TAMU Class of 2022 - Admissions Decisions

@mikeinsugarland Hopefully the engineering decisions will be shortly. There have been only a handful of engineering review applicants accepted and to date (like 8 out of 96).

I applied as a review applicant Sept 18th, still waiting. Does anyone know historically how they’ve released decisions

@ChayDaw26 The past two year’s, the bulk of review applicants received decisions Feb 12-17. There were still some after that but that was a big release time frame.
It remains to be seen if it holds true for this year, with the extension of the application deadline. That threw off the engineering applicant decision release dates.

Okay! I applied to Bio major… do they release decisions based off major?

When do A&M waves typically occur

@ChayDaw26 Decisions are not release per major at TAMU.

@hsgrad18 Do you mean time of day? I’m shocked there wasn’t a wave in January. Not even a small one that I know of. When there is a wave, Howdy is usually updated to 6 tabs in the morning and then your status changes late afternoon.

Any predictions on the next wave?

The next wave will be when it comes out. How’s that for a prediction.? :smiley:

Exact same schools as my daughter. Still waiting on A&M

When did you apply:7/1/17
When did you get your UIN:7/7/17
When did you receive your admission decision:STILL waiting
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit:Review
Major/College of Choice: Computer engineering EE track/School of Engineering
Did you get in: I don’t know
Honors program :Not applied
Class Rank: 221/709… 31% at competitive public school in Texas
SAT: 1380 M: 730 R: 650
GPA: Weighted 3.91 Unweighted 3.8 (6 AP classes)
ECs: Robotics for a year, NHS, 2 years JV track and field and softball, 2 years technology club and software development club.
Recs: From my AP physics teacher and donor/alum from A&M.

Lived overseas for my whole life except Junior and Senior year (GPA credits transferred maxed out at 4.0) and would like to know my chances. It has been a long time and I have already been accepted to UH, UTSA, Arkansas. Am I still being considered?

@AggieMomhelp there was one wave in January but I think it was fairly small. It was 1/11 that’s when I was admitted.

Also here are my stats for anyone else still waiting, hope this helps!!!

When did you apply: 9/2
When did you receive admission decision: 1/11
Auto? Academic? Review?: review admit
Major: Biology
Did you get in: yes
Honors: did not apply
Class rank: 84/609 (13.5%)
SAT: 1280
ACT: 27
GPA: 4.47 on 5.0
EC: class officer, stuco officer, nhs, work 2 jobs, and many community service hours.
3 Essays
2 letter of rec

Is ut more competitive than tamu?

@TXagghopeful1 in my opinion yes but I think it just depends on your specific major and stats. They focus more on pure rank and scores. Some of my very best friends with stellar test scores and rank didn’t even get their first choice majors.

When did I apply: July
When did you receive your admission decision: September
Major/College of Choice: Mays undecided
Did you get in: Yes
Honors program: Yes Business Honors
Class Rank: 69:906
SAT: 1500
ACT: 30

Really starting to lose hope here. This wait is so frustrating. My son is already admitted to OU and OSU, but of course TAMU is his dream and…we’re joining my husband in Texas as soon as he graduates, so we get the added bonus of in-state vs. out-of state confusion to add to all the stress. (We’ve lived in OK for 4 years, husband got transferred back to TX in August, I stayed to let son finish senior year here)

It would just be nice to have a decision as housing applications and registration for orientation at his ‘fall back’ schools opened a month ago…anyway, that’s my little rant, here are his stats, not anything extraordinary, so thus the worry.

When did you apply: 9/14
When did you receive admission decision: Nothing yet
Auto? Academic? Review?: review admit
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Did you get in: ?
Honors: did not apply
Class rank: TAMU put him in 2nd quartile based on school profile
SAT: 1280
ACT: 27
GPA: 3.2, several AP courses
EC: JV soccer 2 years, Varsity soccer 2 years, Club soccer 4 years, band 1 year, 2 part time jobs, attended Pre-engineering academy
3 Essays
2 letter of rec

@computerengr11 Yes, you are still being considered. Review applicants can be read many times before a final decision is made. There is not only full admit to CStat but also ENGR at Galveston (for the first year, then auto transfer to CStat upon applying to major) and ENGR Academy at Blinn (TEAB). Good Luck to you and @txnjenn

@TXagghopeful1 UT and A&M are the two most competitive for admissions in TX public universities for review admits. UT is a little more so because when you are holistically reviewed for your major for admissions, they use your Personal Achievement Index (PAI) as well as your Academic Index (AI) and if they do not meet at a certain juncture on the grid, you don’t get a second look.

Whereas at TAMU, an review application can be read many times before a decision is made. They do use your scores and rank and algorithms to predict GPA you will earn at A&M and then take that into consideration when considering the rest of your application.

Did you apply to some back up schools, just in case you didn’t get into either?

I only applied to one other, but I didn’t put the down payment on housing and find that it will be very hard to get at this point (4/7 rounds in)

Just got this email message from Corps of Cadets: “We start our scholarship process next week and it will continue thru the spring and summer.”