TAMU Class of 2022 - Admissions Decisions

Has anyone received acceptance yet?

@MomWI2022 I haven’t

I’ve done some snooping, and I know that last year’s admits didn’t see a change of their status on AIS until three or even five o’clock. I still have hope for today!

Any idea when the physical mailed acceptance letters should send?

FWIW, I went through the class of 2021 admissions last night up to the end of Dec. There were 19 review admits posting at that time, who had applied at various times, from Aug. 1 through Nov. 30. Of those 19 review admits:

Notifications were Nov.10-Dec.9

11 received an admissions decision. ( I went back through each one’s other posts, to fill in gaps that were not provided on the A&M forum), as well as to eliminate several auto/academic admits who thought they were review applicants due to the engineering holistic review process and find breakdown scores of potential academic admits).

4 were engineering majors
(of these, 2 had academic admit SAT/ACT total score but lacked the subscores)

7 listed their major as: Statistics, Liberal Arts, Bio med Sci, physics, Poli Sci, Education, and Microbiology.

5 received Blinn Team on February 14.

3 of those never came back to CC to report their status.

***One of those could have potentially been an academic admit based on ACT score, but it was a 2 post member and no other breakdowns were given.

I have not gone through the posts beginning in Jan. to see if any review applicants posted if they received admissions by end of Dec.

@AggieViz When you receive your admissions decision via AIS, there will be an digital copy of acceptance letter on AIS. Go to My documents, then My letters, and it should be there. The physical Aggie Bound letter is a week or two.

@Thelma2 Wow, thank you! We (DD and I) sure are hoping to hear a decision before February.

DD will not be submitting any further scores. She got her 3rd set of ACT scores this morning…and while her now perfect 36 on the reading subscore is awesome and her 28 science is good, her abysmal math subscore kept her from getting her composite and matching math subscore into the academic review range. So frustrating. Hopefully her choice of psychology as a major will work in her favor. Sure would be nice to hear before winter break.

Hope y’all start hearing about your auto/academic admissions decisions today.

Does anyone have three tabs on howdy, or do we all have six now?

Still 3 tabs

@ag2022 I’ve had 6 tabs for about a month now

@labegg While 19 applicants is a very small sampling, it did illustrate that some review applicants received admissions before the year was out, so state wide, that number was larger. That said, we do see the majority of review applicants getting their decisions starting in February, after school resumes mid-January.

This is from an admissions person on another forum about review admits.

"There is absolutely no difference in the way the decisions are made for TEAM, Gateway or full admits. We use a holistic process for all of them. We look at class rank, test scores, extracurricular activities, essays, etc. TEAM and Gateway are just different forms of freshman admission.

The rank and test scores are viewed together and they make up around 50% of the decision. The essays, personal achievement, etc. make up the other 50%. For a student that comes from a non-ranking high school, we use their GPA in relation to their school’s grading scale to assign a quartile ranking. Other than that, GPA is not even considered in our process.

When we look at the rank and test scores, we determine a projected GPA here at TAMU. We use algorithms to combine a student’s rank and test scores and it produces 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, so on and so forth. Once we see what a student’s projected GPA is, we begin weighing all the other components".

Are the tabs in the first part of Howdy or in AIS?

@MamaHill Tabs are in Howdy system. They will go from 3 to 6 (I believe). Then AIS will update usually in a couple of days. I’ve never heard of anyone not getting full admit once they receive the 6 tabs.

As for Review admits… first round in the past 3 years have gone out right after Dec. 1st. Then it’s kind of a rolling admission with the last round coming at the end of february. I’ve know people with low stats (24 ACT) get in 2nd round in Decemer and I’ve also heard of reviews with average scores getting in in the February round when Blinn Team, Gateway and PSA are announced. The longer the wait, the more stressful. BUT, REVIEW Admits, do not stress. Do not keep checking Howdy. The chances of hearing before the Dec. 1 deadline is unheard of unless you are on the bubble for automatic (11% rank and 29 ACT type of bubble).

Hope this helps.

@ANS2022 What are your stats? If you’ve already laid them out here, then I apologize for the re-ask! Good news is they are wanting to get to 80,000 enrollment by 2020. With that being said, they are going to accept more. Be sure to apply to other colleges that you will be happy with. Typically hear back from everyone else before ATM and UT. It feels good to get accepted and will give you a boost of confidence. Fear not, stress not. Good luck!

@AggieViz That is so weird that AIS hasn’t updated! On Howdy if you check Manage Applications, it will show your major. Sometimes it changes depending on how impacted that school is. But being an automatic should guarantee every major except engineering. Congrats!

No indication from housing on when we would hear. Last year, auto admits heard on Tuesday afternoon and year before it was around 5 pm. Hoping that means today around 5. They have had a month longer this year.

When did you apply: 7/18
When did you receive your UIN: 7/20
When did you receive your admission decision: N/A
Auto, Academic, Review: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: Animal Science
Did you get in: N/A
Honors Program: N/A
Class Rank: 29/235 (12.5%)
SAT: 1160
ACT: 25
GPA: 3.9 UW
Community Service: 100+ hours
EC Activities: FFA, 4-H, sports, NHS, etc.
Honors/Awards: National Champion, State Champion(x2), National Qualifier(x2), State Qualifier(x9), Awarded student for 2 classes at school, etc.

**my test scores aren’t very good, but I’m hoping my extra activities, GPA, and community service might make up for it…

@ANS2022 Everything looks really good for acceptance into TAMU. Even the 25 is good. I’ve heard many people get in with less than that. And with everything else you have going for you, I would chance you very high to get into A&M.

If not today, how soon will the decisions come out?

admissions said middle to the end of this month for automatic admits