TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Quick question…for Letters of Recommendation…I know they aren’t required but if they are submitted, should they be from counselors or teachers or coaches?

@JaceyK Most kids and their parents do not understand how competitive it is to get into A&M. He’s probably kicking himself about now too. He still can have a chance. Freshman admissions is also not the only avenue to being an Aggie. On the transfer thread, there are several from last admissions cycle who were offered PSA. Some took the offer and others went elsewhere and just got their transfer acceptance to A&M.

Upload a resume listing his EC’s, organizations, and volunteering. And Good luck on the ACT.

@Eagleparent Mays fills up, as it has limited spots. In the past admissions cycles, even with the application date moved to July 1 (from Aug 1 for class 2021 and prior) it has been sometime between mid Nov/early Dec that Mays is full. Also, just because it hasn’t shown up on AIS doesn’t mean they haven’t marked it in house, so to speak. For Auto/Academic admits, once complete and in review, applicants receive their decision within 5-10 business days.

@brl2000 They can be from the person who knows your child best. My son had one from his boss from an internship through our school district and the other was his band director.

@Thelma2 Can you upload documents to Howdy? My daughter said she didn’t see that option (she also applied but I don’t have to worry about her - she is Type A LOL).

Application is complete as of today…how long will it take to receive a decision for holistic review?

What do you mean 3 essays - I can only find one and it also says to only use 1 - I’m confused :-/

@JaceyK she can upload docs via AIS

@KWAGGIE the earliest you would be Mid Nov and the first week of Msrch.

@JaceyK: Try not to panic over the missing ECs and volunteering hours. Uploading a resume with all of that info as @Thelma suggested should fix the issue. :slight_smile:

There is some weight given to both ECs and volunteering but I don’t think that it will always cost a student if they don’t have it coming out the “wazoo”.

Neither of my girls had much in the way of volunteering, the oldest had Summer church mission trips for volunteering hours, but nothing during the school year as her EC team was very time consuming. My youngest had NO volunteering as her HS Summers were spent recovering from a concussion, a big family trip out of the country, foot surgery and her sister’s wedding and the time consuming ED during the school year. During her Senior year she was busy with one EC team on campus and one EC team off campus. I still have no idea how we survived her Senior year with her being on 2 different teams, the off campus one was 45 minutes away! But she has great time management skills now!

I think that one of the reasons why TAMU wants applicants to list their ECs and volunteering is so that they can see if a student can manage their time well. Someone who does nothing outside of school but just sits in their room on their phone/computer instead of participating in some ECs and volunteering may not do well under the rigor of TAMU classes. Just my opinion.

Your son sounds like a great guy, fingers crossed that he gets offered Full Admissions! Just try not to let this whole process make y’all crazy. Enjoy the Senior year, it goes by so quickly.
Hang in there! :slight_smile:

@JaceyK - I would suggest having HIM call A&M admissions and see if he should/can cancel/withdraw the application in AIS from the Howdy portal and then resubmit in Apply Texas. Cancel/Withdraw is an option. I don’t know if you can reapply though. And I bet it would cost another application fee.

I accidentally posted above info again.

Are there any hidden secrets of knowing whether you are engineering admitted before its official similar to the 6 tabs thing for regular admission?

Responding for my daughter:

When did you apply: Aug 1
When did you get your UIN: Aug 3
When did you receive your admission decision: 9/19
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Visualization (College of Architecture)
Class Rank: 80/499
ACT Scores: 30 (28 Math/25 Science/35 English/33 Reading)

She received her acceptance letter/trifold thing on Oct. 1. I’m so happy for her! She’ll be carrying on the tradition as a 3rd generation Aggie… whoop!

Howdy! We are so excited around here - S19 is going to join his brother, S18, in Aggieland next year! He will be majoring in Viz.

When did you apply: July 2nd
When did you get your UIN: couple days later
When did you receive your admission decision: Sept. 19th
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Auto
Major/College of Choice: Viz - College of Architecture
Class Rank: top 10%
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1490
ACT (with Sub Scores) didn’t take

@trish02 : CONGRATULATIONS!!! WHOOP!!! :slight_smile: So wonderful to have both sons at TAMU together! YAY!!

@trish02 CONGRATS!! So exciting.

@AggieMomAgain & @Thelma2 Thank you!! We are so excited that they will be there together!! My S18 is loving his time there now. I really didn’t know what to expect and it is a million times better than what I could have imagined. It is such a wonderful school and community. So proud to be an Aggie Mom!

I applied to tamu on 9/30. Also auto admit and applied to Mays. Any idea when I will be hearing back? My status shows complete and in review.

@texasstudent0229 Normally, it takes anywhere from 3-7 business days. There is no rhyme or reason for the difference in number of days. It just happens.

It shouldn’t be too much longer before you are notified.

When did you apply: July 1
When did you get your UIN: July 9
When did you receive your admission decision: September 19
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Auto and Academic
Major/College of Choice: Viz
Class Rank: 3/35
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1410
ACT (with Sub Scores) n/a

Hello! I’m posting for me, I’ve been watching this forum and i never posted, so now I thought now or never! I am accepted to A&M and I am going to A&M! I can’t wait to be a part of the Aggie family! I noticed that there were other kids accepted to the Viz major, and I was wondering if we could link up and maybe talk about how excited we are about being future Aggies or something! Either way, I am super excited to be an Aggie! Thanks for having me!

I asked this earlier…but I don’t think anyone answered or maybe there is no answer…

Are there any hidden secrets of knowing whether you are engineering admitted before its official similar to the 6 tabs thing for regular admission?