TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

@MomHopesNxtGenAg THANK YOU!

We are OOS and my daughter’s admittance to Blinn Engineering Academy might really be more cost effective, tuition wise!
She was waiting on a Corps scholarship to come in, but maybe this will be cheaper.
Anyone with an OOS student who started at Engineering Academy at Blinn? How much did you save?

@rockmom21 I used to have the blinn catalog of how things were billed. Blinn (Rellis) will be cheaper than A&M for sure but Blinn has out of county and out of state as well. I would pay more for my son to take a class at Blinn since we live outside of Brazos County than if we were a Brazos County resident. I’ll see what I can find out.

@learner234 They won’t run out of dorms if you get Blinn Engineering Academy. To be priority on campus, you have to submit the housing contract within 30 days of your admission decision.

As a licensed professional engineer with a PhD, and as someone with a master’s degree in education and teaching experience, I continue to believe that my son in Galveston is probably getting just as good teaching as he would get in CS. He’s had some good, solid teachers in Galveston, for sure. His sociology teacher gave them writing assignments every week and two long research papers. His political science class was a B for him, even though he’d had a decent political science class in high school. A lot of students didn’t pass these classes or, especially, chemistry. The most important thing is for them to start making good grades, gain confidence, and get the sense they’re on their way. My son definitely seems much more confident with just that one semester successfully under his belt. He knows he needs at 3.5 for his very popular major.

@tamuhopeful2023 @Thelma2 @AggieMomhelp

So @tamuhopeful2023 statesafter getting same offer as my daughter this morning that they chose Blinn and now ais says being considered for this option. My question is : Is there a chance they will be turned down for the option they choose or only if it is full? My daughter and I have been doing research all day in between work and school trying to decide Galveston or Blinn.

No, there isn’t a chance they will be turned down for something they were offered. Everything now has to be sent over to Blinn, so there is a lag time. Since a Teamer is not considered a full time student by A&M, a lot will now be handled through Blinn instead of College Station.

Hi @Thelma2, thank you for all the info. My son is still waiting to hear with no changes yet. A few questions on what you posted assuming you don’t make the 3.5 GPA after 4 semesters (god forbid) -
“Yes, 3.5 overall GPA WITH the required freshman engineering courses complete guarantees first choice for the first ETAM attempt. You have 4 semesters to complete them. Each semester, the odds of getting your first choice major decrease. At the end of 4th semester and you have not satisfied all the general engineering requirements (yes, it happens more than you think) and you do not want to accept the major offered to you or no major is offered to you, you are removed from the program.”

  1. What other majors can you be offered, still in Engineering or other departments?
  2. What does "removed from the program mean"? No longer a TAMU student and on Blinn CC or something else?
  3. What's the future course for such students?

@Thelma2 I think I found the page, don’t know how to link it to this thread but it is substantially cheaper. Which is great.
I’m guessing we would just pay each institution individually for the credit hours the student would attend that semester?
Our situation is a little complicated but the help on CC for TAMU is amazing and I’m ETERNALLY grateful, thank you!!!

@Thelma2 I wouldn’t think they would turn down after being offered but the message posted doesn’t sound like an actual offer. Sounds like it’s more of a chance to be considered. The quote “placement into a program will be on a first come, first served basis and once our target enrollment is reached the option(s) will no longer be available” is confusing to me.

I just don’t want @DaughterEngineer to be left out.


  1. What other majors can you be offered, still in Engineering or other departments?
  • All majors offered will still be in the engineering college but the major may not be a preferred one.

When an applicant goes through the ETAM process, they can list up to five of the I believe 18 majors in the College of Engineering, in order of preference.
Not all majors in the College of Engineering are actual engineering degrees where one takes the FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) exam right before or just after graduation. Some are technology degrees. Depending on their application to a major, which includes essays, they can be offered any of the other majors, depending on which of the other majors accept the applicant into the program.

