TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

Admitted today! Full admit to Cstat for Chemical Engineering! We are sooo excited. With a lower SAT score and the deferral, I had convinced myself it would not happen.

When did you apply: 9/21/18
When did you get your UIN: 9/27/18
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: 1/23/19
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Auto
Major/College of Choice: Chemical Engineering
Did you get in: Yes!!!
Honors program: Did not apply
Class Rank: 42/445
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 1210 Math 650 (I know the 650 is correct. Overall is from memory. May have been 1260? I will have to look.

Do you think I have a chance of getting full admission to engineering?

I applied by the october early action deadline and haven`t heard a word yet.
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Review
Major/College of Choice: Mechanical Engineering
Class Rank: 241/638. (34%). I go to a very tough, competitive high school.
GPA: 93.91 (100 point scale) about 3.75/4.0
SAT: 1310 (630 reading&writing, 680 math)
6 AP Classes and a lot of Pre-AP classes throughout high school.
100+ volunteer hours. Part time job in the summer and now. Participated in Clubs. Service in community. Eagle Boy Scout.
I really want to go to this college.

@93Aggie that’s awesome. Congrats.

@sma1234 ; @lifetraveler8 ; you both will get to know the results by Jan 31st. I mean any day from today to jan 31st. So keep checking HOWDY everyday morning. All the Best.:slight_smile:

@sma1234 I don’t think that’s going to get you into Engineering. Best bet would be academy but stranger things have happened, so I hope I’m wrong and you get full admit CS. It’s the rank that may hurt you the most. Congrats on Eagle Scout. Very impressive.

@AggieMomhelp Thanks! Keeping my fingers crossed! What is the academy program you are talking about?

@lightshock23 @sma12

Engineering decisions will also come out in February. These are the admissions decisions of Engineering at Galveston and Engineering Academies

@Thelma2 could you expain to me what exactly is the engineering academy? Like do I still get to live at College Station A&M?

Your engineering homework begins https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/academies/blinn-bryan/index.html

Just got admitted today for Computer Engineering (CS Track). I’m honestly quite surprised that I received full admission into Gen. Engineering at Cstat. I thought I would receive other options such as Blinn Engineering Academy or Engineering at Galveston. TAMU has been one of the major schools in my pool of college decisions and I am considering to select this as my desired college.

When did you apply: 11/17/18
When did you get your UIN: 11/20
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: 1/23/19
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Auto Admit
Major/College of Choice: Computer Engineering (CS Track)
Did you get in: Yes
Honors program: Did not Apply
Class Rank: 8/369 (2% roughly)
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 1190 (610 Math, 580 Reading & Writing)
Residency: TX

AP Classes I took (including this year): AP Calculus BC, AP Physics 1, AP World History, AP Lang.

I took a bunch of Dual Credit classes such as Economics and Government.

EC’s: National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society), SkillsUSA, Science Olympiad, UIL
Had over 60+ volunteering hours at church and school events, food bank, etc.

Like what @aggie2023 said, there is hope for people who may have lower test scores and stats. I would personally like to thank that person for giving me hope in this stressful senior season. I wish good luck to everyone still waiting for a decision! Godspeed.

For those of you fully admitted to CStat, and then put into “Engineering Review”… what changed first, the AIS or Howdy? How did the Engineering admittance change the verbiage on your status bar? (Right now, my daughter’s AIS says Major: Eng Review, College: UN, Degree: BAC, Site Code: College Station)…? Thanks! we are OOS

I checked Howdy under “Manage Applications”, like I check most days (lol). Today it said “Major- ENGE” and “BAC-ENGE-CH”. I did a double take and realized it was different. Then checked AIS and Letters. They all updated today around 5am

Is there a place on TAMU website to calculate out of pocket expenses after putting fafsa efc info? Just trying to figure out what the most we are looking at.

@DaughterEngineer Is this what you mean? http://financialaid.tamu.edu/Cost

@DaughterEngineer are you out of state?

           I think the link above outlines the top end of cost, but sure, you need to finesse the housing and meal plans costs. Housing seems to have real cost spread. As you are OOS I assume FA is unlikely whatever your FAFSA spits out. 

Can someone chance me for computer engineering full admit?

When did you apply: 11/21
When did you get your UIN: 11/24
When did you receive your admission decision: N/A
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: review
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
Class Rank: idk, but tamu placed in 2nd quarter
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1400, 680 r/w, 720 math
ACT (with Sub Scores): N/A

APs every year in hs, 4 years of band, eagle scout, 150+ volunteer hours

What are my chances?

Accepted this morning with full admit to college station!!! Special thanks to @AggieMomhelp for all the help and information along the way.

Best of luck to everyone else who is still waiting.

Go Aggie’s

@AggieMomhelp yes we live in Tennessee. I was born and raised in the Houston and Katy.

@Sybylla @AggieMomhelp on University of TN website the have calculator where you put in FAFSA info and it tells you approx how much of a Pell Grant you will get etc. So you kind of have an idea of what you will be paying out of pocket and what kind of loans you can take out.