TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

@AAA124555 I applied two weeks after I applied for TAMU, around October and heard about it the day I posted here sometime last week. I did not apply for University honors just Engineering.

@Sybylla Sorry I don’t know much about Honors, just applied because I heard people say it is good to have…

I haven’t received my decision( Engineering) Is there anyone else who hasn’t heard from them yet?

still playing the waiting game… would love to hear anyones thoughts…

My daughter has been accepted to the University of TN and the College of Engineering. Her 1st choice is TAMU. We live in Tennessee but I am from Houston.

When did you apply: 10/15/18
When did you get your UIN:10/18/18
When did you receive your admission decision: waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Mechanical or Bio Medical Engineering
Class Rank:18 out of 140 @ a Highly ranked STEM school.
SAT 1310 (math 680)
ACT 25 (math 27)
GPA: uw 3.89 / w 4.25
AP classes: Human World Geography, AP Chemistry, Stats,AP Lang,AP Latin, Dual Enrollment : English 1010
Mentor to students, NHS, SGA, Science Olympiad, Band , Competitive dance 10yrs, Teaches dance to under priviledged kids

Honors Pre Calc as a Junior with an A, Currently taking Honors Physics. She has terrible test anxiety.

@DaughterEngineer Is she taking any Calculus currently and does your school offer AP physics? Without a strong readiness in calculus and physics, she likely won’t get full admissions to College Station and could be offered first year Engineering at Galveston (considered full admissions) or Blinn Engineering Academy.

She is taking dual enrollment Calculus this semester but I have heard that out of state schools dont usually accept the credit for dual enrollment.?.? She is currently taking Honors Physics I dont think AP was offered.

Is there on campus living at Galveston or Blinn?

She will have to accept the credit for the dual credit for calculus and will be required to take an addition math(s) at the campus she is offered to attend. 2 maths must be taken at A&M.

Required Coursework - General engineering students are required to complete at least the following courses at Texas A&M University with a minimum grade of C or higher:
Engineering: Two engineering courses from the following list – ENGR 102, ENGR 216
Science: Two science courses from the following list – PHYS 206, PHYS 207, PHYS 222, CHEM 107/117 or CHEM 101/111, CHEM 102/112.
Math: Two math courses from the following list – MATH 151, 152, 251, 253, 304, 308; CSCE 222 (Discrete Math)

Blinn Engineering Academy is co enrollment at the Rellis campus in Bryan and the University and they have all privileges to the university that a full admit has, including living in on campus housing. They just can’t play an NCAA sport.
Engineering at Galveston has on campus housing in GV and they reside there until they complete the core engineering requirements and Apply To A Major (ETAM), where then they will seamlessly transition (not transfer) to College Station for the remainder of their degree. It is a great program, same curriculum as in College Station general engineering, and much, much smaller class size and they make friends a lot easier being in a much more intimate environment.

@aggiemom96 I am new to the group and have been reading all the posts for the last couple of weeks, but never posted one of my own until I read your post. I was wondering if you ever received a reply? My son does not do well taking the SAT/ACT. I think he makes himself sick, but he gets all A’s and A+ on honors physics, AP physics, Honors Calc and Pre Calc. Why do they put so much emphasis on these tests and not consider four years of getting High Honor Roll during their high school years?

High schools can vary a lot in the strength of the curriculum and competitiveness. Standardized tests allow colleges to compare students who went to different high schools. AP test scores would do the same thing.

@lasttoleavethenest First off, love your name… very clever. Secondly, I totally hear ya on the test anxiety. My daughter was the same way. I do feel they award grades with the 10% rule. Is your son top 10? And I do feel if he shows strength in physics and calc, then they will lean towards admit into Cstat… however if his math scores on standardized tests are low, that could give them some hesitation and have him go to one of the academies to give him a greater chance of success. I do believe admissions wants these students to have that chance to succeed and places them where they get that. It’s hard to swallow, I know, but it works. My friends son was top 2%… blew off the SAT and they gave him Blinn Academy. He rocked it his freshman year and is now at TAMU full time in ME. It all works out… pinky promise.

