TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Is there going to be an engineering wave next week for engineering applicants? It’s kind of crazy that engineering applicants still haven’t had a decision and it’s february.

Can I supplement my info on here by adding I am an Eagle Scout, varsity rower, 2 two years of working as a life guard, and have a 2 years of JROTC

Most colleges in Texas have a 2 and 2 program for nursing. (UT Austin is the only exception I know of) I had a meeting with the nursing admissions my junior year because I was totally lost in college apps as a first gen student. She told me that you have to finish the prereqs in any university (allied health being the most popular at A&M and public health being second) Spring of your sophomore year I believe is when you apply to the school of nursing at A&M. The nursing advisor told me it’s competitive since they only admit less than a 100 students. I wish the best of luck to you!

Would you recommend an OOS student to register for NSC and housing, even if they are waiting on a possible acceptance at an in-state “reach” school? That reach school is Cal Poly SLO (we are in-state) and it looks like they will not notify until later in February or possibly March. We are coming up on the 30-day deadline for TAMU, daughter accepted at CStat on January 11. 30 days would take us to Feb 9. If we register for NSC and either Corps or on-campus housing, and our daughter gets into SLO (she is an Engineering student), are we obligated to send her or can she change her mind to stay in-state? I am not trying to be annoying as I know so many of you are waiting on pins and needles for your 6 tabs… just asking the question. It looks like TAMU and SLO are both tied for 1st place right now and she is not even sure she will be admitted at SLO.

@AggieDreamin They do take an applicant’s GPA along with the grading profile provided by the school to assign a class rank if an applicant’s school does not rank but they don’t compare applicants to one another/against one another from the same school/district etc. for admission purposes. So, like in the example given, all home school kids are not reviewed only against other home schooled kids for admissions.

There are some criteria that might get more consideration in an individual application, like first generation, under represented minority that is a high achiever etc.

Could someone chance me? Please be honest :slight_smile:
When did you apply: November
When did you receive your admission decision: N/A
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Biology
Class Rank: N/A; 2nd quarter
GPA: 4.68/5 (weighted) + 3.53/4 (unweighted)
SAT: 1370
A lot of clubs and was officer for them, Student Council, Journalism, TEDx Ambassador, 250 + hrs. of summer volunteer, Dancer (4 Yrs), NHS, NSHS, NQSHS, HOSA (won 2nd at nationals for HOSA)

@rockmom21 Definitely submit the housing app within 30 days of her admission decision. Because if you don’t and she ends up choosing A&M, then she will be way down on the list for housing, at the back of the line. You need the date stamp on the housing app to be within 30 days of the admission decision.

Do not sign up for NSC. Signing up for NSC is accepting you admissions decision and you shouldn’t do that while you wait on other decisions. They can’t obligate you to go but it isn’t an ethical thing to do. If she ends up going to TAMU, there will be NSC dates enough to attend. They won’t fill up that quickly.

If she gets accepted into the reach school, and that is where she wan’t to go, then you decline your admissions decision to every school she was accepted to. Declining the admissions decision cancels the housing application. You do not get your $75 application fee back.

@sma1234 It is not at all uncommon for engineering applicants to have an admission decision in February.

@Thelma2 for the advice. I will sign her up for housing. If I sign her up tomorrow for Engineering LLC and then she decides to join the Corps, can that be easily switched? Also thank you about NSC dates not filling up. That is super helpful.
It is my secret wish that she becomes an Aggie but I cannot make the decision for her… kinda praying that she is not admitted to SLO so then the choice will be clear! I will miss her but I think TAMU would be a better school for her. :slight_smile:

@rockmom21 Yes, she can change her housing preferences up to May 1.
Some date may fill but many will still be open. The ones that are the first to go is the first one. People think that there won’t be any classes if they go to one after that. What they don’t realize is that new sections are opened for each NSC and open the day they register, on day 2.

If she goes to A&M, come a day early and attend the Pre-NSC festivities and things to do at the memorial center. Pick up Photo ID and sports pass and tons of photo ops at Alumni memorial center. And make sure to sign up for Fish Camp that opens in May. must for incoming Aggie’s, especially from OOS.

@Cmringvelski About homeschoolers, this is from the admissions website: “Home-schooled students must submit a complete, official signed transcript. A rank will be assigned based on SAT or ACT scores. Official test scores must be received before a rank can be assigned.”

Another morning, still three tabs.

Same ?





Same as well

No change ?

Let’s play a game to take away some nerves and have some fun to see how silly I will look, trying to go by last years dates. No specifics of the decisions. Just dates.
I am going to guess February 5, 7, 8 12, 15 , 20 and 23 with leeway of one day before/after.
Let’s see how off this is from last year. This includes all types of decisions for engineering majors as well as all other majors.