TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@gingytx I didn’t think they would do academic admits so soon. That’s exciting. Congrats.

@momosmom Changing her major will not have an effect on her admissions. They won’t even look at her major before they accept her into the university as an auto admit.

@Thelma2 that’s good to know. When you get official acceptance does it say at that time that you were accepted into what major? I don’t think she’ll have a problem getting what she wants, she’s ranked 3 out of 98 with a 4.0 and 31 ACT score. This is all new to me and I’m not so sure how it works.

Even though my son’s chances for admission are not that great (when looking at admission stats), I am still encouraging him to apply. He ranks 126 out of 940 (top 13%) and retook the ACT 9/8. I think he’s waiting to see what he got the 2nd time around. His first score was a 26. He did the prep course all summer so we are hoping for a good jump. He is in NHS, HOSA and competes in HOSA competitions. He also works part time. Another question I do have though with regards to his essay - he feels like he needs to point out that he has ADHD because it played a huge part in his environment but worries that it will sound negative/whiny. He struggled with having to take medicine in high school and this affected his performance in Fresh/Sophomore years. The essay prompt, I think, is entirely too general, especially if your environment was stable and boring. LOL. He might do TEAM if offered, but if UH offers full admit, he will probably go to UH. Oh and he wants to major in Public Health or Biology - he aspires to be a field epidemiologist or a pathologist. Thoughts? P.S. his older sister has applied to transfer to A&M so it would be nice if they both went. :slight_smile:

I’m having to rush out but wanted to say that if he wants to use his ADHD in his essay, he should write it from the point of view of how he worked with his condition and concentrate on how he overcame/adjusted to his obstacle and not focus on “I didn’t do well because of X” but instead, I didn’t do well in X year and then diagnosed with ADHD, these were my struggles along the way but this is what I did about it. It was hard and work, and sometimes I slipped up, but I recognized X and worked to get back on track etc. etc.
A&M wants to see how one handled the adversity.

I second what @thelma2 said. Top 13% is great. My son was top 14% 28 ACT and was full admit in Dec. last year. He had friends with lower scores and percentage and got in as well. Praying your sons ACT goes up this time so you can breathe a little easier!!

Replying for my daughter:

When did you apply: 08/02/18
When did you get your UIN: 08/07/18
When did you receive your admission decision: n/a
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Allied Health/Education and Human Development
Class Rank: 26%
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1320: Math: 740 EBRW: 580
ACT (with Sub Scores) 31: Math 31 Science 33 English 31 Reading 29

Complete and in review!

Replying for my DD:

When did you apply: 7/1/18 on TX Coalition, just as soon as the site was available
When did you get your UIN: 7/5/18
When did you receive your admission decision: n/a
Major: School of Visualization (her absolute dream) - it’s TAMU only for her (best program in the state for that)
Class Rank: 5% - auto-admit - large high school/many awards/all AP classes/many Animation/film awards
Application has been in review since July.

*Still only 3 tabs as of today

**Housing portal says housing applications are open today at 1:00 but no admissions are out so not sure why??

***DS was academic admit last year to Mays, and already had 6 tabs by now and was accepted on 9/21. We’re concerned, especially since housing applications are apparently opening today.

****If anyone who has 6 tabs is able to apply to housing today, please share:)

Good luck to everyone. Texas A&M is truly an amazing school. Our fish son is having the time of his life already. We hope & pray we have a daughter soon accepted into the “School of Viz”:slight_smile:

@CollaAgMom, interesting news. Just sent a text to my daughter to check her AIS, she is an auto admit, has had 6 tabs since 5 days after applying, she applied 7/2. Maybe AIS will update today before the Housing Apps open? It does say, they have to register for an NSC to accept their acceptance, then register for housing.

@sweeney1996 keep us posted:) Last year as soon as AIS updated, DS was able to put down his housing deposit and register for his NSC. Good luck to your daughter & again to all else applying to TAMU.

My son is an auto admit, and he STILL has only 3 tabs!!

I did some searching, looks like they have updated the “once you are accepted” checklist on TAMU website. 2019 NSC dates are posted. So, the first wave should be finding out soon. Good luck to all.

@GollaAgMom - My daughter is a review admit - so we have a long wait to find out if she gets in. But she wants to do visualization too. It’s such a great program. She is already accepted to SCAD and UTD (second in the state) as a back ups.

I thought you had to be admitted to the university before you could apply for housing?

I forgot to add that my son is an auto admit, applied mid August, and still has three tabs.

@CamandCam as far as I know you do need to be accepted; that’s why I was wondering why it was/is opening up today. Hopefully, everyone will find out their statuses soon!

@GollaAgMom , I’m unable to log into the housing portal (never tried until just now). Where are you seeing that it says that housing applications open at 1 p.m.? I can’t get there. Thanks!

How can you see where TAMU ranks your child for class rank. I know her school lists her at 12% with 3.95 unweighted GPA. I’ve looked but can’t see where they are listing her quartile wise. Thanks! (TAMU has received transcripts from her high school)

@CamandCam You do not have to wait til AIS updates. As soon as you have 6 tabs (one with housing which is under Student LIfe tab) you can apply for housing. At least that’s how it was last year (ASSUMING housing is open which I guess is today at 1:00)

@george828 In AIS there is a checklist. It will list your child’s rank… 5/500 for example.

I was trying to get there through the Applicant tab > Housing > myHousing Portal. I don’t have the student life tab yet.