@lasttoleavethenest No, unfortunately we haven’t but I don’t think any of the deferred students have heard anything yet this month. I’m still hopeful but realistic that he may have to consider BLINN TEAM or a different major. He seems intent on going to TAMU. Also, unfortunately, we turned down the options of Galveston or McAllen on the application because he wants to be in CStat. I’m hopeful that they will give consideration to the fact that he is maintaining As in his AP math & science classes (95 in AP Physics) with an overall 99.3 GPA all while working part time, captain of swim team and club swimmer, high school baseball player and NHS member. He apparently just doesn’t test as well as I would have expected. What my husband and I regret the most is that we did not adequately prepare him that the test would carry so much weight or he would have prepared more I’m sure. We just emphasized the importance of class rank, GPA and extra curriculars…ugh! I’m sorry my previous post came off so harsh but I’m very frustrated!

@aggiemom96 What he marked on the application for Galveston or McAllen was survey questions. He will still be considered by A&M for all admissions possibilities and they will offer him the one based on how he ranks with the competition he’s up against.
I don’t see McAllen engineering academy being an admission decision any longer on the engineering academies webpage. Don’t know if it has changed or if it just doesn’t spell it out on the page like it does Blinn Engineering Academy. So, you son is still in the running for full admission, Engineering at Galveston and perhaps McAllen, if it was on the application as an engineering decision.
Can you look back at his application and copy what it asked exactly?

Hello All, still waiting and wondering if somebody receive feedback this week …

Sorry, if I sounded a little rough, but it just seems harder and harder for these poor kids as the years go by. I have three sons and it is so much more competitive these days and the tuition is astronomical. We are OOS (NY) and luckily my other two went in-state. My youngest is adamant about attending Texas A&M even though he just meets the minimum requirements. He loved everything about Texas on our week visit and we knew he had a slim chance when the school advisor told us that the college is mandated by the state to take about 80% in-state students first and it is a very competitive school. I don’t have the heart to tell him after reading all of these posts that he probably doesn’t have a chance, but he is waiting in anticipation. He only wants CS so if it’s for another location he will be going to his second choice school, which accepted him within 3 weeks of submitting his application, still OOS, but they have a terrific Cyber Security Program. Well, I want to wish everyone here all the Best of Luck. Go Aggies!

@lasttoleavethenest girl you didn’t sound rough at all. We have all been there or are there, so no worries! NY??? That’s awesome. My son is a freshman now and his pledge brother and now best friend is from Long Island. Both he and his girlfriend are here from NY. There are many that come OOS and they are so welcome! Adds the diversity/perspective we need on campus. I’ve never heard of the 80% rule but I guess it makes sense since public school. What are your son’s scores. May help us give you some hope.

My son received his acceptance this morning, we are OOS

When did you apply:12/1
When did you get your UIN:12/4
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision:1/11
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Academic
Major/College of Choice:Engineering- Civil
Did you get in:Yes
Honors program:Did not apply
Class Rank:1Q assigned by TAMU, school does not rank
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore):31ACT 32 Math

4.0 GPA, 8 AP’s
Played Lacrosse
Officer of Interact Club
Average amount of EC’s

@Thelma2 we do not have access to the completed application that I can locate and I do not recall exactly how it was worded…just that we discussed it and decided no at the time.

@Thelma2 as you had pointed out that my scores in my 12th grade exams could be a problem, I have just seen that A&M has placed me in the first quarter. I also have a 1480 SAT. Can I get in now? A&M is like one of my top choices. Also how long will it take to send a solid acceptance/ rejection seeing as my documents weronly through processing today.

@Le1Harsh You have an excellent shot at full admission to TAMU. As for engineering… if you are physics and math ready and your transcript shows that AND your SAT math score is solid, then yes, I think you have a great chance of getting full CStat Eng. admissions. You may have to wait on decision though if everything was just processed.

@Le1Harsh, @AggieMomhelp is correct from my personal experience with my sons application (he has a 800 in math SAT) amd also a 780 in Math 2 Subject test(out of 800) his acceptance was in 7 days. Though he also has Cal BC done and is now in dual program for Calculus 3. All I think is if you are strong in math acceptance in A&M engineering is easier.

@AggieMomhelp and @AAA124555 I think I should be sound on the Math and Physics front, I have 800s on SAT 2 Phy and Math2 and 5 on AP Calculus BC and Physics 2 and Physics C Mech even though my school did not offer these courses and I had prepare myself.