TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

oh @BigHerms I totally got stuck on the 33 I didn’t even see the 1000. I have to say, that is extremely low, not even low average, just low. Without seeing the rest of the info, it’s impossible to say like a hard no way, but my gut would be a no and probably not even Team or Gateway. PSA is a great option as is just coming on up and going to Blinn for a year and getting 24 graded credits. Then apply as a transfer. Typically in the non competitive majors, a 3.0 can get you in. If your student is a better student than test taker, then this will not be a problem!!! Blinn students and Aggie students hang out all of the time. It’s a blurred line here. There’s no stigma because everyone has the same goal… graduate from TAMU with that gold ring on their hand!!! Please do keep us posted on both your kiddos.

@stewbie2 the colleges that really make it a point to look at aps w “holistic” approach would accept her in a second. Totally rooting for you!!!

You are all the sweetest. She’s stressing out about it, which in turn, makes me stress out about it. It’s just hard when you KNOW she’d be such an asset to the Aggie family. We’ll keep our fingers crossed, and our minds open. <3

@stewbie2 are you familiar with this https://today.tamu.edu/2018/02/22/spectrum-learning-community-to-connect-texas-am-students-on-autism-spectrum/
It is really hard for me to have a clue how A&M handles this. I know of an engineering applicant last year who was accepted, but her SAT was 1400. Please keep us updated on your D’s decision. Blinn Team or Gateway could also be a decision. Good luck to her.

@BigHerms For review admits last year, 1100 was the lowest SAT and was top 11% of class, was the lowest for full admit, from everyone who participated here, there were many with higher who received PSA, even in the 1300’s.
The trend seems to follow that if the SAT/ACT score were low, the rank needed to be higher in the first quartile. While that is in no way scientific, and there are those with assigned ranks of just a quartile, of which the were 1200 and above. The other trend was the lower the ranking, the higher the scores seemed to help. There are always exceptions to the trends.
Also, know that rank and scores are only 50% of the decision. Essays, EC’s, and leadership won’t make up for lack on qualifications but they give insight into the bigger picture of the whole person.

@AggieMomhelp Two applicants last year with a 30 ACT but in second and third quarter, were offered PSA.
Also several second quarter in the 1400’s and high 1300’s Psa. That said, there were a handful of second quarter, high test score applicants accepted full and several Blinn Team.

@Thelma2 were those mentioned above with high score and offered PSA for Engineering or other majors?

@Thelma2 thank you

When did you apply: 11/30
When did you get your UIN: 12/4
When did you receive your admission decision:NA
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Psychology
Class Rank: 181/510
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1170 don’t have subs
ACT (with Sub Scores): 25 don’t have subs

EC: Swim and Band for 4 years, HOSA for 3 years, multiple jobs

It was explained to us that he would hear about acceptance from the school and then it would show Engineering Review until they decided Which program to put him in if any for the College of a engineering. If NOT placed for Engineering they would ask him to pick another major if he had been accepted to TAMU.

So WILL he know about TAMU acceptance like they said? Before the Engineering part? Or all as one?

I have to say, this wait on A&M stresses me out to no end. Thankfully, my child is not stressing about it as much as me.

Her first choice was Mays so at this point I’m guessing that’s a no go since I’ve seen several posts that it is full. Her 2nd choice of major is Nutrition. Anyone know anything on that? Better chance getting in there? (I’ve posted her info pages ago but she is top 20% of her class (17% I think), 1330 SAT score, lots of extra curriculars.

@TXDad56 Do you mind me asking what your daughter’s gpas (weighted and unweighted are)? My son’s high school stopped ranking for the 2018-2019 school year and even though they sent his rank with his transcript up through his junior year (2017-2018), TAMU is ranking him in the second quarter. His actual rank from his transcript is 112/520 or 21.5%. His unweighted GPA is 3.72 and his weighted GPA is 4.66.

@thelma2 yeah totally meant top quarter with a 30 or higher. Definitely saw some in 2nd and 3rd with 30 and didn’t get full admit. Thanks for clarifying. I just assume everyone can read my mind. And thankfully y’all can’t cause it’s scary up there!

@Parents98 Yes, engineering applicants have been hearing from tamu first and then put into eng. review. Mind you, you don’t get placed into a specific eng. program. Everyone is general in the first year.

@Mommydoodle Only Eng. reviews candidates. Everything else is first come basis. I don’t believe Nutrition fills up, so I’m sure if she’s accepted, she’ll get that as her major.

@memeage Ranking is going to hurt you with the average scores. Your ECs look good. If essay is solid and resume looks good, then you may have a shot at team or gateway. It’s hard to tell this year since we don’t have much to go on.

@AggieDreamin I believe Thelma means all majors.

@AggieMomhelp I am so frustrated. My son called and talked to admissions again regarding them ranking him in the 2nd quarter even though his ranking in on his transcript. The lady told him she could see it and to go through AIS and tell them that he had spoken to her, that they could see the ranking on his transcript and the university did not need to rank him. She was very nice and confident they would change it. This was on the 24th of November. Because nothing had changed, my son emailed admissions and just received this response:

“As of this year, Heritage High School chooses not to report class rank outside of top 10%. Since your high school does not report rank, Texas A&M will assign a class rank based on your reported GPA. The school can provide a rank on the transcript, but we will not accept it since they have listed that they are a non-ranking school.”

I just don’t understand how this can be. Any ideas? Why does it matter that they chose to be unranking for the 2018-2019 school year when he is being admitted (or not) based on his ranking from the 2017-2018 transcript when they were, in fact, a ranking school? @Thelma2, do you have any advice?

@highhopes25 This, to me, makes zero sense. They should take the rank from his Junior year (6 semesters). If they ranked at that time, then that should count. It only makes sense for it to be that way. Especially since it’s on his transcript. I would make a trip to prospective student center and admissions to discuss in person. If he were to be denied, this would be a great appeal.

Thank you @AggieMomhelp. I was thinking an in-person visit might do some good as well. I appreciate all your help.

Ok so my DD is 14% in her class, 3.79 unweighted, 4.1 weighed, many AP classes, amazing volleyball player and been to State final all four years winning State this past year even after switching high schools in the same district, National bronze medalists in volleyball, traveled nationally for volleyball, captain of school volleyball team, 1160 SAT, only babysitting jobs, NHS, a few leadership roles, FCA, what are her chances do you think? Great essay and great LOR and do you think she will hear in the Dec wave?

@runsince6 First… congrats to your daughter on State (and to you as a volleyball mom). This shows so much grit and discipline to play at that level for four years. Her EOCs are great and rank is great as well. That SAT is the only thing that makes me hesitate on saying full admit. It’s pretty low. Did she only take it one time? What about ACT? I don’t think she’ll hear in the Dec. wave based on prior years, but I think she has a chance at admission or alternative (gateway or team). Please keep us posted!!!

Anyone want to weigh in on my daughter’s chances?

Applied in August
Major: Health (Allied Health)
Rank: 1st quarter
ACT: 28
GPA: 3.8 UW / 4.0 W
EC: Volunteering at Camp Blessing, 6 AP classes not including this year, 4 years of varsity soccer.

My other daughter had all the same stats, (but with a 29 ACT), and got in as a nutrition major last year. Hoping for the best.

So she took it again this Dec 1 and I’m going to try to have it rushed to tamu but I was really hoping we would hear something in the Dec wave.

Plus she has taken 8 AP/preAp classes and two more this year.