TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Yes. IF she isn’t able to speak to one, then call regional advisor.

Thank you @AggieMomhelp, @AggieMomAgain and @Thelma2 We will keep the faith and she will contact the admissions office. I am also contacting her school to see if they would be willing or able to provide her exact rank so they would use that instead of 50%. Then at least they would know she was really really close. Breathing now :slight_smile:

Daughter and I have been reading this thread and watching for admission decision for weeks. She’s top 22% of her class, 96.5 GPA, couple of HUNDRED volunteer hours, varsity golf, held down a job the past 2 years, received awards in leadership and golf from the Ben Hogan Foundation and school. Older daughter is at A&M and each visit to games/sorority makes her want to attend even more. Last visit, we toured an off campus apartment and she was ready for me to sign before they lease all the size rooms that she wants—says she’d rather be at Blinn next year than the colleges she’s already been accepted to (Tech, Tx State, OU).

My question: how difficult would it be to transfer from Blinn? Also, what if she were given the TAMU Galveston option with transfer and she ONLY wants to live in CS so passes that option up?

@Doctoraine As you have probably seen, my daugther may be in the same situation, although yours may have better luck with 22%. She desparately wants to be an Aggie even if it means going to Blinn first. We visited last weekend and toured apartments. She loves The Standard. Rise and Aspire were nice too. When her friends get acceptance we may pull the trigger and sign even if she hasn’t heard. But good question about Blinn. My daughter said no to PSA on application because she wants to be in CS.
Following responses.

My daughter LOVED Aspire. We are ready to sign as soon as we know a decision!

In my opinion and experience with friends kiddos, not hard to transfer into Tamu from blinn after 24 completed and graded transferable hours. This can include dual but not AP. Check out your students desired major and see what basic requirements are (gpa, required courses) and you’ll get an idea. My daughter had 3.3 I believe from OSU/Blinn and got into college of ag in dept of RPTS. There are tougher majors of course and then easier ones to slide into like Ag Leadership. But typically on most majors aside from sciences/business/and engineering… if you have a solid gpa of 3.4 or higher and a solid essay to support why you are choosing major and tamu, it seems to be pretty easy. Much lower gpas get in as well, I’m just saying with a 3.4 you should be set for most majors.

Blinn is a great college and is not easy. Some Tamu profs lecture there as well. They will get a solid foundation and be ready to tackle Tamu. And everyone is treated like an Aggie here. And so many Aggies take some classes at Blinn so it won’t affect Tamu GPA, so it’s a great mix!!!

Now… let’s think positive thoughts on getting straight into Tamu now that you know backup plan is still great!

Does anyone know the date of the last batch of Engineering admits? Trying to guess when the next batch might be released.

Any idea when review admits will start receiving decisions? Or if any have been sent out already?

@DanaCS From what I have seen a few have gone out in Engineering, Mays, and even some other schools. I also understand this is not the norm from past years.

When did you apply: 9/13/18
When did you get your UIN: 9/17/18
When did you receive your admission decision: Waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Civil Engineering (1st); Construction Science (2nd)
Class Rank: 112/520 but high school no longer ranks
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1330 (Math 710, Reading 620)

These are my son’s stats along with a 3.72 unweighed (4.66 weighed) GPA, over 100 hours of community service, 4 years varsity football (2 years captain), varsity wrestling 2 years, varsity powerlifting 2 years, and National Honor Society. He has also worked since his freshman year at the same job averaging about 20 hours a week. One thing that concerns me is that even though his school ranked him (112/520, 21.5%) at the end of his junior year and that rank shows on the transcript sent to TAMU, his school stopped ranking this year. Now on AIS, his rank shows as 2nd quarter. I am afraid that could really hurt his chances. He has been accepted into Oklahoma State, OU, and Texas Tech but Texas A&M is his first choice.

@highhopes25 I would definitely call on this. Ranking should be at the end of junior year. That’s a huge jump from 21.5% to 2nd quartile. His SAT is above average, so that’s really good!

Thank you @AggieMomhelp My son sent a message to TAMU about it and they responded that since his high school no longer ranks, TAMU assigns a rank for them. I just don’t understand how that is the case when my understanding was that TAMU uses your information from your freshman year to the end of your junior year. His high school ranked him at the end of his junior year but they won’t accept that. His high school didn’t stop ranking until this year (his senior year). Maybe a phone call would explain things more clearly.

@highhopes25 Our school stopped ranking this year too. We ended up in 2nd quartile as well but actually were every so slightly in that range. We are working with the high school counselor to write a recommendation letter that includes information about how close she was to 25%. Not sure if it will help but gonna give it a try.

