TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@futurevett In the past few admission cycles, admission decisions start coming out around Sept. 19 and begin to roll out regularly after that. We saw the first release yesterday reported on this site. There is no hard and fast date of which auto/academic admit receives admissions and when. All is speculation based on past trends. Yours should be coming out soon.

@BB1724 Right now, you are just signing the contract for housing. You don’t get to select where you will live until usually May. You will be assigned a window of time in which to chose. I encourage you to chose several types of dorms so that when your time arrives and you go to select, you have a plan in place before hand.

For example, if you want a Modular dorm and the one you wanted is full, have a second modular in mind already. If all modular dorms are full at time of selection, have your next choice dorm already picked. If you don’t have a plan in place prior to actual selection and you are formulating a plan during your time window, dorm rooms are being reserved while you are deciding. You need to be able to move on from one to the next if your first choices aren’t available.

I will also caution you and everyone filling out the housing contract) that signing up for housing contract is binding. If you decide to live elsewhere, you MUST cancel the contract. Merely skipping the room selection process is not cancelling the contract and the cost of dorm housing will be billed to everyone who doesn’t formally cancel the contract by May 1.

Sorry if this was already mentioned, but since the Howdy portal is Web 1.0 in looks, where do you go to find the housing link in Howdy? I found something that took you to a couple of other pages where it looked like you could apply for housing but wasn’t sure.

@bemart14 It’s under Student life tab. At the bottom left side.

I just got 6 tabs today, am I able to apply for housing? From your previous post, I understand that signing the contract is binding and so if I am able to apply now should I? I will definitely live on campus for freshman year.

My DD received her acceptance to A&M this morning!!! ??? Question tho, if we accept in order to put down housing deposit, does that nullify her being able to list another college as her first choice in the National Merit contest??? We won’t hear from the other college for a few months due to their admissions process but we understand housing at A&M is tight so we don’t want to lose the chance at housing.

@AggieMomhelp Thank You, You are a great resource as well as is @AggieMomAgain @trinley @MomHopesNxtGenAg and others who have stuck around.

Just so all the new applicants/admits know, I am not affiliated with A&M in any formal capacity. I am just an Aggie mom with a student who just started his third year in engineering. I remember this process at TAMU and it was must more complicated and competitive than my two older kids process to their universities. I had a lot of help navigating it all from great folks on this forum back in summer/fall 2015, when my son was applying for fall 2016.

@valarrie If you sign the housing contract now, that gives you guaranteed priority on campus housing and is a $75 application fee. I posted a reply and then thought I had better look up the specifics before I posted to make sure what I was saying was accurate and this forum only allows 15 minutes to edit, so I erased it and will look it up. Someone else may pipe in with a great answer before then.

My son got admitted 9/19, academic admit applied 7/11. School of Science - Applied Mathematical Sciences with Computational Emphasis. Stats also in comment # 119. Congrats everyone!

Thank you so much! Must clarify -ds has 6tabs but he is going for engineering and so not sure if he is in main campus or team Blinn (he is academic admit)- no official acceptance yet on where he is accepted to. And with the housing -wondering about is he wants roommate from people he may know who also applied but didn’t get acceptance yet. Y’all are so awesome to take time to help us newbie!! Congrats to all those before us and all those new Aggies! Very excited! Thanks for all the great insight and information!

@bb1724 Have him complete housing app. They won’t link up roommates til the spring after everyone is notified. But if your son has an earlier time because he was accepted earlier and paid earlier then he can pull the roomies with him for the earlier time slot! Hope that makes sense.

Oh and in Howdy, under application tab, under manage application, what does it say for major???

Once you apply for housing…your child will still have a red “X” under their to do list. I called this morning and they said it will stay a red “X” until housing is complete and assigned sometime in the spring. Just make sure you have green check marks on the housing portal. She said they have tried for 2 years to get the two systems to connect and they don’t for some reason.

My daughter is accepted, but hasn’t decided on TAMU for sure yet. Can she apply for housing without accepting admission? If she decides to go somewhere else, can we just cancel the housing contract and lose deposit? (We are fine with that). Just don’t want to get into some kind of commitment to go there at this time, but also don’t want to lose priority housing if she does go there. Thanks!!!

@AbbyGracesmom Thanks for that tip! Very helpful. I’ll make note of that, as housing changed the year after my son and then it changed a bit after that for the next year. They are always tweaking it and working out the kinks.

Here is a PDF of how the selection process worked for class 2022 https://oncampusaggies.tamu.edu/Images/Site/TAMU/Room%20Self%20Select%20Instructions.pdf

@BB1724 Engineering students have LLC’s as housing options (living/learning communities) and their housing is a little different and if you want to live in an LLC, they usually get it (Commons dorms). Engineering students don’t have to live in LLC’s and can chose any dorm as well, or live off campus if they want.

My son has 6 tabs today, and on AIS, college became “undeclared” and major became “engineering review”. He applied to engineering in mid august (post #155). However, just last night he replied to an earlier email from tamu “NetID alternate contact confirmation required” so maybe that turned on the tabs? Can’t believe he missed that email! Can’t wait to hear how the other “engineers” are doing

The undeclared is because every engineering student is admitted to general engineering. Congrats, it sounds like his official University admissions decision will soon post and then the wait to see when they release the Engineering decisions.

Congratulations Everyone on your admissions and those waiting on their auto/academic admissions - When your student is officially admitted and he/she accepts their admissions decision, search on Facebook for the closed group Aggie moms and Dads of Current or New Texas A&M Students and ask to join.

Students when you are admitted and accept your admissions - tell your parent/guardian who may want to join

Parent/Guardian will be asked to answer questions from the Administrator before being allowed to join

It is for Parents/Legal Guardians ONLY - No students, No other family members

You cannot tag your student or anyone else not a member, to the info on the page but you can copy and paste it.

Main posts must be questions or information - No chatty original posts will be posted as in "Hi, so glad to be part of this group, etc etc.

Replies to original posts are very chatty and a wealth of information. The page also has a search function so if you want to find info/replies about apartments, dorms, roommate issues, car repair, cookie/cakes/food delivery, professor opinions, struggling students, it is all there.

I now have 6 tabs!

But on my AIS it still says under review. However, like mentioned above, it changed my major to engineering review and college as undeclared. Will I still receive a formal admission to the university between now and the engineering decision?

What do I do about housing while under engineering review?

Such great info—thank you! It reads under manage application. Major-UNEN and Program - BAC-UNEN … sorry to sound silly but what does that all mean? Is BAC mean Blinn?

I think BAC is Bachelers (?sp)

My daughter is in! I’m filling out the housing information but the Living Learning part requires two essays! Can I quit for now and let her fill them in later? I have already charged my credit card; is that good enough for the time stamp? (it is step #14 of 19)