get in: 9/20 Admitted to University - Awaiting COE Decision
Honors program: Maybe
Class Rank: 37/669 (5.5%)
ACT: 33

When did you apply: 8/24
When did you get your UIN: 8/29
When did you receive your admission decision: 9/20
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Auto Admit
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look COE CHEN/ELEN
Did you get in: 9/20 Admitted to University - Awaiting COE Decision
Honors program: Maybe
Class Rank: 11/411 (2.7%)
ACT: 31

Does anyone know if it makes a difference which Engineering discipline is selected as a major? I wonder because some of the departments are larger than others and I want to give him the best chance to get into the COE. Do you think it would be beneficial to change 2nd choice to Civil?

My son is admitted waiting for holistic review. (1. Electrical, 2. Mechanical) My daughter is a sophomore Civil Engineering major at A&M, but this is new.
Rank top 11%
ACT 34
SAT old (2120) math 720, verbal 760

@ottonolan I don’t think that it matters since all engineering applicants are admitted to general engineering and then have to apply to their discipline of choice beginning the 2nd semester of their freshman year.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to the chance that those that are already admitted to A&M via auto or academic and applying early NOT getting accepted to the COE? I have to believe that there will be VERY few that will not get in.

When did you apply: 8/1
When did you get your UIN: 8/12
When did you receive your admission decision: 9/20
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look COE
Did you get in: 9/20 Admitted to University - Awaiting COE Decision
Honors program: Yes
Class Rank: N/A

I knew of an auto admit 3 years ago, top 2% of almost 800 students who went biomedical engineering. While she was top 2%, she didn’t have the physics and calculus to handle the freshman classes and was out of that major as soon as she could. Maybe the review process is taking those kind of kids into account that got auto accepted into engineering but maybe don’t have the background to hit the ground running with engineering physics.

@TxSker …hmm, I’m not sure I agree that it will be very few who don’t get in.

Maybe I’m remembering wrong but the admissions officer said they expected well over 10K applications just for engineering. They only have room to admit 4800 on campus–the rest will be offered the Blinn bridge program or A&M Galveston.

@Thelma2 --that is exactly the reason my full IB load kid is also taking AP Calc BC and pre-AP physics this year (was not allowed to take AP physics and was kind off the regular science track due to IB…this is as good as she could get).

At first I was not a fan of the holistic review process but now I’m realizing there are quite a few kids in the top 10% who honestly don’t even have a competitive ACT or SAT. For a math heavy major, I think that shows they are not as prepared and being admitted just on their rank could be a harmful thing.

For what it’s worth:
Applied 9/19
Accepted- waiting
Top 2%
ACT 34

@carachel2 Yes, I can see that being the case. If that is the case then those that are academic admits with their minimum required test scores may actually be better off than those in the top 10%. I assume that going to holistic review as they have is to weed out those in the top 10% with low test scores but hard to tell. Should be interesting to see how it pans out here in a couple of months. Just hate the wait…

So just checked Howdy today and maybe it has been this way since the beginning but under manage application it has the following;

WHOOP! You are been ADMITTED Level: Undergraduate Major: UNEN Program: BAC-UNEN
(And THREE Buttons)
Accept Admission - Change Major - Decline Admission

Does the accept admission button mean that he has been accepted into the engineering program? I know that they say decisions are not coming out until early December. I can’t remember if this button has been there all the time or not. AIS still says he is under ENGINEERING REVIEW. Just curious to see what others are seeing.

Sounds like you son has been admitted to Texas A&M. Congratulations! If AIS says he is still in review, I would assume that he is still in review and Howdy is reflecting his choice of major he chose. However, when you are on Howdy, click on the applicant tab. Look down at the bottom of the page on the left (unless they have redesigned the howdy page, my son’s was located there) if he is accepted into engineering, an Engineering button appreared for us. If you click it, engineering info comes up. If it is there, it may be empty for now, but later, before you NSC, it will show a recommended schedule. After NCS, his advisor will be listed there.
The accept Admissions button is what you click on to set up your New Student Conference. Once you set up your NSC, that tells A&M you are coming to their campus as a student Fall 2016.
If your son decides to attend another school, for whatever reason, he will need to log onto his AIS and decline the offer of admissions.

Computer science is under the College of Engineering. Do these applicants go into “general engineering” if accepted or does Computer Science work differently? My son’s first choice is Computer Science, not Computer Engineering.


@2017seniormom Yes, your son would be accepted into “general engineering” and then would apply to the specific major of choice beginning after their 1st year.


When did you apply: 10/14
When did you receive your admission decision: 10/20
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Auto Admit
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look COE (Major - CS and CE)
Did you get in: 10/20 Admitted to University - Awaiting COE Decision
Honors program: Maybe
Class Rank: 8% (TX)

This wait to find out if DS has been accepted into the COE is a beating…that is all. :slight_smile:

@TxSker – it’s ridiculous. And why I’m encouraging other options and honestly it’s why A&M is not high on the list.

@carachel2 I don’t think that the process is a bad one at all. In fact I think in the end A&M will end up with a stronger Freshman class and one that will not have as high of an attrition rate as previous Freshman classes in Engineering have had. I’m sure they will be looking at things like test scores and rank but also what classes have students taken in HS. I’m sure that data is telling them that students that have taken higher level math and physics classes in HS tend to do better and stick with the engineering program where as those that haven’t, while they may be in the top 10%, may not.

I was more joking that having to wait is just tedious and we want to know now. :slight_smile:

@TxSker — sigh. I know! I do understand the rationale. There are too 10% kids we know who are actually weak in science and math and have the rank only from gaming the APs and their test scores do reflect this. I get the purpose. I just hate the wait!

She has three acceptances directly to engineering so that’s helpful at least. And A&M is not high on her list. It’s Mom/me… The Aggie who just wants her in for prides sake lol.

I would think that if a student is top 10% because of the AP classes, he/she is a better prepared student. ACT score cannot and should not be used solely to judge how well prepared a student is for college. A 4 year rigorous curriculum beats a score you get in a 4 hr setting. Unfortunately many will get rejected because of low ACT scores even if the student is top 10%. It’s not fair but that’s the reality.