TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@futurevett Doesn’t matter if you want single room. As in if you put that in your selection. Roommate match won’t happen for a while (think late spring) and room selection doesn’t happen til May. It’s not going to hurt your chances at all. Once rooms open up and you can go and find a single room. ALL available rooms on the entire campus will be available for you to look at and choose. If you want single room, I’d go with White Creek apartments. Own room and bathroom with shared living/kitchen. Best of both worlds. Not even sure we have single rooms at TAMU in any other setting except maybe Hullabaloo.

@texdancemom If she will be in the corps regardless of whether she makes band, then no need to sign up for housing. IF she will be a nonreg if she doesn’t make band, then better safe than sorry. Sign up and pay $75 deposit. (non refundable). Correct,there’s no contract at all. Even after NSC you can change your mind.

I hate to ask again, but has anyone received their formal letter and trifold thing in the mail?
I already received my letters from other schools, but A&M is the one I really want. I know im waiting on engineering decision but it would be cool to still receive the letter etc.

@brl2000 , I just checked our mail. My daughter has not received anything in the mail about acceptance. It is only on the portal at this point. She is also waiting on the Engineering acceptance.

@brl2000 I think we received the letter and banner in the mail about 2 weeks after the Howdy portal acceptance.

@brl2000 I saw a friend post on FB today that their daughter got hers in the mail today, so they are being sent out. When each person’s arrives is the $64K question.
Hang in there! It will come.

My son got accepted to Mays on 09/19, and we got the banner and the formal letter of acceptance today.

I applied for admissions and had all my SAT scores sent beforehand but the AIS only displays my ordinary SAT scores and not my SAT subject scores. Did anyone else have the same issue or is it just me? Why is this happening? The subject tests seem important to me because I already have the handicap of being international and an Indian at that …

@Le1Harsh A&M doesn’t consider your subject SAT scores for freshman admissions, just your ordinary SAT/ACT. Internationals students are eligible for academic admit designation. You have a high SAT score per your other posts. How they determine your ranking will be up to them according to your transcript.
Does your AIS show a rank you have been assigned or a rank given by your school?

Also know that A&M will likely not offer you any aid to attend and the tuition waiver is $4000 in competitive scholarships, many of which are awarded after May 1 and since they are limited by the state of TX to their number, they are awarded to very competitive applicants. If accepted, be prepared to be full pay.

For non-ranking schools: how long after they received your transcript did it take for A&M to assign a rank?

@Thelma2 I have good academics but we don’t get ranked since the exams are conducted at a national level with millions of students appearing. I am hoping for the OOS though since two of my friends got those last year with lower academics and SATs than mine.

@2019MomHP , A&M received the transcript on August 17, and although I didn’t document the exact day, I do know that the rank was assigned by August 27. On my son’s AI S page, it listed his class rank and class size. It didn’t list a percent or quartile.

Thank you!

As was mentioned in one of your other threads, The University of Alabama is very generous with aid https://www.uah.edu/admissions/undergraduate/financial-aid/scholarships/international, whereas the two flagships in Texas, A&M and UT, are not.

Another school in Texas with a very large Indian community, and a very good engineering school where you are admitted directly to the major, is the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA).

The in state tuition waiver is not just any scholarship totaling $4,000, they must be awarded by a Texas A&M University college or departmental scholarship committee or university representative. Many times, applicants will only be halfway to the total by May 1, when they must either decline their admissions or accept it and be prepared to pay out of state tuition if they don’t receive the rest over the summer. Each school in Texas is limited to the number they can award.
Here is the link to A&M tuition waivers http://scholarships.tamu.edu/Non-Resident-Tuition-Waiver

International freshmen are eligible for scholarships if you completed that portion on your Apply Texas or Coalition application. Here is a link to other scholarships for international students http://scholarships.tamu.edu/Additional-Scholarships.aspx

In reading your other threads, I too think you have some confusion over the in state tuition waiver. Hearing of someone in your neighborhood of receiving a waiver at UT with lower scores than you doesn’t make sense. While a 1470 is an awesome score, it’s not awesome by engineering standards at UT and A&M. While there will be lower ones at each, very high ones are not uncommon. UT can be stingier than A&M. They don’t have to offer incentives to get top students. Here is the link for the UT tuition waiver. http://catalog.utexas.edu/general-information/registration-tuition-and-fees/tuition-and-fees/tuition-waivers/
It is broken down by sections to who is eligible and as an international incoming freshman, it appears you only qualify for the top one. Teaching Assistants (TA’s) are usually graduate students, and certainly not incoming freshmen.

Also, know that the non resident tuition waiver does not exempt you from tuition. It only exempts you from the higher cost non resident tuition. You would still be responsible for tuition at the In State rate plus room and board and meal plan. For my Aggie, this semester for tuition and university fees was $6015.19. That DOES NOT include room and board, food/meal plan, books, laptop, sports pass, parking spot, shampoo, toothpaste, or deodorant. The spring usually runs about $4000 +/- because the $1800 in fees for the honor of being an Aggie, was paid in the fall.
Public state universities are supported by taxpayers of the state. While you could earn it (I rarely say never) as someone else advised “don’t count on any aid as an undergraduate international. Internationals and out of state US citizens are how universities make up for budget shortfalls. There’s absolutely no incentive for them to carry an international student financially”.

I am sorry to deliver what most likely seems like really crappy news and I don’t mean to shoot down your dreams but you need to go into this with all the knowledge you can and with open eyes. Each admissions cycle I see posters on this forum excited for their admissions only to be sadly disappointed later in the spring when the financials come out because A&M isn’t generous with aid to offset the cost of attendance for the majority of students and the only thing they are offered is the $5500 federal loan (not available to internationals) and the rest will be up to the applicant/parents/family.

@Thelma2 I am aware of this and that’s why I am applying to more private universities compared with public. I am also prepared to pay more than half of the cost and I’m sure that I can cover the rest with a patchwork of aid, scholarship and loans from Indian banks.

@Thelma2 I am giving the SAT again in October, I think I have a decent hand to hit the pot. Hoping for the best!!?

My son’s file just changed to show transcript reviewed and class rank assigned:

When did you apply: 9/27 was when last item went in
When did you receive your admission decision: In Review
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Mays
Class Rank: Non-ranking, A&M assigned 1st Quarter
SAT: 1420 twice (720 math and 700 verbal, then 760 math and 660 verbal)
GPA: 3.83

Looks like I’ll be a Longhorn mom to an Aggie son! This is his #1 choice.

Congrats @2019MomHP You’ll love being an Aggie mom. Let us know if Mays is still open when he gets tabs in howdy.

Aggiemomhelp! What do u mean by “if Mays is still open” ?

My son applied about 3 weeks ago, still awaiting High school transcript. School says they sent on 10/1. Status still showing Incomplete. He applied for Mays. We are worried.

Today my son received the admittance letter confirming Mays business school!!

(I last posted on 10/2/18). So @eagleparent your son should be fine. It took about 5 days for our transcript to show received, then in progress, then reviewed.

So excited!

Well I think my DS ruined any chance of being admitted. He gave me his Apply Texas log in, and I was able to review his applications - he left off a couple of organizations for ECs AND left volunteering BLANK!!! They are already submitted!! OMG!!! I am sooooo mad at him right now. I think his only chance now is getting his ACT up 2 points on 10/27. I asked him why he did that, he didn’t have an answer. What frustrates me is TAMU is his top choice, why didn’t he pay special attention? Why didn’t he ask someone to proof??