TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@toesinthewater Keep watching the AIS for things to be checked off. The college could have it and all is fine in the file but it can be a few days to a week or two for the AIS to get updated. If it doesn’t, call. When my son was applying in fall of 2015, his transcript never updated on AIS (I think they showed red X’s and green check marks) so I called and there was a problem. The one that was mailed did not list the second semester of Jr year! It was just a mistake and was easily remedied but you do have to be vigilant and not let things go.

@Thelma2 , I think I was looking in the wrong place! I can now see where she was placed in the 1st Quartile for Class Rank even though she is #1 in her class. Her guidance counselor said she wrote in her letter that she is #1 so I don’t know if they will not honor that or if they haven’t seen it. I’m not sure if I should have my daughter inquire further or just let it be. It seems that non ranking schools hurt those in the top 10%.

@TXRunningMom Congrats on her being #1 in her class.
As far as auto admit top 10% and academic admit goes, they are the same thing, just with different designations for tracking stats. Whether they designate her top 10 or academic, they all will be “lumped together” as far as when receiving the admissions decision.

@TXRunningMom , please explain your post: "I can now see where she was placed in the 1st Quartile for Class Rank… ". Where did you see that? Was it in AIS or Howdy portal or somewhere else? Thanks!

@Thelma2 , thanks for your reply and this forum. This whole top 10% thing for non-ranking schools is more than a little confusing. I’m still not 100% sure about it. But, if not, he should still be an academic admit for his ACT scores unless they’ve changed that. Is the ACT academic admit requirement still: Composite score of 30 with at least 27 English and 27 Math?

@CamandCam yes to your act question.

@Thelma2 Still red X’s after 6 days. Ill give a couple more days because of labor day weekend then i will call or something.

@CamandCam , yes, I went into the Howdy Portal and the AIS login and clicked on the Applicant tab. There is a checklist of Documents there. Earlier, I was missing going in through the AIS login. It was probably there the whole time!!

You’re in the right place. This forum is amazingly helpful, as the college process is vastly different than in our day as well as things can change from year to year.
I have three currently in college at different universities (eldest graduating in May) with youngest at TAMU. TAMU was a lot harder to navigate than 3 other uni’s for nearly everything when youngest was applying in summer 2015 for fall 2016. There are quite a few parents who have stayed around to help the incoming classes navigate it all. It was a Godsend for us.
Just about everything is competitive at TAMU. Admissions is only the beginning. Then there is securing your housing if apply within 30 days of your admissions decision, getting your preferred NSC date, On campus parking pass (which sell out), getting the classes you need, etc. Do not be alarmed at NSC when you hear/experience students coming away with only 2 -3 classes and must wait til add drop week to complete their schedule. Once you’ve been through the ringer, so to speak, you understand the chaos and roll with it :smiley:

@TXRunningMom , thank you for your reply. I want to make sure I have it straight. So, on your daughter’s AIS page, below where it says “My App Is Complete And In Review”, there is a checklist of “Documents Required for Admission” . In that list of documents, is that where it states “Class Rank 1st Quartile” for your daughter? On my son’s AIS page, under “Documents Required for Admission” it states “Class Rank” followed by his numerical rank and his class size with a green checkmark beside it. His page doesn’t mention a quartile or a percentage. Sorry to be obtuse, but there are so many pages, tabs and lists, etc., I want to make sure I’m looking in the right place.

@Thelma2 , I agree 100%, this forum is a Godsend. Each post has great questions and info. BTW, I’ve read some others reporting on the number of tabs in their Howdy portals. My son’s Howdy still has three tabs, not six. Hopefully, that’s not a bad sign at this point? I think his app was all complete and in review around Aug 20.

You mentioned above some other activities in the whole process. In general, once an applicant has been extended an offer and subsequently accepted the offer, when can they register for NSC, housing, parking pass, etc?

@CamandCam , Yes, beside Class Rank (1st Quarter) with a green check mark…that is what it says. Good luck to your student! I guess we will be hearing in a couple of weeks! (hopefully)

@CamandCam If both your and @TXRunningMom both come from non-ranking high schools, and TXrRunningMom’'s applicant lists the quartile and yours lists the numberic number X of XX, then it appears, as the website says, that some schools that do not rank can send in rankings for the top 10%. Your applicant’s counselor may not have personally provided it but perhaps someone in the office did, like you said, via the TREx system?

