TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@AggieMomhelp my nephew is a junior Econ major at TAMU right now and just got accepted to into the MSF. He took his GRE in January, had his interview a week later and was notified last week. He also was just invited to a Goldman Sachs networking event so he’s pretty excited about that.

do people with 2q and 1400 sat (720 math 680 reading) for engineering typically get blinn academy or galveston, and can blinn academy live on tamu campus

have any 2Q applicants gotten full admission?

@AggieMomhelp @AggieDreamin Is there any idea to when full admissions or blinn engineering academies will be announced for review applicants? I applied by early october and still haven`t heard anything. This is so frustrating! UGHHH. Do you think I will get in? The wait is absolutely just killing me. Here are my stats once again. (sorry for the bug)
Q2 (34%)
3.75/4.0 W GPA. 3.5 UW. 93.91/100.
1310 SAT (680 in math)

Is anyone else not getting email notifications on forum posts? Mine stopped around noon.
Maybe it is trying to tell me something!

What are forum posts

@deeps123 a few but because they are review not many. Most of the review candidates 1Q and 2Q are still waiting.

@223hopeful posts on this forum. I had set up auto email notifications when someone posts and they stopped today. I liked it because I didn’t have to keep refreshing to see if there is anything new.

@sma1234 I am not the expert here by any means…I have just piped in on the posts I know the answer to from obsessively following for months. If I were to guess I would say full maybe unlikely but possibly an academy. As I understand it there are many paths for engineering candidates so maybe spend some time while waiting researching the academies and alternative paths. All of that said, it is not over till it is over and anything is possible. We have very little intel on what it will look like this year for review candidates. Freshman class is going to be smaller and it is believed there are only about 2000 full admits across the board to hand out. Hang in there! We are in the same boat so I feel for you.
@Thelma2 what do you think?

I’ve had this question for a while, but never bothered to ask it. My class rank is 115/451 which is 25.4%. Am I considered Q2 or is it rounded to the nearest percentage point, which would be Q1?

@Blaketflip my daughter has almost that exact rank, but from a non-ranking school per the school profile, and she was put in 2Q. She missed 1Q cutoff by .04 on her GPA. If your school sent the actual rank they will see tha rank but still would likely be 2Q. But they will see it is close. ?

@AggieDreamin Asked and Answered on the engineering thread in January Post #393 and today at 5:14 Post #729 and again at 6:47 Post #731@sma1234

@Blaketflip I am sorry to say that they do not round at all. Top quarter is 25.0%. You would be considered 2Q but they will also know how close you are to 1Q.

Now, if you are assigned a Q, I have heard it, depending on who you talk to, that even though the portal says 2Q, because they have access to your schools grading profile, your GPA, the number of kids in the class, etc, I would think they would have to know exactly where you stand.

@Momof3B I tried to message you directly but it can’t find you. Can you message me? Any insight you may have like stats on your son or what he thought put him over the top would be appreciated. Mine will only have 40 credits when he applies in September for summer before junior year. He’s Econ as well. Loves it so far but 311 proving harder than 202 lol

@Thelma2 and @AggieDreamin thank you for the answer, my school is ranking so they will see that it’s close. Here’s to hoping we hear something soon :slight_smile:

Hi I posted on here a while ago but no one ever responded or saw? Could someone chance me please?

When did you apply: 10/02
Have you received a decision: no
Review/ Auto-Admit/ Academic Admit: Review
Major: Allied Health
Class Rank: School does not rank(private and very competitive)
GPA: 3.342 (2nd Q)
SAT: 1250
ACT: 26 (28 super score)
Resume: Girl Scout Gold Award, 100+ service hours, National charity League Member, involved in lots of clubs/organizations (Secretary for a club), active on the lacrosse team all 4 years, honor roll student all 4 years, been on a mission trip, has volunteered at various philanthropies, has had multiple summer jobs …

I was hoping on getting at least Blinn Team but now I’m not sure…

@nervousaggie101 Hey beauty, chief shah here. ECs are good. Honestly who knows if they even care UT Austin didn’t seem to. But besides that, it’s good. Looking at the SAT it’s decent, only thing is rank is 2Q. So… I would say you have a decentish shot Lol. I’m kind of sitting in the same boat here and I’m waiting on Econ. But after all these months I’m not feeling to well about it and I’m just outside top 10%. Anyway if you had no chance I would have said that, but you do, so keep hope and there’s not much longer to wait since March 1st is approaching.

Cheers mate,
Chief shah signing off.

Chief Pablo here.

I found out last week I got into the university and just now, after months of distress, anger, and anxiety, I can gratefully say that I have been accepted into the College of Engineering at A&M!

Gig 'em.
Aggie Pablo out.

@AggieMomhelp sent you a PM!

@Thelma2 , I saw on another thread that you said it was likely all review full admission offers have already been sent? Or did I read that wrong?

I was responding to a first time poster who didn’t specify if they had been watching the threads or not.
I said “We don’t know if all the full offers of admission have gone out for review applicants but it is likely. Pathway decisions don’t come out until February anyway so, those have not even come out yet.”

“We don’t know, but it is likely”. That is not saying they have.

We just saw a release for some auto/academic admits for engineering, but not all, yesterday, which is a week behind the date of last year.

There was a release for full admission last year on Feb 5. Maybe there will be one a week from that date.

We just don’t know for certain.