TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@learner234 What do you mean you are “Supposed to get an academy offer”?
No one knows what offer of admissions someone will get.
When a chance is given, it is a guestimate from what we have seen offered to others of similar stats. No guarantees. It is just a guess.

@Thelma2 Based off a previous post, you said I would get an offer of admission, but you didn’t know which one. I am assuming based off test score that I would get an offer to an academy.

Hi! Just wanted to know my chances. Got capped from UT but did get into Baylor so far.

When did you apply: 8/20
When did you get your UIN: 8/30
When did you receive your admission decision: N/A
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Psychology
Class Rank: Non ranking school but placed into 1Q
ACT (with Sub Scores): 27
GPA: 3.78

Varsity Softball all 4 years. Lots of volunteer hours. Lots of clubs and extracurriculars. Have done many programs with A&M, visits & SEAL program. 3 AP, 7 Honors. Yearbook Editor.

@learner234 That second quarter hurts your chances even with the high test scores. Someone within 1st quarter with somewhat lower scores and the same readiness will get the nod before you in most scenarios. Again, when we chance, that’s all it is. I’d say most of the time we are pretty accurate. We hope your test scores pulls you to the academy side, but there’s just no way to tell. There are a lot of amazing applicants this year!!!

@learner234 There is a caveat for review admits - it is a holistic review process. This means they look at your profile with lots of scrutiny - not just your scores and rank, but also your essay, extracurriculars, leadership, employment, etc. They will even look at the classes you took (if shooting for engineering) and compare with other applicants. @thelma2 and @aggiemomhelp have been trying hard to answer everyone’s posts with positive outlooks - and some with more realistic answers. Just because one said you “should” get one form of admission doesn’t make it so. Regardless, it’s not over until the fat lady sings! Hang in there!

@learner234 I told you that you would get an offer of some type but no idea which in my first response to you and I clarified it more in my second response to you with the same question, in that typically, applicants close to the 25% rank with your test scores were made an offer of Galveston or an Academy. I am sorry if I misled you that you would definitely be offered one. That was not my intention. All we can go by is what we know from past cycles but it is an educated guess. AggieMomHelp is right. We are pretty accurate but we also do not see your entire application file and the competition you are up against.

That said, todays release with choices for admissions, makes me thing that singular offers of Galveston and academies is still yet to come. We will have to see.

@maridonkay First, congrats on Baylor. That’s great. Don’t sweat it about being Capped at UT. They are tough but if you really want it, a friend of my sons when to ACC last semester and now at UT for his second semester. So it can be done quickly and transferring seems easier for both TAMU and UT from the looks of things (for most majors-not all).

You look strong for TAMU. 1q is great. 27 is pretty average but I’ve seen lower get in in previous years. You look very well rounded! If you do get in, a great friend of mine is a Psyc advisor. I can get you in front of her. She’s amazing and loves what she does!!!

For class of 2024 reference and for our beloved Thelma2 and AggieMomHelp, whose predictions have been remarkably realistic, my DS got the three Engineering Pathway options today. Here are his stats:

When did you apply: 10/3
When did you receive your admission decision: 1/28/19 (3 Engineering Pathway options)
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
Class Rank: 38% (Large 6A school)
SAT 1470 (750 M, 720 RW)
ACT 33 (36 M, 35 E)
AP Comp Science, AP Calculus, and AP Physics II. VPs in 2 EC clubs.

@etown23 That is awesome to hear. His test scores are impressive. He’s going to do great things. Which pathway is he choosing?

Do you think that they will send out full denials or will everyone receive some sort of admission

@AggieMomhelp Thank you so much!! I would LOVE to see that Psyc advisor if I were to get in (fingers crossed)!!!

@223hopeful very few I would say will get a full denial. Most will get PSA in lieu of that.

@maridonkay just let me know when you get that acceptance!

He went with the Texas A&M Blinn TEAM option. Some of his friends who received full admits plan to take a couple of classes at the Rellis campus (community college) anyway, from this perspective, there really isn’t much difference being full admits or co-enrollment. I also want to take this opportunity to THANK YOU and @Thelma2’s help in this forum, not being Q1 was nerve-racking in this process. Hope the next wave brings more reliefs to those who are waiting.

@AggieMomhelp What is PSA exactly? Which campus do you attend?

@learner234 it might be helpful for you to do some research on the tamu site. here’s a link to get you started:


@learner234 ^^^click on alternative admission decisions PSA is listed there

Thank you @thelma2 much appreciated! Still nothing showing so I’m trying trying to just be patient and not ask a million stoopit questions. :stuck_out_tongue:


As an incoming freshman, I realize that I will not be accepted to the College of Engineering at College Station and I would rather change majors to physics or mathematics, however those are not listed as options when opting to change majors in the Howdy portal. Does anyone know why?

When did you apply: August 13th
When did you get your UIN: Aug. 15th
When did you receive your admission decision: N/A
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: Public Health
Class Rank: Took Off but A&M ranked me 1st quarter
SAT (Math 680) (English 590) 1270

I want Blinn Team do I have a Chance?