So, my son has an odd issue. He applied as a Chem E major. He is in top 10% and was admitted almost 2 months ago. He is still in engineering review and I suspect he will not be full admit due to mediocre SAT math (650). Hoping for Blinn Engineering Academy. But… he is having something of a mid life crisis. Debating the Chem E major. Working with a career counselor because he has no idea what to do with his life. Now thinking sales/marketing. Wow. Afraid to pull him out of Engineering line. But I am afraid Mays may be full now. If not, certainly by the time he finally gets an answer from engineering review. What a mess! Upsetting, but also hard to expect a high school senior to know what to do with the rest of his life!

When did you apply: not yet
When did you get your UIN: hopefully soon
When did you receive your admission decision: Waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Mechanical Engineering (1st); Electrical Engineering (2nd)
Class Rank: International school in Bolivia does not rank yet
SAT 1320 (Math 670, Reading 650)
Gpa 3.4
I’ve been in international schools all of my life and have moved to 6 diffrent countries (Bolivia Brazil Mexico US Malaysia Ecuador)
Extracurricular: Jv rugby 9th grade 3months JV volleyball 9th grade (3 months) Varsity volleyball 10th grade (3 months) Boxing 2 years
have been in my schools EEE club which is basically an equal rights club for all of the 11th grade.

What are my chances to get in?

Also on Apply Texas it only tells me to do one essay “topic A” Since i am an international freshman does that mean that i only have to do topic A? since its the only option on apply texas for freshmen.

@Thelma2 @aGGieENGiNeeR @AggieMomhelp

@dinkoduk yes you’ll only do essay A. They will only read one and regardless of domestic or international, it’s the same (plus engineering essay that’s required unless I’m mistaken). Tamu will place you in a quartile based on gpa and school demographics.

Also I wouldn’t put engineering as your first and second choice. And you need to get on this application. Most engineering students have had their app in since October 15th. Waiting til the deadline is not beneficial to any student.

Now for your chances. Your sat score is pretty good, but not sure how it compares with other engineering students. You do bring something different to the table since you have international experience so I think that will work in your favor. Without knowing you’re rank or other ec stuff since you moved around a lot, I don’t have a good idea on where you’ll fall. If ranked favorably, I wouldn’t be surprised if you received full admit and or an engineering academy. Please keep us posted and if you have any questions let us know.

@93Aggie it is sooo hard trying to have them decide. If he has any lingering thoughts on eng then I’d stay put. Not sure how easy he could switch into eng once he starts. Mays accepts change of majors so he would at least have a shot at this if he changes his mind on eng later. And… why not minor in business to start out? Take a class a semester the first year and see how it feels. If he looooves it and struggles in eng then bam there’s your answer. If he loves eng then he can still utilize the minor. Also have him look at IDIS in engineering. May really like that route. Or under Mays… supply chain management. Kind of an eng mind in the business world. So many options my fiend!!! He has time (ish) ?

I’ve already applied to A&M as a review applicant. My SAT score is 1240 and I’m in the 2nd percentile. I want to retake the SAT in December 1st but the deadline is also December 1st. If I don’t recieve my admission status by then, can I still send in my December SAT score or will it not even be looked at since its past the deadline? I heard that A&M accepts additional scores past the deadline as long as you’ve already submitted one SAT score for your application to be considered. I don’t know how valid this is so I’m asking for confirmation.

When did you apply: Nov. 1
When did you get your UIN: Nov. 3
When did you receive your admission decision: N/A
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Sociology
Class Rank: 50/474 (10.6%)
SAT: 1220
extracurriculars include:
hosa (all four years)
uil academics (academic competition) - journalism - editorial and news writing
yearbook - people editor
quill and scroll (journalism honor society)
national honor society
national english honor society
junior volunteer at local hospital - 106 hours
other volunteer hours - 50 Hours
job at a local pet store - 20 hours a week
“job” caring for autistic brother since freshman year - about 30-40 hours a week
5th place - news writing - uil academics , 3rd place - editorial writing - uil academics , 3rd place - hosa area team - state qualifiers

do i have any chance of gaining full admission to tamu?

@medgal I pray Tamu gives you full admission. Your rank is such a plus. I’ve known many students with low test scores but almost top 10% get full admission. You obviously have a passion for what you want to do and that you should be extremely proud. You have a servants heart. Best of luck and please keep us posted!

@futureaggie405 both rank and test scores are below average for full admit. I have never heard of them reviewing or accepting scores after the deadline. If it were me, I’d take the residual ACT at Tamu. They’ll score it right away (24 hours) and thus will count towards application! Look this option up on Tamu site. It’s under DARS testing etc. if you can’t find it let me know. I’ll go grab the link. Best of luck!