TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@DadinFrisco I tend to think it is more the college acceptance process that is more to blame. Frisco ISD decided not to rank because kids were killing themselves over a position in the ranking. If TAMU or any other TX school were to drop the rank evaluation criteria then the kids would not be put into these ridiculous quartiles and truly evaluated on their merits which is all we really want. Unfortunately, Frisco not ranking does not prevent the colleges from grouping our kids anyway. I guess what I am saying is I think Frisco thought they were doing the right thing but it is clearly backfiring.

@AggieDreamin I totally get it. But Frisco should have done their homework. The colleges had to do something to compare the kids. The quartile thing seems very punitive. Frisco also should have instituted this with a new class. As you mention, my daughter is one of those students that has been killing themselves for three years over those few spots. She couldn’t have done better in that district. And now they tell her it didn’t matter. It’s reality, but a very hard pill to swallow.

In review still, applied 11/20 and just got 6 tabs.

@AggieMomAgain - You got me thinking about the stats at my daughter’s school, so I went looking. Last year - you had to have ABOVE a 4.0 to be in the top quarter, 4.0755 to be exact. That is on a 4 point scale with AP and Pre-AP classes having the possibility of a 5. So if a student made straight As, but never took an AP/Pre-AP class, they were not in the top quarter. That seems harsh to me, but that is the ranking.

Senior Class of 2018 Ranking
Quarter Class Rank GPA
1st 1-178 4.8382-4.0755
2nd 179-355 4.0741-3.5636
3rd 356-532 3.5577-2.9811
4th 533-710 2.9667-Below

The mean SAT is 1204 and ACT 26.1
96% of the student body says they are going to college.
3402 AP exams taken with 89.1% of the students scoring 3 or better.

I get using ranking because you want to see how they did in comparison to their peers. But when the school’s test scores sometimes (STAAR etc) double the state average, you have to really wonder what would be a fair evaluation of students. And I know that at a school like this - my daughters are getting a much better education and have a heck of a lot more class options, than what is still, to this day available at my much more economically challenged small town high school.

@knewt17, is your class rank in the top quartile?

Applied 11/20
Received UIN 11/22
Review admit and still waiting for confirmation
Class rank 167/704 (top 25%)
ACT 29 with 27 in Math and 27 in English 33 in reading and 27 in science.
Quite a few ECs, debate, swim
Over 400 volunteer hours

She waited to apply because she took the ACT for the third time in October and we had to wait for the results. Her first two tries were 26 and 27 with 22 and 23 in math and science. It was a long shot to try for a third time. But we went to one of those expensive tutoring places. The stupid people discussed the money right in front of her. I signed her up. We walked out and she was hysterical. She told me it was too much pressure and too much money and what if her score didn’t improve. So I told her to forget it and I would get my money back. No such luck. I didn’t read the fine print. No refunds. So I told her since we paid for it to just suck it up and go. If she didn’t improve, it was not a big deal (it really was) and not to worry about the money (I could have won an academy award for that performance). As it turned out, it was extremely helpful and they focused on math and science, which she improved to 27 in both. I really think that is what made the difference. I believe, and it’s my opinion, that for review admits they put more weight on the ACT and SAT because it’s literally the only common denominator that is the same for all the kids who are applying.

She had a great LOR, but who is going to have someone write a LOR that isn’t going to say great things. Her essay was good. I wouldn’t say it was great. Sometimes I think they are more looking to make sure you can actually read and write rather than the words that are in the essay. Again, my opinion.

Got the 6 tabs this morning and her major changed from Psychology to Sociology, which was her second choice. Still waiting for the actual word.

@knewt17 Congratulations!! Thanks for giving all her stats, I wondered when you posted the 6 tabs update. Happy for y’all!!

Congratulations @knewt17 !!! Trying to be excited but this wait is rough. LOL You are the only admit we’ve heard about in weeks (at least non-engineering/non-Mays review admit).

