TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions


Yes, a 3.5 overall GPA for BOTH semesters will assure you your first choice major. You will apply in April of your second semester but the decisions do not come out until late June, as they wait for the grades to some out. They also take into consideration your Engineering core classes GPA but it is your overall GPA that gets you in first choice.

Here is a link for the last admissions cycle, Spring 2017 that shows what GPA it took to get into each major for those who scored 3.48 and below. It shows the overall GPA and the engineering core classes GPA. https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/entry-to-a-major/resources/analysis-spring-2017-admission-cycle/index.html

DS got in today… applied 9/4.
UIN 9/20
Top 20% 3.9 UW, 4.3 W academic admit
1420 SAT (730 math)
Received update this AM on Howdy and email letter came later this morning.
Congratulations to future Aggies, and hoping more come out soon!
Wishing y’all a wonderful holiday!

Thanks @Thelma2 He was academic admit back on 10/19 we were just waiting for engineering. We are also familiar with ETAM, but it’s just nice to see that Civil in parenthesis! Good look to everyone else waiting. Hang in there.

And a huge thank you to @Thelma2 and @AggieMomhelp and all those that helped us, encouraged us and provided us with their time and knowledge-it was so greatly appreciated! So thankful for y’all!

@bb1724 Congrats to you and your family! What a great Christmas gift your son so greatly earned by hard work and your support. YAY. Now go book housing and NSC!!!

Just received full admission to College Station Engineering. Thanks for everyone’s help. Good luck to all.

Thank you @AggieMomhelp Yes—we are on it! Very excited!

Thank You @BB1724 We have both been in your shoes and had wonderful folks guide us in our day. Congrats to your son! Breathe and when I get a chance, I am going to start an online physical therapy thing for fingers that are cramped from checking AIS and Howdy and the 12 step program for recovering from the admissions process.


??? @Thelma2 … I am sure you’d get very qualified applicants into that program-myself included! Best of luck to everyone… and we definitely found the support and information here so comforting and valuable at the same time! Best of holidays to you!

Been waiting for a while and was hoping to hear by 24th when staff goes on break I’m thinking I’m gonna have to wait.

Could anyone give a rough chance at full admission? Thanks.

When did you apply: 8/10/18
When did you get your UIN: 10/10/18
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: not yet
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: auto admit
Major/College of Choice: Mech E
Did you get in: who knows
Honors program: no
Class Rank: DNR - assigned first quarter
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 32 (31 math)

EC: not Great. A bit of sports, volunteering and jobs through throughout high school. Also very involved in school science fair.

Had 2 LOR and (I think) a pretty decent essay?

Just saw this posted on my son’s AIS. "All engineering applicants who met the Early Action deadline and do not have a decision posted have been deferred to the January review. " So I guess we can try and relax until January.

Son’s AIS says same thing about applicants who met Early Action are being deferred to January. Extremely frustrating. He applied July 4 and was accepted Sept. 20th with message that he is under Engineering Review and should know mid December. But now a delay yet other student’s are finding out and I can’t see any rhyme or reason on who knows and who doesn’t know status.

If it says “General Engineering (Computer Science)” for my major, does that mean I got into my major of computer science or not? I’m kind of confused

They are reviewing in January, but does that mean that the decisions will come out then?

@nervouspig I believe it means you were admitted to the engineering school and once you complete a certain number of hours with a certain GPA, you will be granted admissions into computer science. Everyone starts off general engineering.

@nervouspig Yep, should mean you’re in. Congrats.

To all of those deferred to January, this happens every year. Holistic review is in its third year and it just means that they couldn’t get it all done in time. It has no bearing on your admissions decision and what you will be offered. Frustrating, yes. Normal procedure? Yes. But try not to let it bother you because this but a mild frustration compared to what it can be like once a student, for instance, being in University Honors and getting to register earlier than others, only to have all of your professors change after everyone else’s registration opens. Or only getting 2 of the 4-5 classes you need by end of registration and having to wait until open registration several months from when your registration time opened and hopefully get all of your classes. Or, buying a parking pass to lot 100 and being late for class because you drove around for an hour to get a spot and never found an open one so you drove back to dorm/apartment and walked or had to wait on 2 buses because they were full.

Enjoy your Holiday. Enjoy the last of your Sr year in High School. You are going to miss it. The next phase is great. But you are going to miss a lot about it.

Decision Releases:
Last year, school was back in session on January 16 and full admission decision College Station for engineering decisions came out January 20 and 30. This included auto/academic admits waiting on engr decision AND review applicants to engineering waiting on university and engineering decisions. For review applicants to the University all other majors, January 11 was the release.This year, school is back in session January 14 and MLK day January 21.

February 8 abd February 12 saw Engineering decisions for Blinn and McAllen Engineering Academies for Auto/academic and engineering review to university/major admits, and February. February 12 and 13 engineering at Galveston admission decisions.

For review applicants for all other majors saw February 5 a large release for full admissions to College Station. February 7 and 8 saw Blinn Team admissions decisions and February 15 and 20 saw Gateway admissions. February 23 saw admissions to the Health Science Center for BIMS/Health/ and other type majors who were not offered College Station.

March 8/9 was PSA

The prior year looked completely different so who knows in what order they will do it this year. Class 2021 had all kinds of decisions released on the various dates instead of one type of admissions on each date. So the guessing game goes on.

My New Year’s Resolution is to be less wordy in my replies.

:smiley: [-O<

Am I the only one who is extremely frustrated that the only thing that seems to matter in admissions to this point is SAT test scores?! What about the kids that busted their buts in school to achieve high rank(including A’s in AP physics, and currently A’s in AP Calculus & AP Chemistry) only to be deffered due to “low” SAT scores? Does work ethic not matter? BTW SAT 1250 with a 640 in math, LOR from physics teacher and multiple ECs and part time work throughout. Just curious! My son would be a third generation Aggie but this could change that ?

My son received his academic admit Nov. 28 (after a higher November SAT) but first applied to engineering October 15 for EA. I had my heart set on hearing back before the break, so I’m wondering what you guys think about his chances:

When did you apply: 10/15/18
When did you get your UIN: 10/17
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: not yet
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: academic admit
Major/College of Choice: Mech E
Did you get in: ?
Honors program: no
Class Rank: homeschooled, so assigned first quarter
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 1370 (670 ebrw/700 math)

APs: Human Geography, World History, US History, US Govt., Biology, English Lang/Comp–all 3s on exams
This year: AP Calculus AB, AP English Lit/Comp, Honors Physics
GPA: unweighted 3.98

EC: senior/varsity swim team, community cello/strings ensemble

Volunteering: community veterinarian clinic, community performance/recruitment for ensemble, providing free string instruction in underserved area of TX

I thought he had a good chance. I’m wondering if getting the updated SAT after the deadline delayed things. Or maybe they’re looking at applicants with at least SAT 1400+ first? Thank you for your honest input.