  1. What does "removed from the program mean"? No longer a TAMU student and on Blinn CC or something else?

If after the 4th semester a student is not in a major, an advisor will work with them to see if there is a major they are qualified for that they will accept or they will be guided with advising to get into another major. After two years though, it can be tricky because some majors are capped at 60 hours, so if you have more than that, you can’t get in that major. That is another reason they tell you not to accept you AP credits except as needed and under guidance of an advisor and don’t worry about accepting the ones to fulfill the University Core Curriculum until after sophomore year. Those measly credits can mess things up sometimes. Here is a link to 4th semester engineering. https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/resources/fourth-semester-general-engineering-students.html

3.What’s the future course for such students?

Some transfer to other schools programs and build up their GPA to get into an engineering program. Many stay at A&M and go into other majors. By 4th year, there aren’t as many dismissed from A&M, as that happens in semester 1 and 2 where in semester 1 they do so poorly that no matter what they make second semester, it cannot reach a 2.0 or they get on academic probation first semester and don’t reach a cumulative 2.0 by the end of second semester.

Here is an application preview. There is a sample application at the bottom

@rockmom21 Here is a great link to all kinds of answers. http://www.blinn.edu/engineering-academy-bryan/frequently-asked-questions.html

Also, your daughter’s AIS will update with next steps. Keep watching for it.

I was wondering that too. If my son chooses Blinn, will they come back and say sorry, you don’t qualify for Blinn after all? But really that makes no sense. I don’t think they would “test” anyone by making them choose one option and then denying them their choice (unless of course it gets filled…another scenario). I decided to call. I got an admissions officer on the phone. I stated my situation, she put me on hold and then said “if they were one of the ones given a choice, they will get what they picked.” I thanked her and told her we were ready to sign a lease and didn’t want to suddenly be told no. She then said “Well that’s what we are being told, that they will get their choice.” Her second statement “that’s what we are being told” didn’t sound as convincing! Kind of like “that’s what I heard.” lol

Maybe a few of us should keep calling and asking to see if we all get the same answer from admissions. I asked when the “considered” statement would become a “congratulations” decision and she did not have any idea on that. :frowning:

I want to be excited and celebrate but I feel like we are still in a holding position…

@tkb10403 You won’t be turn down by the engineering academy if that is what you selected. I posted the link to the Blinn Engineering academy in post #443. On the first page, it has a lot of links to explore to the right. One of them is Securing Your Admisisons. https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/academies/blinn-bryan/securing-your-admission.html

If one accepts an engineering academy offer, they then have to send all the stuff over to Blinn as you are not considered a full time student at A&M. That takes some time to get it loaded and going. Making the selection is your ticket to ride when it’s ready. AIS will update with the Next Steps once you make your selection

My daughter also accepted the Blinn offer. I am guessing we need to wait for that to be processed before it will allow us to sign up for housing? Are the academy kids allowed to do the engineering learning community?

Ok, he made his selection immediately this morning as we had talked about all the options ad nauseam in the past few weeks…lol. He felt Blinn academy was the best fit for him so he could save a little money but still be an Aggie. Thank you for everything. I will post again when his AIS updates to something other than “being considered”…those words are still stressing me.

Congrats you guys. They are going to love it. As for LLC… I would assume, yes they can but I don’t know that 100%.

I just called about that. Maybe you’ll have better luck. I was told Team and Academies could live on campus. 2 people I just spoke to said they have to have 9 hours at TAMU campus to live on campus. With Team, I think you are only allowed to take maximum of 6 credits. They said you could ask though.

@Thelma2 Is there a downside to choosing Eng academy at Blinn over Galveston, cause for me I will save more $ by going to Blinn (housing wise) and most my friends made it into TAMU eng, so would I be put at a disadvantage for transferring to TAMU Cstat by going through eng academy over Galveston?

@AggieMomhelp @ElainaT

I know Blinn Team can live in on campus housing. On the Blinn/Bryan engr academy webpage it says “On campus housing opportunities”. https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/academies/blinn-bryan/benefits.html

Engineering eligibility requirements for ETAM (beginning with class 2021) Class 2022 has a little different curriculum and they won’t apply to major first attempt until April.

Eligibility for class 2021 Galveston https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/entry-to-a-major/engineering-at-galveston-program/index.html
Class 2022 https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/entry-to-a-major/general-engineering-program/class-of-2022.html
