TAMU Class of 2022 - Engineering Admission Decisions

Okay so I applied maybe September 01, got accepted October 03, and now am waiting to get into ChemE. I have a 33 ACT and a 3.86 unweighted gpa 4.72 weighted. Is it taking longer since ChemE is harder to get into, I’m also out of state. Lastly, I want to really do biomedical engineering now, but like I don’t want to like change anything now cause I know TAMU has you declare later

@dyingstudent313 @kcheves @mlaformatpls As @Thelma2 stated above, only transfer students will be admitted directly to an engineering major. All freshmen will be admitted to general engineering.

@dyingstudent313 it is not taking longer because ChemE is harder to get into because you are not going to be accepted to ChemE. You will be accepted into general engineering.

Here is the information about General Engineering for ALL incoming Freshmen


Here is what some current sophomores are about to undergo this month because they did not fulfill all of the requirements by the end of their freshman spring semester. This is their final chance to secure a major or be dismissed from the engineering program and be assisted into another major.


Here is what the current freshman class will undergo next April.


Here is a sample application for applying to major.


When did you apply: 10/20
When did you get your UIN: 10/23
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: waiting
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: None
Major/College of Choice: Computer Science
Did you get in: waiting
Honors program: applied and waiting
Class Rank: 1st Quarter
ACT (with Math Subscore): 30 (35 Math)
In State: Yes

When did you apply: 8/13
When did you get your UIN: 8/15
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: waiting
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: auto admit
Major/College of Choice: Electrical Eng.
Did you get in: Only to University so far
Honors program: applying
Class Rank: top 2%
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): ACT 34
(36 M). SAT 1440

When did you apply: 10/13
When did you get your UIN:10/16
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision:no
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: not sure but it says admitted with review
Major/College of Choice:mechanical engg
Did you get in: only to univ
Honors program:applying
Class Rank:1st quarter
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore):34 / 1520( 760)

Are my chances good. my GPA is only 3.69 but an extremly tough high school in MA. lots of accerated classes . OOS. Im a merit semifinalst in MA . do i have a chance, i know oos is very diffivult

@rora18, your rank and test scores are great, but school difficulty will not be considered. Is that your weighted or unweighted GPA?

I believe you are an academic admit, to TAMU, but like all engineering applicants are under review for admission to General Engineering.

Others will be along to chance you. It is supposed to be a holistic review of your qualifications, and I would think NMSF status should help.

When did you apply: 10/31
When did you get your UIN: 11/2
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: 11/7
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Mechanical Engineering
Did you get in: Yes
Honors program: no
Class Rank: Top 20%
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 31 (32M)

adding to my earlier post:
also NMSF

@RingleDingle, did you get in the department or university?


I am pretty sure @RingleDingle got into TAMU but hasn’t gotten into engineering yet. There is no way he got into engineering if he received his UIN on 11/2.

Application Date: Completed 8/09

AIS: A few days later.

GPA and Class Rank: 3.5ish and School Does Not Rank (2nd Quartile On AIS)

AP Classes: 10

ACT Composite: 27

SAT: 1360

College applied for: Dwight Look College Of Engineering

Major in that College: Petroleum Engineering

ECs: Academic Decathlon, Solar Racing Team, STEM programme, Volunteer work

Did you do all 3 essays: Yep!

What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? I have certifications in SolidWorks as well as at least what I feel are well-written essays.

In state/Out of State: In State

Current Status on AIS: Admitted!

Admissions Decision: November 7th

Application Date: Completed 8/09

AIS: A few days later.

GPA and Class Rank: 3.5ish and School Does Not Rank (2nd Quartile On AIS)

AP Classes: 10

ACT Composite: 27

SAT: 1360

College applied for: Dwight Look College Of Engineering

Major in that College: Petroleum Engineering

ECs: Academic Decathlon, Solar Racing Team, STEM programme, Volunteer work

Did you do all 3 essays: Yep!

What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? I have certifications in SolidWorks as well as at least what I feel are well-written essays.

In state/Out of State: In State

Current Status on AIS: Admitted!

Admissions Decision: November 7th

Time line for last year, for class 2021: In case A&M follows the same time line as last year. Admissions has said that they delayed application date will not make decisions come out later. so take it with a grain of salt.

quite a few applicants received their engineering decisions on Nov. 21, which was the Monday before Thanksgiving. Then more heard the week of Dec. 7. Some who applied for early decision received a deferment letter on Dec. 14th, that their decision would be in Jan. Most of the deferrals I have come across so far were review applicants to the university and also waiting on engineering decision. There was one auto admit OOS who was deferred. Still, some received a deferral letter and got their decision in Dec. anyway.