The tabs can mean something. Here’s the thing. Admissions decisions begin to be released about the third week in September. That said, every applicant who applied up to that point who is an auto admit (top 10%) and academic admit (also considered auto admission but A&M makes a distinction for stats purposes), will not receive their decision on the first day decisions are release. That said, the decisions will start rolling out regularly for auto/academic admits after that date. So, if you don’t get tabs leading up to mid Sept, don’t fret. Being an auto/academic admit, you will get your admissions decision soon. Applicants who apply after the date of decision release, usually get their admissions within 3-7 days.

I have to run right this minute so I will address your other questions later or someone else may chime in with the answers.

Housing will be done as soon as you get your notification of acceptance. You have 30 days to get priority housing but I can tell you that doesn’t mean a whole lot. Your student will get housing but you won’t actually select dorm and room until much later (like May).

NSC will be open in Jan/Feb if it follows last year. We signed up on Feb. 1st.

Parking is done much later… like it’s open from May til mid July to select parking (dates may be fuzzy, but that’s pretty close). My son is in White Creek so they are guaranteed a spot there. My daughter has been in Cain for 2 years so she was guaranteed her spot. Others weren’t as lucky and ended up in Lot 100 (around Reed Arena). It’s honestly not that bad of a location.

So really, the only crazy stress is signing up for housing asap and paying deposit. Then sit back and wait for the rest. If you have any questions on housing (locations/types etc.)… ask away.

Parking Pass registration opens around the first part of April (was April 4 this year) and closes in July (July 11 this year) Apply the first week, if not the first day for a parking pass.

If you live on campus, having a spot close to the dorm isn’t a big deal. The bus system, can take you around campus and to the far lots if you don’t want to walk.

When you live off campus, many apartment places have a bus stop with in walking distance, but not all. Sometimes the bus stop can be quite a walk. Getting a parking spot on campus is a bigger issue if you are not on a bus stop or close to one. Kids will learn the bus system. There is an app that shows where the buses are in current time on every route. They will also learn that if they have an 8 am class, their bus stop is not the first stop, the bus that comes by at 7:15 may be full and the one that comes at 7:45 will be too late, so they must catch the 6:45 one.

It will likely get buried, but I’ll make a thread on parking, then the info can be resurrected easily than wading through the results thread.

Does anyone know when the websites update with information? I was told it’s only once a day. If that’s the case, is it at midnight, noon, 2:00 p.m.?? Any insight anyone has is appreciated.

Also, my son’s rank is 2nd quarter, with SAT of 1330 and ACT of 31. Does he have a chance in hell of getting in, or should I return my Aggie Dad shirt to The Warehouse?

lol @aggiedad2023 Where does your son fall in the 2nd quarter? And in his essay does he explain why he isn’t in top 25%? In prior years, 2nd quarter is almost impossible but there’s always a chance. His ECs and LOR plus essay need to make up for the rank. ACT is great though!! Keep us posted and keep the shirt!!! There’s always alternatives. It’s not where you start but where you finish!!! Keep the faith.

@aggiedad2023 What is his major?
Every single review applicant only has a chance in hell if their major is anything within Mays business school. Mays only takes 1000 freshmen each year and those spots are taken up by the auto/academic admits and it is usually filled up by Mid Nov back when apps opened Aug. 1. Since Apps opened a month earlier last year, I don’t recall it being reported that Mays was filled up a month sooner. Auto and academic admits are denied from Mays if they apply after they are filled to capacity and are placed in their second choice major, and if also full, asked to pick another major that is open.

Second quarter applicants are at a disadvantage for offers of admission but with that said, there were applicants last year who were second quarter who were offered full and Blinn Team. Your son’s 31 is great.

The rank and test scores are viewed together and they make up around 50% of the decision. The essays, personal achievement, etc. make up the other 50%. When A&M looks at the rank and test scores, they determine a projected GPA at TAMU. They use algorithms to combine a student’s rank and test scores and it produces 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, so on and so forth. Once they see what a student’s projected GPA is, we begin weighing all the other components.

I am a still a little confused about housing. If my ds is accepted to A&M (he is academic admit) but is still waiting to hear from other schools before deciding to attend A&M, do I still sign him up for housing?

Also, I know merit scholarships are uncommon, but are students notified of university scholarships (such as the Century Scholarship) at the same time they receive notice of admission? If not, when are these scholarships awarded?