TAMU Class of 2021 - Engineering Admission Decisions

@realchk Could you share with us your son’s academic statistics?

Has anyone who received the Engineering deferment letter in mid-December heard anything? We are now beyond the anticipated mid-January timeframe for a response and haven’t heard anything. Getting impatient!

I’m in the same boat as you. I received the engineering deferment like Dec 16 and still haven’t heard anything since.

My son never got the deferred notice, applied early and has not heard anything. Have you two already been accepted to the university overall?

@dptxag, no my son has not been accepted to the University nor to Engineering… Applied 8/1 and rec’d deferment letter 12/13. No changes at all in his AIS. My suspicion is that this means Blinn Engineering Academy.

@finsup Thank you for your response. I guess we are in the same boat (stressful!). I sure hope the engineering as the first choice major hasn’t hurt chances for overall admission to the university. I wonder if when they give the Blinn option they also state what other majors are still open? My son has STATS as his second choice and may actually be leaning that way.

My thought exactly, @dptxag. My son has Engineering as both of his choices, and I almost think he would have been better off choosing something other than Engineering as his second choice. Good luck and hopefully we hear something soon!

I was deferred to mid-Jan and I heard from them on the 16th!

I actually asked them in the first week of Jan when my Engineering decision would be out and they said mid to late January

@sean191297, son is an OOS, rank 2/360. Eagle Scout, several leadership positions at school, internship at Habitat for Humanity last semester. Average ACT score, excellent essays. We are happy that he got in.
@finsup, son received deferred letter in Dec but got in two days ago.

Guys I have a question. I just got admitted to the College of Engineering, but the major stated is Engineering and not my preferred one (Com Sci which is also stated in the letter). Does that mean I didn’t get accepted into Com Sci? Or is everyone initially accepted as an Engineering student first? Thank you!!

@DucTahn It doesn’t matter what your preferred discipline is, because everyone starts off as General Engineering until Spring of their freshmen year where they get to APPLY to whatever department they want (mech, aero, etc).

Congratulations @DucTahn ! Yes, all incoming freshman engineering students are admitted into General Engineering.

Anyone with information about TAMU Engineering Galveston? One son in at CS one given Galveston option.

Son was accepted to Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Blinn (TEAB) today.

When did you apply: 8/1/16
When did you get your UIN: 8/9/16
Received deferment letter: 12/13/16
When did you receive your admission decision: 1/20/17
Admit-type: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: Aerospace Engineering/EN
Did you get in: yes - TEAB
Class Rank: top 25% (non ranking school)
ACT: 28
GPA: 4.13 or 3.85 unweighted

@finsup My son has very similar stats and he was accepted to Galveston. He would prefer to be in College Station (his twin brother has been accepted there). I don’t know much about the Galveston program, but I found a thread that they “watch” the college station lectures. I’d love to hear more…don’t know why he wasn’t given the Blinn option.


Thank you, @dptxag. Wow, that’s a tough one. If he can handle one year in Galveston, it might be worth it for him to stick it out and then get to CS with his brother sophomore year. I understand the Galveston program is very similar to the TEAB program. I know that will be a tough decision. Good luck!

I have a friend whose son was accepted at Galveston last year. He was disappointed he didn’t get CS. Shortly after getting there, he immersed himself and now is wanting to stay and apply to ocean engineering. I have not spoken with her about it in a long time but her son really liked the engineering there. That said, I do believe students apply to major, same as they do at CS and they come to CS once they get their major, for the remainder of their degree. It’s just the first 2-3 semesters in Galveston.

@Thelma2 Thank you We will check it out. Even though my boys are very different it is still hard for them not to compare. I think I know of a student that is there this year now that I think of it.

@dptxag If your son does decide to take the Galveston offer (if it were me, I would in a heartbeat, as I LOVE Galveston) it is only 2.5 hrs from CS, so Friday yell practice and Saturday games are not out of the question and room with bro. There are other degrees offered at Galveston so there are quite a few other students on campus of varying ages/levels. The beach would be a plus.
I’ll talk to my girlfriend about her son and see what’s up on that front. Your son may do what her’s did and love it there. Only from Galveston do you also get your Aggie Ring. It is an exciting opportunity. Nothing to sneeze at or think it is not as good as a CS offer. It’s the same freshmen engineering classes. It is not the same as PSA, where you go to an branch location. Heck, he may have a better time getting his classes than the stress of what spring registration is like, in the midst of finals.