I’m shocked only one of y’all have heard or at least posted acceptance today. Seems odd. I remember last year I would wake up and immediately pull up this thread. when there were a lot of posts, I knew for sure a wave had come out. Then I would check Howdy, lol. So, great for @knewt17 just surprised noone else has heard. So different than last year. AND
 super shocked you got second choice major. Psych doesn’t fill up and they don’t review for admissions directly into Psych, it’s first come like everything else. AND we haven’t really had any admits yet this year.

@AggieMomhelp reading my mind. When I saw the flurry of posts, I was certain a wave of review admits had heard something this morning. But alas, it seems like that’s not the case . . . . :frowning:

Does anyone have any wisdom to share on School of Architecture/Construction Science? I haven’t seen any mention of either one since I joined last week.

Admissions are not released by major. It’s general admission then your placed in major if available. We’ve heard of very very few review admits non engineeering being accepted thus far.


Please be mindful of everyone on this forum when venting your frustrations at your high school or Texas A&M University over how students are assigned ranked. Please be thoughtful that in expressing your displeasure, you are not doing so at the expense of other people.

It is not kind to disparage other’s applicant’s accomplishments and acceptance into the university, that somehow they don’t deserve a spot as much as another.

There are many such applicants and their parents on these forums.

I promise, I understand your frustrations. In my 4 years on this forum, going through the application process, it invariably comes up every year. It is completely fine to discuss it just please, don’t talk down about other students/applicants.

Howdy!! I just wanted to know my chances of getting admitted. I would love to go to BlinnTEAM or Gateway. Don’t know much about the pathways though! I personally don’t see myself going anywhere other than A&M, because my entire mom’s side of the family is going/ has gone there. Thanks!

When did you apply: 9/24
When did you get your UIN: 9/27
When did you receive your admission decision: In Review
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: International Business; Kinesiology 2nd choice
Class Rank: 206/737 (27.95%)
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1190 (580 reading/ writing, 610 math)
ACT (with Sub Scores): 27 (31 English, 25 math, 24 reading, 26 stem)

Cheerleading (4 years): co captain junior year, community outreach coordinator currently
Red Cross Club (3 years): treasurer sophomore year, secretary junior and senior year
Key Club (4 years): sophomore of the month
National Honors Society (senior year)
Buddies (2 years): mentorship club for students and life skills children
FCA (2 years)
Scholars (2 years): 9th class taken to become more culturally aware of our city
Kickball Club (2 years): founder and head of social media for 2 years

About 200 volunteer hours around my community

Thank you so much for all of your help.

@knewt17 are you the parent or the applicant? Your initial post from Nov 18 is from the perspective of the applicant. Today it is the parent.

Sharing of an account is not permissible under College Confidential Terms of Service #3.

@knewt17 , congrats!

@Thelma2 I have access to anything my kid has a login for that is school-related. I didn’t mean to break any laws. I can guarantee that we did not read the terms and conditions. Who has that kind of time. Nobody answered her post the first time around, so she lost interest. I never intended to post anything. But today I thought it would be helpful information for other parents on this site who are waiting. I can read the posts without a login and/or I can create another login. No big deal.


Actually it is.

On registering for this site, all users agree to abide by the rules of this forum, which are listed on the registration page, as well as at the bottom of every page on this site.

“users are not permitted to share accounts”

It creates confusion amongst the other users when multiple people share an account, so in this case, the parent needs his/her own account to post.

@knewt17 I know for a fact that psyc isn’t capped. So if they put you or student in second choice major, you may want to call them. There’s no reason for moving to 2nd choice. Just sayin.

@hopefully2023 welcome to the forum. Your act is much better than sat for sure. Your rank is so close to top quarter. Your ECs are good. It really depends on competition among other candidate. With no big wave yet coming through, it’s hard to determine what is strong right now. Last year and in class of 2019, I don’t think you would have received full admission. But for class of 2021 I think you would have had a good shot at either full or Team. I know this doesn’t help much just saying that for a lot of the review applicants, it’s too early to tell. Keep the faith though. That 27 could do it for you.