TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@TXDad56 Though the university has received it, it can take a few days to a few weeks for it to show up on AIS

@libbyshims very few review admits have received admissions thus far, which is a first time in a long time that review admits received a decision before the application deadline and there likely won’t be more coming out before December 1.
Last year, there were two waves of full admit decisions for review applicants. One was Nov. 21 and the second was Dec. 15. After the new year, there were full admissions decisions for review applicants January 11 and February 5.

@TXDad56 I had to send mine in through the mail and it took about 5-6 business days and showed that they received it in the Portal about a day after it was received.

Just got accepted!


No Sub Scores
Class Rank: 25/460
Major: Civil Engineering
Ethnicity: Asian
Applied: 10/15 11:59 PM (srsly)
Good Recs, Decent Essay

Extracurricculars were average

@Thelma2 thank you for the information again!!! how do you know mays is full?

When did you apply: 9/19
When did you get your UIN: 9/21
When did you receive your admission decision: n/a
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: 1st Mays 2nd Economics
Class Rank: 415/1091 38%
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1470 math 780 reading 690
ACT (with Sub Scores) Did not take
GPA 3.6 unweighted 4.0 weighted
15 dual credit hours
Few ECs and awards
Works at the same job since he was 16 around 30 hours a week.

Howdy! I’ve been a lurker for the past month on this thread and figured I’d post my sons scores for those keeping track through the years. We always heard how difficult it is to get into Aggieland if you are not in top 10% so really didn’t think he had a chance. He loved the business school at Texas State and would be in the honors program there with his first SAT Score of 1280. He decided to take it again to see if he could get any higher and he did very well. So, we toured A&M and it is now his first choice even if he could get Blinn team. For those of you who keep track, what are his chances? We know Mays is full, so Economics is his second choice. Thanks!

@jk3287 Historically, Mays is full by mid Nov, before the application deadline. On another forum, there is an A&M admissions advisor that posts the info as well.

I have been on this forum since fall 2015, since my youngest was going through the process and Mays has always been full by this time. Also, review admits have not gained admission prior. It has always been filled by auto/academic admits who are admitted as soon as their applications are processed and auto/academic admits who applied mid Nov were placed in second choice major or asked to chose another major because Mays was full.

Mays only takes 1000 freshmen (more than 1000 offers will be made with anticipation roughly 1000 will accept. Class 2021 had over 100 more accept than they anticipated and less offers were made for class 2022.

@akbuffs My eldest is at Texas State in the business school with a certificate in entrepreneurship and graduates in May. It has been a great school and experience. Stay away from the Vista’s Apartments. Great location. Horribly managed. Apartments flood with heavy rain. They lose rent checks or credit to wrong accounts. Run by kids and getting an adult is almost impossible. Even when there is an issue, the adults will not speak to the resident, they go through the student workers.

So my kids went to the Aggieland Information day together yesterday (dd applied as transfer, ds applied as freshman), my son is getting so discouraged because of the stats they spilled out yesterday. The one stat ringing in his head is: “3994 out of 42000 review applications are granted full admission”. I reminded him that even if that were true, he still needs to remember that we don’t know the stats OF those 3994 accepted. I also reminded him that he is literally on the cusp of being an Academic Admit with a 29 (29.25) ACT and 13% rank. Anyone happen to know what the average stats are for the Review Admits? I don’t want to get his hopes up so I also told him that they have to review past the rank and test scores for review admits as well. TAMU is definitely his school - I am doing whatever I can to help him get to the Academic Admit so we are going 11/27 to take the residual ACT. :-SS [-O<

@JaceyK I have not heard of anyone with your sons stats not get in with full admit.

@AggieMomhelp I hope that’s true - I think we are both very nervous because he submitted his application not finishing the volunteer and extracurricular sections which we quickly remedied with two documents (resume and list of volunteer hours). His teacher FINALLY gave him a LOR (took a month) which we uploaded Friday (it also outlines his dedication to tutoring Pre-Ap Biology students (which I had no clue about!!! And he didn’t put in resume - he is more modest than I thought lol)). So it’s definitely not lack of trying on his part - he’s been to two information visits and a football game in last 6 weeks. Says he wishes he could fast forward to next Fall. LOL.

@JaceyK - I’ve posted these stats before. You may want to show them to him. This is my interpretation of a slide presented at the Houston area A&M office.

This is from a 2018 slide presented by the office of admissions. Freshman class 22 by the numbers. 41,760 total applicants.
26.7% - Top 10% 11,159
11.1% - Academic 4,646
9.9% - Review full 4,115
9.1% - Review Alternative 3,813

27.6% -PSA 11,518
15.6% - Denied 6,509 (when I went with my daughter to a regional TAMU application workshop meeting - they said the majority of the denials were incomplete or late applications)

So I looked at further - to see the distribution of the Holistic Review applicants - I removed the Top 10, Academic, and Denials/incomplete. That left 19,446 of what I would term competitive holistic review applications.

