TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Same. Just loans.

Have been following this thread since mid-December, as we’ve been waiting to learn if my daughter becomes an Aggie. Since I’ve benefited from all your comments, thought I would provide a little unsolicited advice about student loans since y’all are starting to discuss financial issues.

For all the students out there, understand the ROI (Return of Investment) of your college choices
all too often students/parents take on burdensome student loan debt, without considering the long term ramifications.

I work in the financial planning industry, and here are two (2) real world phone calls that I had in the last 60 days:

Caller 1 - lives in Texas, thought it would be fun to go out of state for school. She did, even though her parents had minimal funds to pay for her schooling, and she graduated in four (4) years, with $110k in student loans. Her monthly payment(s) are over $1,100. Her salary is in the mid-$40ks. This person will be paying on these loans for the next decade, and will increase the time she can buy her first home, etc.

Caller 2 - Couple in the mid-50’s, have limited retirement savings and now have over $120k in student loans they took on to send their daughter to an out-of-state school. This couple should be focusing on their retirement savings, NOT paying off these student loans.

Both of these callers said the the loan money was “thrown” at them, very easy to get. Also. their student loan debt has avg. 5%-6% interest rates - this is not cheap money, and, student loans can not be discharged in bankruptcy
Currently, the US has over $1.5T in student loan debt. I recently read stories where students “fled” the country to live overseas and avoid paying back their loans. So please, consider the ROI of your college choices.

Good luck!

I certainly hope tomorrow and friday is not just engineering decisions. I pray Econ is not full.

did anyone get 6 tabs? Im still on three

@AggieMomHelp do you know for out of state when do the scholarship comes out. I see for my son they have only allocated Maroon award so far (that I know is from the admissions office), but nothing else reflected so far. Today I see that the financial portal got updated without any other scholarship except Maroon award. Is this the final offer or does this gets updated as more scholarship gets awarded? Can you please comment?

this waiting is killing me i just want to know!!

@aaa124555 I have no real idea or expertise on scholarships but in the past it seemed February is the month! Someone may be better equipped for this question.

@AggieMomhelp thank you so much, I did ask Thelma about it also hopefully she can find something.

@1st time Aggie and @Applicantmom
Most everyone will only see loans. Getting to the 4K for the out of tuition waiver is very competitive and out of state applicants compete with instate applicants for those scholarships. A&M is full of very high and over achievers and there are a lot of them that don’t get a dime to offset the cost of admissions.

That said, the scholarships that are awarded that instate and oos compete for can start coming out anytime in February and even into summer.

The wait time for the financial aid office can have very long phone waits, so emailing can sometimes be more expeditious.

My son was offered the Maroon award as well as two loans, which we will not be taking. I remember reading on one of the threads about how the scholarships roll out. I want to think I read where need based are given first followed by merit then departmental. Someone please correct me if I am wrong but that is what I think I remember reading (could not find the original posts).

Hopefully there are more to come!

@Thelma2 thank you so much. @1stcollbound I did call financial aid office last week they are also not sure about this process all they know that awards do come out from the middle of February. At least that was what I was told from the financial aid office. I assume its very complicated process with lots interdepartmental processing (my assumption after talking to financial aid).

Thanks @Thelma2 and @AAA124555 for the information! We know that it is a long shot but are still hopeful! Thankfully my son has two other solid options that he says he would be happy with. Honestly, one of them I think would be a better fit for him, but he absolutely loves TAMU. I know that in the end, he will end up right where he needs to be. Best of luck to everyone with admissions and scholarships.

@AggieDad-Maybe good advice!

Could someone please chance my daughter?
When did you apply -July 6
When did you get UIN - July 9
When did you receive decision- in review
Auto/ Acedemic/ Review- Review
Major- 1st choice Ag Business 2nd Ag Eco
Class rank- top 11 percent
GPA 98.4
SAT- 1210
FFA officer 3 years
Ag Teams 4 years
Farm Bureau leadership Jr Counselor
Lots of volunteer participation
Shown animals 9 years
Thanks for any guidance!!

The other night when ya’ll were nice enough that help the clueless mother out, I was asked where her acceptance was to and I said Galveston and MaAllen. I want to correct the record because my daughter left out some information. She was accepted to Galveston, McAllen and Blinn-Bryan.

Hey y’all can anyone clear this up for me?
I know A&M offers blinn team at the Rellis and the Bryan campus, but does anyone know if you can go to the Bryan campus without getting TEAM? I’m kind of giving up hope on a Blinn team offer and wouldn’t mind going to a junior college.

I applied there yesterday through applytexas and will be sending my transcripts today. I’m more interested in the proximity to college station than actually attending college station at this point.

Tl;dr Does the Bryan campus accept regular admits / non-team admits ?
Does anyone know how competitive it is also? There website seems to suggest it’s easy, but doesn’t specify per campus.

@dyinginhs. Fear not, anyone can go to Blinn in Bryan. It is an excellent junior college and a great path to tamu full admission as a transfer once you complete 24 graded credits. Most apply spring of their freshman year to start either the summer or fall sophomore year. Just please be sure you look at what major you are wanting at tamu and complete the requirements. Most will require 2 maths so do one this summer and one in the fall so you can apply spring. Lots of online options for math so you don’t have to move down here early. It’s a great place to come from and the classes aren’t easy. They are serious profs trying to get you ready for the university. Best of luck!!!

@Dutchesmom that is the same offer my daughter got. Has your daughter made her decision? If she is still trying to decide I urge her and you to call and speak to an admissions advisor. They were very helpful and answered all my questions.

Blinn at RELLIS is a little different situation than the other Blinn campuses, including Blinn-Bryan. Here is a link to information about the very new RELLIS campus: http://www.blinn.edu/rellis/
The founding idea here is to accommodate the desire of many students to come to the Bryan-College Station area and complete degrees that would traditionally have been offered at less centrally located A&M system schools besides and not including TAMU at CS. The other Blinn campuses are more like other traditional two-year colleges, but the non-RELLIS Blinn-Bryan campus is big in and of itself.

So from what I have been reading on this thread it seems as if this weekend there should be a wave of full acceptances for students waiting for holistic review? Has anyone heard of any holistic review admits being accepted already?