Hopefully, the bugs are worked out this year that they won’t have to defer early decision applications until January.

The first decision for engineering honors was posted December 15.

There were a couple of high stat applicants who applied RD and received decision in Dec.

Admissions decisions came out up until Dec. 21/22

January 3 is the first post for admit into engineering and it was a review applicant and they kept coming.

January 20, engineering academy and Engineering Galveston decisions went out. These were the last of the admissions for engineering (at least on the engineering thread for 2021) There were a few past that date on the regular results thread.

@Thelma2 Thanks so much for the time line info. Can give those of us going through this for the first time a general idea. Even if they don’t stay the same it should be relatively close to it!

Whew got in into Mech engg. Now waiting for other colleges. and hopefully NMSfinalist status.

Congratulations @rora18. Unless you are a transfer, yiu’ve been accepted into General Engineering. You will need to apply for your specific Engineering major in the spring.

I posted my son’s stats in the Holistic Review forum. He is on the bubble for admission into any type of slot in Engineering (ME is his goal) but probably only due to his low rank after two years of messing around freshman and sophomore years. His parents were also extremely preoccupied at the time with his older brother.

I have been investigating options for my son to potentially transfer later, because I know he has it in him to do really well after he grows up just a bit more. He has now applied to Texas A&M Corpus Christi and to Blinn-Brenham for the Texas A&M Engineering Academy, and I believe those will be the only A&M system transfer schools he’ll apply to. There doesn’t appear to be easy transfer among Tech, UT system schools, and A&M system schools due strictly to the apparent non-transferability of freshman engineering classes.

I have spoken with folks associated with the new interdisciplinary engineering program at McAllen, the regional advisors in Arlington and Rio Grande Valley, a mechanical engineering professor at Tarleton, and the individual in charge of the TAMU Engineering Academy at Brenham. Regarding this last program and according to the individual I spoke with, the Brenham academy has been going for six years (it’s the oldest of the TAMU engineering academies) and currently has students with SAT math scores ranging between 580 and 780. This fall’s class includes 80 pretty motivated individuals who may or may not have the money or desire to go to College Station even in cases where they were accepted there. The Brenham program has a living/learning community in residence at Blinn-Brenham for the Academy, and Blinn will soon (Fall 2018) open another new classroom building as well as a recreation center. The Brenham Academy hand picks the professors from A&M to teach its engineering courses, and students are co-enrolled at A&M. The Brenham Academy transfer rate to College Station, 30 miles away, is about 52% after one year at Blinn-Brenham. Blinn will start issuing links to application material around Jan. 20 (presumably after the A&M decisions have been made), after pre-clearing via SAT/ACT math scores those students who apply to Blinn-Brenham Engineering. 95% of students who are pre-cleared and apply to the academy have historically been admitted. Further information on this and other academy programs can easily be found online, as well as the academy admittance process. Entry to a major appears to be the same as for transfer from Blinn-Bryan TEAM-E. It does require commitment on the student’s part, as there is no clear special transfer accommodation. Most of the courses taken by students there are taught by Blinn professors, with the clear exception of engineering courses.

Google Maps shows Brenham is about 40 miles mostly south of College Station.

Here is my rationale for looking favorably at Blinn-Brenham, and why I would actually prefer that my younger son obtain some hybrid slot at best. My older son (National Merit, super high test scores and lots and lots of 5’s on AP tests) went off to UT and failed out as quickly as possible (after 2 semesters), even while his parents constantly warned him to go to class and do his work. We didn’t see this coming at all. I realize and hope my kids are not like yours, but I do not assume mine are ready for college, even after a lot of AP credits at a 6A very high academic high school here in Fort Worth and outstanding test scores. My older son continues to struggle to get out of the extremely deep GPA hole he put himself in, could not even transfer out due to low GPA after being asked to leave the school for at least a semester, and is still on academic sudden death at UT with any grade below a C. He has also used up some precious Q drops. His department (computer science) may not even let him repeat a class he needs.

I urge taking a good hard look at how diligent and resourceful your students are. If they are not consistent good students now, they may not be when they leave your home. And you will not be able to monitor their grades unless they explicitly allow it. Again, I wish you all well and hope that this message helps one parent. If your student gets into significant grade trouble, it is so hard to fix. These are national/international universities. The other students may not be messing around.

Checked the portal this morning and My son has been and accepted into general Engineering! (Electrical)