TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

oh and congrats to your daughter!!!

@JaceyK @applicantmom is correct. They literally put down hours per week for how many weeks for every service/organization etc. It’s time consuming, but yes, have him redo it!

For my son:

When did you apply: 7/1
When did you receive your admission decision: In Review
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: 1st choice major is Allied Health; 2nd choice major is Biology
Class Rank: 16%
GPA: 3.68
College Credit: Co-Enrolled courses
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1220; R-630, M-590
ACT (with Sub Scores): 26 Composite; E-24, M-24, R-27, S-27

I have not seen many posts about Allied Health majors. My son has several extracurricular activities. He also answered “no” to Blinn Team in his application. He sent a follow up email and admissions told him while they could not update this information on his application, they would print his email and attach it to his admissions file for review. Any thoughts from anyone on if his scores and class rank will be enough to get in (Blinn or otherwise)? Thanks in advance.

@amber4176 His ranking is really good and ACT/SAT is average (which isn’t a bad or good thing). I’ve seen many get in with less! Allied health is a popular major so it’ll just depend on where they are when she gets his acceptance. If it’s full, then Bio it is. Glad you called admissions. Definitely doesn’t hurt! Good luck and keep us posted!

Will do! Thanks!

@AggieMomhelp @CamandCam @Thelma2 Thank you guys
And @AggieMomhelp , what is the residual ACT?

He’s going to just do a Volunteer Hours sheet and upload that. It isn’t much though. For two organizations (Best Buddies and HOSA), he’s done about 3-6 hours/week but he also works 25 (sometimes 30) hours/week on top of 2 AP classes and 3 other Health classes (Pathophysiology, Medical MicroBiology and Medical Terminology). He’s got some random hours for walks and a couple of other event type things but not long term. Sigh…not sure if it’s worth it.

@dyl3131 it last years act taken at tamu in their testing center. Scores will only go towards Tamu. However, they do round up!! My so. Got a 26.25 and they gave him a 27 on the score. He ended with a 28 on the national one, but I found it interesting they rounded up. National does too but only at .5 nit .25. Taking it at Tamu shows your level of commitment that you are truly interested. And they grade it within 24 hours. Only negative is you have to take it here (on campus) and you cannot write on any part of the test. There’s a website. Google residual act at Tamu. It’s like www.dars… and I don’t know after that lol

Oh it is more expensive.

My daughter applied to tamu on October 6th and got the application acknoledgement on the 9th. Her sat score is an 1190 and her class rank is 233/360. She has taken AP and DC classes. She is a review admit. Her EC’s are that she’s been in band for four years (a section leader for 2) and done many things like jazz band/region band, been on the school news paper for two years (news editor her first year and the co-editor this year), 50 hours of community service and is apart of spanish national honor society. What are her chances of getting in? Shes also having two teachers write recs for her for the nov 1st deadline.

Hey @sallymnewt sounds like your daughter loves music. I wish I had that dedication and appreciation for something! To be completely honest, with her rank in the 3rd quarter and her sat score below average (i hate standardized tests) my opinion is she’ll get PSA. If being an Aggie is her dream, Blinn is one of the top community colleges and a gateway into Tamu. The PSA program would put her in a system school and then she could transfer after a year if she makes the required GPA. Both options are great. I do feel like it’s easier to transfer from Blinn after 24 credits than doing PSA program. But again, it’s my opinion. I know many students that went this route. Please note I am not talking about Blinn Team.

I do not want to discourage your hope. This is truly based on what I’ve seen since class or 2019 based on numbers. It is never set in stone! I wish you nothing but the best and please keep us posted on outcome! This forum is great for support and answers. It saved me back in the day when I went through it with my daughter (got psa and transferred in from out of state school will graduate in dec class of 2019) and again with my son (class of 2022).

It’s not where you start but where you finish!

@amber4176 i am currently a freshman BIO major at A&M! I had very similar stats to your son last year which i posted earlier in the forum because I remember how much this thread helped me. I highly recommend to keep taking SAT and ACT until you no longer can. I took 8 in total bur really believe the slight improvement in my scores was how i got full admit over blinn team. My friend with almost the exact same stats as your son received blinn team and she loves it. However, it honestly will likely be a close call and could go either way. But even if he does receive blinn team i would really encourage him to accept it. I have so many blinn team friends and they all speak so highly of it!

@HopefulAg22 What SAT score set you over the edge for full admit?

I have a question about my son’s chances of getting into A&M. He attends a challenging private high school that does not rank. He takes a bunch of AP classes and makes A’s and B’s (and a couple of C’s). When A&M ranked him, they put him into the 2nd Quarter which was a bit surprising to me. His other metrics are pretty good - 1380 SAT (740 Math), lots of EC (Cross country team captain, NHS, etc.) and work experience (worked in technology department at school, has worked/interned for two start up technology companies doing computer programming).

He would like to study business (MIS) or technology management.

Is the second quarter ranking going to kill him?

@dyl3131 engineering full admit is very tough so they may offer you Blinn which is an excellent way in if that is your dream… Your stats are decent for full admit to another major though. Did you have a 2nd choice on your application?

@Newaggiefamily If I get offered Blinn, I would be very happy and take it.
Second choice major was Mays, and I know that is just as hard to get into. :frowning:

@Mommydoodle don’t give up hope. My son applied the day the app opened so that may be a reason for the early decision too.I feel that his review was truly holistic because he had many volunteer hours and leadership positions in DECA and other extra curriculars. His letters of recommendation were from a business teacher and his youth pastor and were outstanding. We have zero connections at A&M so we were pleasantly surprised he found out so soon. It also may help that he has visited the school 3 times. The admission person we spoke to said they look at that as well for in State applicants. It shows commitment to the school. I hope this helps anyone feeling nervous.

@Newaggiefamily I was thinking about changing my second choice from Mays to construction science and then minor in business.
What do you guys think?

@dyl3131 if that is something that sounds interesting to you then go for it. Mays fills up quickly so it might be a good option. My son had wildlife and fisheries science as his second choice major.

Do you guys think Mays would be full by the time they might start reviewing me after a possible unfortunate engineering review?
In other words, by the time a decision is made for me on engineering, would Mays be full. So would changing my second choice major be a good thing?

When did you apply: October 21st
When did you get your UIN: October 24th
When did you receive your admission decision: Waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Mays
Class Rank: 450/1354 (33.2% in state public school)
SAT (with Sub Scores) None
ACT (with Sub Scores) 30 ( 32 R, 29 M, 33 E, 26 S)

Hello, I was wondering what a likely admission pathway is. (Full, Blinn, other, not accepted). I go to a very large, competitive high school. I have a strong essay, an internship in the business world (Which is now a part time job), pretty strong extracurriculars (High School track, soccer, club soccer, NJHS, NHS), good volunteer work (200 hrs plus over 4 years), and strong recommendation letters from a counselor and an AP English teacher who’s daughter attended A&M. My second major is economics. (MS) Also, is it possible I could find out before January which is what they initially said when I visited? Thanks!