TAMU Class of 2022 - Engineering Admission Decisions

@Thelma2 Theory on the change to BS-CVEN-GCE: could it be that the university has cleared him for admission but he is now being reviewed by Engineering for acceptance? Just trying to figure out why the change under Program.

@Thelma2 Did one of your sons choose the Industrial Distribution major route? Is that still considered engineering as in do you take the same courses as everyone in engineering school and seek that major in spring semester of freshman year?

@percy0317 . Yes, IDIS Industrial Distrobution is considered engineering and a major you can apply to in spring of freshman year. INEN Industrial Engineering is also a major and is different.

All freshman in general engineering, will take the same first year required courses. Of course,there are caveats to this, say, if someone takes an AP credit for Math 151, then they would take Math 152 first semester and would discuss all of that with an advisor to what they would take in spring. The ENGR 111 and 112 classes expose them to all of the different majors, so they get a taste of what each one is about.

This page is helpful as well, and also going to the department websites for descriptions. MXET Multidisciplinary Engineering Technologyis not accredited yet and was new in Fall 2016. http://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/degrees
Learn what each is about, especially when you are listing majors past your first choice when applying for entry to major.

Something else to consider. http://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/fasttrack

Is anyone else noticing all web pages related to the Academies on the TAMU website are not loading? I guess there is a lot of traffic right now to those pages!!

@Thelma2 Thanks again - good info.

When did you apply: 10/24/17
When did you get your UIN: 10/26/17
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Review
Major/College of Choice: Computer Science, BAC-TEAM-EB
Did you get in: Not yet, still under review
Honors program: Did not apply
Class Rank: Top 19%
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 1300, 680 Math

@Thelma2 Yes, He received acceptance today. Major changed to General Engineering and location says Galveston.

@Thelma2, my son’s sites were updated sometime today. Six tabs on Howdy. AIS says Engineering Galveston. Thx for all the help and info. He hasn’t received any emails or other communications yet.

@Thelma2 Today I checked AIS and got Galveston and General engineering (6 tabs on howdy too but no communications or email)!!! TODAY was the day! Reading up on it galveston seems like a sweet deal and so glad I’m finally done with waiting.

I just checked today again and I’ve been admitted into the Blinn TEAM program :slight_smile:

Congratulations all @computerengr11 @MaybeAggieParent @AgMomOf5 on your ENGR at Galveston admissions! Follow your check list on AIS and get your housing done, even if you are not sure about accepting the decision yet, as it is a smaller campus, freshmen are required to live on campus and it can fill up.

The dorms on Galveston campus are super nice. At least the ones my son and I toured. Like really nice. So yes… book early and congrats.

@danny8732 Congrats on Blinn Engineering Academy. Do you mind sharing your stats?

@Thelma2 Not yet, waiting to hear. Still in review. First choice of major is BAEN. Any idea if its filled up? Second choice is Interdisciplinary engineering. Out of State and out of country. Keeping my hopes up.

At College Station, are there dorms that house just Engineering students?

@gmanmom123 we did a dorm tour and there was no mention of engineering only dorms in CS. Someone posted that Mosher was a traditional engineering dorm. Not officially but something that evolved. I think mosher is over by the commons area close to the corps dorms. If you haven’t taken a dorm tour, I highly recommend it as the dorms have changed and evolved over the years. Many different sizes etc. At Galveston, I have heard from a current student that the engineering students are grouped together in the new dorm.

@ChennaiAg You won’t be accepted into a specific major, though when you apply, you list two specific majors. All incoming freshmen are accepted into general engineering, where all freshmen take the same first year engineering curriculum and then apply to a specific major in April of their freshman year. Those decision come out in June and then your first semester of sophomore year is in your specific major.

@GManmom123 There is no one dorm just for engineering students but there are LLC’s (Living Learning Communities) and Engineering has the Engineering Village, which is made up of three of the four dorms in the Commons dorms. These 3 dorms are open to anyone. It is just that this is where the LLC is located for engineering students.

When my son was a freshman, he lived in Mosher, which was the only dorm for the LLC at the time. It is not mandatory to live in the LLC

The Commons dorms (Mosher, Krueger, Dunn and Aston) are 4 stories with no elevators. They are furnished. There are three outlets in the rooms and you can’t use power strips for appliances. If you rent the microchill fridge (over priced but it’s handy in that it takes up only 1 plug) it is too small for 2 students to share. So if both students use it, you need two fridges.

@danny8732 I found your stats. Thank You

New student conferences for engineering at Galveston will be Monday and Tuesday on these dates:
June 11-12, July 23-24, or July 30-31.
It is too early to have the links in place to do this scheduling for the presumed accepted to Galveston folks.

AIS updated this evening with Congrats Admit to A&M Engineering School - Galv program. The letter makes very clear it is full admit to college of engineering and Galv only due to space limitations. He is thrilled as A&M was at top list but still has some other options to weigh (SMU and OU mainly).

@percy0317 Did your son apply before the early decision deadline of Oct 15?