TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@JaceyK if that’s the case, I’ll have to talk to him about the ACT option on campus, but he is anxious about the time constraints on ACT.

FYI required documents will be accepted through Dec. 8th. Application deadline is Dec. 1st. Good to know.

@AdamBarket There is no way to know when the next release of decisions will be. Auto and academic admits find out daily, as their applications are processed.

All anyone here can do is guess, based on trends of past years. This year, has already thrown past trends out the window, as in the past 3 cycles, the first review applicant decisions did not come out until late Nov or early Dec, with the bulk being mid January-March.

On another forum where an Admissions Officer posts information, (TexAgs) said this recently “Not many review decisions are being made at this point. Most will be after the first of the year.”

So, despite a few review admits receiving decisions earlier than year past, it was a minimal release and if past admission cycles are any indication, mid-late Nov or mid December before admin goes on Winter break, would be when the next release of decisions for review applicants. The majority WILL be January and later. By law, A&M has to accept all top 10% admits and because A&M does not review applicants for their major (except Engineering) the top 10% and Academic Admits are placed in their first choice major. They must accept/place all of these admits first and
then will move on to the review applicants decisions.

The AO went on to say “For review admits, A&M evaluates class rank (not specifically GPA), test scores and everything else submitted with your application - outside activities, leadership, employment, the essays, etc. So there would be a holistic review of all the above factors and you are compared to other applicants in that year’s pool on those items”

A review applicant can be reviewed many times using their set of metrics and then compared to the other applicants to determine the admission decision offered.

Letters of recommendation should be uploaded by Nov. 1st (tomorrow :frowning: ) right?

@dyl3131 you have until Dec. 8th for all supporting documents.

@AggieMomhelp @Thelma2 Wow, thank yall for the vast amount of information provided… it really helps a lot… yall are legends in my book! :smiley:

@AggieMomhelp Okay thank you! For some reason I thought I saw something about Nov. 1st being the deadline, but I must be making stuff up

@dyl3131 lol don’t make it harder on yourself! It’s already stressful enough! :slight_smile: :))

@AggieMomhelp haha, I’m already stressing about that ACT last weekend. I was really focusing on making my math score better. Hopefully I can get my composite to a 31 or so with at least a 30 in math.

There is a lot of good information about review applicants on the Texas A&M Website and unfortunately, it is not all on one page, so I have attached some links here to explore further.
under Frequently Asked Questions:

I am in review. What are my chances of getting admitted?

About 35% of review applicants receive some form of admission to Texas A&M. There are several different admission options including:
• Full Admission to Texas A&M
• Texas A&M Blinn TEAM http://blinnteam.tamu.edu/
• Engineering Academy at Blinn https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/academies/blinn-bryan/index.html
• Aggie Gateway to Success https://tap.tamu.edu/gateway
• Engineering at Galveston https://engineering.tamu.edu/admissions-and-aid/engineering-at-galveston/index.html
• Higher Education Center at McAllen http://admissions.tamu.edu/HECM

If I haven’t received a decision by now does it mean I am getting denied?

No, we must closely monitor our class size to determine how many students from holistic review may be admitted and when. The goal is for all students applying for the fall semester to have a decision by the end of March.

Review applicants who applied to A&M College Station could receive an offer of admission to the McAllen Higher Education Center. Click on Degrees for a listing of Colleges/Majors here http://admissions.tamu.edu/HECM

Applications are due to A&M by December 1. Supporting documents are due by December 8. Click on When to Apply. http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshman/apply#deadlines

Here is a great link for parents. https://www.tamu.edu/parents/index.html
There are links at the bottom as well for Fish Camp (Registration usually opens in late May) I encourage parents and students to explore the links on the pages. On the NSC link, click on the Answered Questions and there is a long list of question links and you can find out all kinds of useful info.

Review Applicant Release Dates for class 2022
Full Admission Offers
Nov 21
Dec 21
Jan 11
Feb 5
Blinn Team
Feb 7
Feb 8
Feb 15
Feb 20
Feb 23
March 8

These were the for a lot of the applicants but not all. There were admission decisions that came out after March 8 that were for full, TEAM, Gateway and McAllen. They are more of a trickle and here and there vs a lot of decisions being released at once.