59.2% - PSA
21.1% - Review full
19.6% - Review alternative

@AggieMomhelp My son called about the fact that his schooled ranked him at 21.5% but it shows 2ns quarter in AIS. They said this was because his transcript only gave 112/520 as his rank and not an actual percentage. Does this sound correct? This makes me even more confused.

@highhopes25 That makes zero sense. In AIS, unless it’s changed, it will show the 112/520 vs. a quartile ranking. Does it show this AND 2nd quartile? There is someone in admissions that looks specifically at this and reviews transcripts so I’m sure he will be looked at as the top quarter… BUT, I would contact someone yourself and get this straight. Again, where are you seeing 2nd quartile as a ranking? My sons was the actual rank over number of students.

I guess It’s time to submit DD’s info!

When did you apply:9/2
When did you get your UIN:9/5
When did you receive your admission decision:
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: review
Major/College of Choice: Mays
Class Rank:20%
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1340; 700 R. 640 M
ACT (with Sub Scores)

@Thelma2 Can you tell us more about the business school at Tx State?

Yes I second the question about learning more about TX STATE business please…My daughter is auto admit (7%) there and A&M. Accepted into May’s and TX State McCoy already but waiting to hear from UT McCombs which I waffle on whether it’s a solid chance or not. Just got confirmation she has been accepted into honors at TX state and also a recipient of the President Honors Scholarship there. $$$ Hand written note from the dean there too which made it so personal, not a canned letter. Very impressed to say the least!! Hoping to hear from BHP at A&m. But also seems so hard to wait for UT (not honors there) when she has good options on the table already for programs that are more aggressive in recruiting vs waiting to hear if they like you or not. Lol but of course, want to weigh the programs overall. Thanks in advance and good luck everyone! The waiting is the hardest part of all of this!!!

@2019hope He’s on his way home as we speak. Anything you would like to know?
TX state is growing. applications have increased 34% since he applied. He graduates in May. Everything on campus is up hill or if you are up hill, you have to walk down hill and then back up hill to get to somewhere. Most professors have been awesome or good. Lots of events to participate in. Many upper level profs are in the corporate world as well as guess teachers from prominent businesses. I have three at 3 different universities and all three are getting a great education. The downside is that there is not a lot of school spirit, especially compared to A&M but there is some.

It is not the party school that it is said to be anymore than A&M or UT or NTSU.

Another degree to consider is Concrete Industry Management. Martin Marietta is just down the road in New Braunfels and headquartered in Dallas. Concrete is going to likely be making a huge impact in rebuilding after Hurricane Harvey (concrete and ICF houses/buildings were the only one’s standing after Harvey and the recent flooding of areas this past fall. Huge job markets coming in the industry.

@Thelma2 thank you so much! How would you describe job recruitment there? Lots of companies coming in? Easy to get interviews? Internship opportunities? DD has received some negativity about Tx State from other kids. (Silly).

Nobody does school spirit like Aggies…but was it easy to make friends at Tx State? I’d worry about the drop out rate a little , that might erode the friend group over time. (Sorry for the off topic- but there’s hardly any info from experienced CC’ers)

Quality of program…are they employed or close by graduation? Does it feel like a challenge/competitive? Everyone loves a highly rated program like May’s or McCombs, but is it truly a huge difference or are we all stressing over not much if they go for the money and starting in honors at McCoy?? Dont want to hijack this thread. Sorry!!!

@AggieMomhelp He shows only as 2nd Quarter in AIS. They do not have his 112/520 listed anywhere. Will they talk to me if I call or should my son call again? I am so frustrated and concerned. I truly believe the difference in this ranking could keep him from being a full admit.

New Aggie Mom here. I just wanted to tell all of you nervous applicants not to give up if Texas A&M is your dream school. My son was willing to take any offer to make his way in. He applied day one and had all his paperwork done and was expecting a Blinn team admit because of his 1240 SAT. Turns out, his 27 on the ACT, his extra curriculars, LORs, essay and Corps interest were enough to get him not only admittance to the school but into Mays as well. He had a great honors offer waiting for him at OSU and would have been very happy there as he has several friends there already. We loved OSU too. I tell you all this not to brag, but to tell you not to give up or feel like a failure if you have to take a different route to main campus. Enjoy this holiday season and the rest of your Senior year and hug your parents alot. No matter where you end up, they will be proudly cheering you on and will miss you!

@highhopes25 If he has already called and wants you to call, then I would. If he wants to try again, let him. Anyone else seeing quartiles only on AIS or do you see actual rank numbers? Also, you could call your sons school and ask them why it would show like this if he was truly ranked at end of junior year. Like what did they go off of for 2nd quartile? GPA?