TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

When did you apply: 10/30
When did you get your UIN: 11/1
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: not yet
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Review
Major/College of Choice: Computer Science
Did you get in: still waiting
Honors program: no
Class Rank: school does not rank, assigned second quarter
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 26 (28 Math, Science 29)
GPA 3.6 (started taking AP classes a little too late due to his love for acro/dance)
Currently taking: College Calc/AP Physics avg A’s
Activities: 6 years on a competitive dance team (20-30hrs/week), Gymnastics Instructor 13 classes/week

I figured I would post my son’s stats for those people who are still waiting for a response. My son’s application is finally in the review stage. His application was showing incomplete, because our school does not rank, and they assigned him second quarter this morning. Which is really weird considering I called Friday morning to find out his status and asked about his incomplete application. I got the answer that they received over 49,000 applications and are processing them as quickly as they can, which is understandable. I knew he was not an auto-admit or academic review so it seems like they are finally at the end of their pile? maybe, lol ( need to keep some humor in this process) Good Luck to all that are still waiting!

When did you apply: In July, as soon as application was open.
When did you get your UIN: not sure…
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: N/A
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Review
Major/College of Choice: Biomedical Engineering
Did you get in: No yet
Honors program: No
Class Rank: 49/441 (11%)
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 27 ACT (30 Math), 1270 SAT (670 Math)
GPA: 3.7 unweighted 4.3 weighted (112.34 on 100 point scale.
Currently taking: AP Calculus, AP government/economics, Dual English IV, Engineering design and development (4th year engineering)
Have taken: all previous engineering course in all years of highschool, AP human geography, AP world history, AP environmental science, Dual US History, AP English III

Hello, I was just wondering if anyone can tell me my chances on getting into the Engineering school at Texas A&M college station. I understand my test scores are low (because of reading on ACT), but I am 3-4 people of top 10 percent of my class which is auto admit at TAMU. I have been waiting for several months, I applied since you could even apply to the school, and am very nervous. I was deferred to the January review for engineering, and that just added to my stress. If someone could tell me what to expect from my decision and when I should be hearing back, that would help tremendously…

@mattb01 Where are you on Physics? I really think you have a really good chance at full admit eng. even with lower than average test scores for engineering. They are still good for TAMU in general. Rank is great. Taking 4 years of Eng. should help you stand out as being ready for the challenge. If however you get an Engineering academy… take it. It’s totally worth it and you are still an Aggie!!!

@AggieMomhelp I was in physics my junior year… forgot to include that. Thanks for pointing that out.

The one thing that should be told to engineering review applicants on the Aggie Web Site is that the early decision deadline doesn’t really apply to them. Since its inception, review applicants are typically deferred until January because they must review all of the auto and academic admits for the major first, so if they are not accepted into the engr major, they can place them into another major in College Station. Only then will they know how many spot are open in College Station in engr for review admits.
When all the spots in College Station are full, they will release decisions for Engr Galveston (for review admits) and then the engineering academies.

With review admits beginning to be admitted, I am worried. My son is an auto admit accepted 9/27. He was deferred and still is under engineering review. Should auto admits who are still waiting begin to assume full admission is not likely?

@93Aggie Not at all.

@93Aggie I just went back and looked at his math score. At 650, it isn’t that strong and engineering Calculus is a beast for a lot of students not really really strong in math.
An Engineering Academy decision may be more what he needs to get up and running than to struggle from the get go. They usually don’t give auto admits Galveston but if he’s willing to take it, it is considered full admission. But he would be taking Engr Calculus from the get go. It is the one class that knocks students back from applying to a major on time. Even if not eligible, they still are required to apply. They just aren’t placed into or offered a major.

The 3.5 GPA for first choice major only counts for the ETAM of their freshman year, whether they are eligible or not to be placed into a major.

Thanks for the reply. Will AP calculus his senior year not prepare him for Engineering calculus?

@thelma2 and @AggieMomhelp, could yall chance me by any chance? Would really appreciate it!

@93Aggie I missed where he was in AP Calculus right now. It is a good into but engineering calculus at A&M will be nothing like AP Cal.
A major he may like inside engineering is Industrial Distribution (IDIS) It combines the engineering and sales. IDIS majors participate in the Mays Sales Initiative, as do other engineering majors https://mays.tamu.edu/professional-selling-initiative/texas-am-sales-competition/ Other engineering majors participate. There are 3 engineers in the top 20. One is mine.

@applicant3948 The only thing holding you back is your ranking. Most Engineering students will be top quarter. EVERYTHING else you have is fantastic. I am hoping you get offered one of the academies. You’ll do great things wherever you end up. Keep working hard.

Congratulations to your son! IDIS does sound right up my son’s ally. I will have him look at it. Thank you.

@Thelma2 I just saw I have been put into Engineering Review. I am also super anxious since my cousin who attended A&M just told me that with my scores and 1st quarter (not top 10%) it will be nearly impossible to get any merit scholarship and therefore the OOS waiver especially as an international. Please tell me if this is the case. I just saw a thread for class of 2021 that seemed to confirm this.

@tkb10403 An admissions officer at A&M has stated that 10% is 10.0% and not 10.01%. Your son falls in at 10.4%. That said, while he is not an auto 10% for admission, depending on his test scores, he is in the top quarter of his class, with an actual % number, and he could get auto admission into the university as an academic admit.

If son’s school ranks, A&M will know by his transcript where he falls. If it does not rank, A&M will assign him a rank using his GPA and the schools grading scale, and assign a quarter rank rather than a percentage percentage rank.

If he does not have the test scores to be an academic admit to the university, he becomes a review admit to the university. Regardless of how he enters the university: Auto top 10%, Academic Admit, or Review Admit, he will still undergo review for the engineering major.

@snailsnail are you instate, out of state, or international?

@applicant3948 You are in a hard place to chance. Your rank is really not in your favor but your test scores and sub scores are really good. I have seen low 2Q with really high scores be offered full admission but most commonly, they receive an offer of engineering at Galveston or an engineering academy decision. Impossible for me to say which one they would offer you. The engineering at Galveston is considered full admission and you complete the general engineering core requirements at Galveston campus. Once you are in a Major, with first application in April of Freshman year, you transition to College Station for the remainder of degree. It is a great program and small class sizes.

@Le1Harsh Your cousin is correct. If A&M handed out merit money, they would be broke. High achieving students are a dime a dozen, especially in competitive majors. Don’t get me wrong, there are high achieving students who do receive merit aid, but it isn’t a lot of them. There are many top 10% students (which is a Texas rule) who receive no merit aid. Neither do national merit commended.

Did you check the box on your Apply Texas application that you wanted to be considered for Scholarships? International freshman scholarship decisions are announced in mid-spring.

The state limits the number of tuition waivers a university can give out. With the waiver, you still pay tuition, just at the instate rate instead of out of state rate.

@Thelma2 and @AggieMomhelp, thank you so much for the feedback. Hoping for the best!

@Thelma2 Yes, I checked that box. Scholarships are the most important for me since my country’s currency is bound to depreciate. The in state rate is extremely convenient for my parents. Out of state on the other hand is very expensive because for us each dollar is multiplied by 71.

We are among those waiting to hear about engineering. My daughter is a review admit (missed by 20 points). She is concerned about housing. She has friends telling her that there will be no more housing left when she finally hears about admission. She is hoping to get into the engineering community housing. Thoughts on housing availability?

Thank you for responding. I do know he is a review admit. I was just wondering if 11th percent was given more clout than 24th, or top quarter was just lumped together. In other words, do they care that a kid “ just missed it” for auto admit.