Class 2021 was all over the place and many types of admissions came out on the same day as was the case with class 2020. Full admissions came out the same day as the first Blinn Team release and PSA came out along with the second Blinn Team release. So who knows how they will be released this year.

Thank you for this great summary @Thelma2. You amaze me with all of the information you’ve gathered - I can only imagine how much time it takes. This year seems a little different in that they are already admitting review candidates for Mays (which is what my son is interested in). Typically, if a candidate for Mays is not offered full admission, what is offered to them? Blinn? McAllen? Just trying to figure out the possibilities.

Again, many thanks for all of your help.

@SAMomofOne Is your question what if Mays is full but offered full admit?

and @thelma2… my son was admitted on the 15th last year of december. That was the 2nd round date.

@AggieMomhelp ARG 8-} I meant to write Dec 15 and I typed the Nov date!! YES! It was December 15!!

@SAMomofOne I started taking notes when my son was going through the process back in 2015. There were great folks on here helping and I would copy and paste into a word doc all of the info. It just morphed from there and I keep fairly organized notes now of the info/links. And despite all we know, things can change year to year. Some changes are known (like when the application date moved from Aug 1 to July 1) to a lot we don’t and we see it for the first time as it happens. The McAllen admission decision was a new decision we say offered last year for College Station applicants.

Yes, this year is different with a small amount of review applicants receiving a decision. Very out of the usual for the past three admission cycles.

If a review applicant is admitted to the university, they will automatically go to place that applicant into their first choice major. If that first choice major is full (like Mays), then they will place that applicant in their second choice major. The applicant can change their major.

The FAQ page says this: Switching Majors once accepted
For transfer applicants, no. For freshman, you can see if your change of major link is still active for you on your AIS page. Generally it will be until your New Student Conference.

Know that if a review applicant was not placed in their first choice major to begin with, they will not be able to change to it once accepted.

If a review applicant is not offered full admission, they can be offered Blinn Team. Blinn Team is co enrollment and there is a pathway agreement one must satisfy in order for auto acceptance into their major of choice. Otherwise, they apply for their major of choice. Blinn Team is not a guarantee of admission to A&M. It is a conditional acceptance. The link I posted earlier for Blinn Team has a link to all of the pathway agreements between Blinn and A&M. There is one for Mays. It is very competitive and not easy. Gateway is a provisional program in summer and students are fully admitted if they complete the summer session successfully.

I have not researched all of the majors offered at Mc Allen but if memory serves, a business school is not one of them. They are mostly geared towards the science/health degrees and there are a couple of engineering degrees.

Hi @Thelma2 , thank you for all your information! When you say the the auto and academic admits can find out daily is that with the exception of the engineering major as they then go in holistic review? Or once they are put into holistic review will they wait until all applications in and roll out those admissions in waves? Thanks for any input as I realize things may change year to year regarding admissions.

@AggieMomhelp and @Thelma2 - thanks for the info. My question is what if my son is not offered full admission for his first degree choice (Mays) or his second degree choice (AgBusiness). But, is offered another pathway for admission. Normally, where do they send those students? I see that there is a location for engineering students. Just curious - that’s all. The link you provided @Thelma2 was great (http://blinnteam.tamu.edu/) Unfortunately, the listings for Mays Business School found at that link (for the pathway agreement) no longer work. So, wondering where most “business” students go that are not offered full admission. I’m assuming Blinn TEAM is a possibility. Any others?

Thanks again. It’s just a wait and see thing now. Applying for early action for several other schools. : )

I guess I am still confused as to your question @SAMomofOne He will not be admitted into a major to start. He will be admitted to TAMU in a general sense. Then they try to put you into your first choice major and then second if the first is full. I’m pretty sure most everyone will at least get their second choice major (at least). A student will never be denied acceptance into TAMU based on choice of major.

IF he isn’t admitted to TAMU, then the other pathways are reviewed to see if he fits in there. That would be blinn team or gateway. The last is PSA and I hate to be the one to say it, but it’s basically a denial but with a great shot of being automatically admitted after fulfilling the PSA requirements.

If he gets Blinn Team, then there is a relationship with Mays that is an option I believe, but I don’t know the specifics. But again, a student will not get Blinn Team just because Mays is full… Does that make sense? The two are completely independent of each other.

Just realized that I’m not eligible for any alternative admission decisions, PSA might have been an option but they don’t offer either of my majors. It really is a hit or miss!