TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

I forgot to add that Housing can be found in either the Applicant tab or the Student Life tab.

Thank you soo much my second choice is Ag economics, how competitive is that choice of major

@AggieMomhelp and @CamandCam , just to verify: we paid the $75 and signed the housing contract. We have not done anything past this.

We didn’t know we could go farther in the process but do you think my son should pick a dorm now or are we good just getting in line and can pick everything later? We toured the dorms a few months ago and he really isn’t set on a certain one.

Thank you for your help!

@Thelma2 , AIS states that for engineering review, “Files completed by October 15th will be reviewed and a decision notification posted here by mid-December.”. A previous post from August said for engineering decisions, “Last year, it was Oct 5, Oct 31, Nov 7, Nov 21,Dec 6, Dec 15, Jan 20 and Jan 30.”. So, do you think some engineering decisions might even be issued before October 15th?

@Mojo1995 , the primary thing is to get the contract and pay the $75, which you have done. We went all the way through to the end, although we skipped the roommate finder section. You can input your dorm preferences, but like @AggieMomhelp said, that doesn’t mean much. There’s no harm in going to the end. And if you’re going for any of the LLPs, there are those two related questions to answer also.

Howdy all!! I am currently a freshman at TAMU and I know how much this thread helped me last year (especially not being an auto admit) so I just thought I’d share the stats I applied with last year.

Application date: 9/8/17
Date of decision: 1/11/18
Admission decision: Full Admission
Auto Applicant or Review: Holistic Review
ACT: 27
Rank: 13%
All 3 Essay’s
Many extracurriculars

Really hope this helps some of y’all! Keep in mind we also heard back later than usual last year due to Harvey. I’ll try my best to check this thread & feel free to ask me any questions!

@jk3287 I think you mean is it an impacted major. Most majors do not fill up (aside from Mays-Engineering). You’ll be fine with 2nd choice. May I also suggest BS in Econ vs Ag Econ. It’s an amazing program with many options for 5 year programs. It also allows for Business certificate and or minor. AND it’s such a great college and if you do well, you can hopefully change majors into Mays. To me, it’s a better route than Ag Bus or Ag Econ UNLESS you are AG focused.

@HopefulAg22 , thank you for sharing. That’s good information. Do you mind sharing your math sub scores for SAT and ACT?

Engineering applicants did receive admissions decisions in early Oct. I don’t have my notes/stats handy but from what I recall from memory, the National Merit Commended and above and Hispanic Scholars were notified on Oct 3, then “regular” folk on Oct 31. Decisions were random as to date applied/scores.

I’ll post them all again when I get home for full, Academiesband Galveston.

@Mojo1995 the three dorms you select in the housing application process are only for 1readon and that is a guide A&M will go by to assign you a room should you neglect to do it yourself during your assigned window of time.

In the late spring, students are emailed their window date/time to select housing. Have a plan well before your selected time of every dorm, in order of preference. That way, when it is your turn to select and your first choice is full or your room type isn’t available, you can move quickly to the next dorm on your list. If you wait to make a list of choices during your window, rooms will disappear while you’re figuring it out.

Yes, there will come a time for many who wanted only X dorms and they were all full by their window as well as 4 people wanting to room. Be flexible that 2 can go in one room and 2 in another next door or down the hall.

@GollaAgMom Fantastic! Congratulations!
We are waiting to hear. Hope my son can say “Howdy”soon!

@BlueBayouAZ Thank you for the stats! Very helpful!!!

My son applied to Mays 9-13 and was accepted 9-19. Class rank 3/93. He was auto admit and happy to get requested major

@CamandCam both of my subscores were 640! I forgot to add I am a Biology major and received my first choice major.

@HopefulAg22 , Thanks for the reply. How’s your Freshman year so far?

Got Accepted into Mays Business School Today.
Rank 45/576 - Auto Admit
So happy I don’t have to Major in Economics or AgBu.
Good luck to everyone else!

Anyone received the big trifold thing or actual acceptance letter? I was accepted a week ago but no mail yet

During engineering holistic review, do they look at all of an applicant’s SAT and ACT test scores? My son’s composite ACT was better than his composite SAT, but his SAT math was better than his ACT math. Since math is critical to the engineering review, I’m hoping they look at the highest overall math scores and not just the math from the higher composite test.

@CamandCam They will use the one test that benefits the applicant the best. They will also look to see what maths they have taken and what maths they will graduate with and physics classes. In addition, they look at what rigor was offered at the high school and what the applicant was in.
AP math, Chem and Physics, if offered, will score higher than if they took regulars instead. That doesn’t mean someone who doesn’t have AP or has a 630 on the math sub section, won’t get in. Some schools do not offer AP or many choices and that is not held against them. They literally are looking for the readiness of the student because being successful in getting to their sophomore year without repeating a class or failing out, is a struggle for many,

I have a question about housing - if I don’t want a roommate but want to sign up for roommate finder just in case, does that affect my chances of getting a single room? Specific question I know, just seeing if anyone can help me out :slight_smile:

Housing Question.

Daughter has been admitted to TAMU, awaiting engineering acceptance and responses from other universities. If she goes with TAMU, she wants to join the Aggie band and the Corps. Band auditions aren’t until February.
Since housing is guaranteed for cadets, is it ok to hold off on applying for housing until we know about engineering and/or other schools. Also what binds her to admission? She hasnt accepted in HOWDY yet. I read somewhere you were only bound after attending NSC.