TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

Thank you. It’s fruatrating to wait and see review admits getting offers with nothing here. He’s starting to get nervous. He really doesn’t want Galveston and said he would take his massive scholarship and go to U of H if that happens.

@DaughterEngineer It is a good idea to study, no matter what! She would get a good review regardless and/or pick up a few new bits of knowledge. No worry, if she passes, she can decide later whether she wants to take Math 150 or move on. They will not force anyone on, for sure. She has time to figure this out! I actually believe that test is pretty diagnostic about how she would do. Who knows, this may be her moment to start to really shine! They can all of a sudden seem to get it together, especially with a good professor … and the right mindset of doing everything possible and succeeding.

…and it’s always a good idea to consider taking a small step first and make sure a person has good math footing by taking Math 150. It’s always good to know our (current) limits. No worries at all.

And remember, one can always do summer school math to get a good review before hand. My daughter (NOT engineering), did this since not the strongest in math. She ended with A’s in both 141 and 142 the following year.

@DaughterEngineer I am unclear about whether engineering students have the choice of not taking the MPE, so she should just study up, take it when her groups gets sent to the testing center, and decide from there.

Everyone has to take the MPE regardless of major. MPE for Engineers take it at the NSC (2nd day)… other general majors take it before their NSC. You cannot opt out as far as I know.

You cannot opt out of the MPE. The MPE began being administers on campus because too many people were having others take it for them, with disastrous results.
I knew a mom who did this for her son going into engineering at Tech. Older brother in USAF academy took the exam for him. Needless to say, that second son was expelled after first semester because no matter what GPA he had second semester, he could not get it to a 2.0.

Don’t set your kids up to fail because you think you are helping them.

@thelma2 -yowzas. So much for “honor, integrity, excellence” – did USAFA get involved at all? Talk about stupid to risk your AF career too…

Thank you we will probably see about taking Calculus this summer if possible just to help her out.

I just spoke with an admissions advisor and he said both Galveston and Blinn Bryan Engineering Academy were offers of full admission and were offered due to not enough room at Cstat… I asked what were the differences in what she would have to take or do while at either of these campses prior to the transition to Cstat and he said she would take all of the same classes the only difference would be at Galveston you take them all there and at BlinnTEAB 1/2 there and 1/2 at Cstat. I think most of this info has already been stated previously in this thread. You are a full Aggie with either choice.

He stated Blinn/Bryan Engineering academy would probably fill up this week.

Galveston will have smaller classes than Blinn TEAB and Cstat (of course)

He did say that if enough students wanted to attend football games that they have arranged busses for that in the past from TAMUG.

I just want to say that my daughter is not going to college just for a social life. She is goal oriented and works very hard to achieve her goals. She has never dated because she says she just doesnt not have time to deal with all the drama and craziness she sees her friends dealing with. She would enjoy going to football games.

@Txkellygirl please dont let your son give up on A&M for a offer other than Cstat. If he really wants to be an AGGIE please read all of the threads and call an advisor prior to turning down any offer. If he starts at Galveston or any of the other offers and goes through ETAM like all students no matter where they start he will end up at Cstat.

Again I want to thank each and every person that continues to advise and offer info based off your experiences.

@DaughterEngineer I’m glad you got it straight from the horses mouth. I know how agonizing this decision has been for you guys. She won’t make the wrong choice. And remember, first year for everyone is hard, regardless where they go. So if/when she calls you crying in September, DO NOT second guess yourself. They all suffer a bit.

It’s done she clicked yes and chose Blinn/Bryan Engineering Academy.

@DaughterEngineer I am SO glad you talked with an admissions counselor. That sheds a lot of light on the differences in the acadmey vs Blinn Team for non engineering majors.

Here is a question I would call back and ask. Then let us know so we can have that info for future :slight_smile:
Ask if she can take Pre Calculus 2412 first semester at community college.
Because that credit would have to transfer with her, it won’t satisfy the requirement for math 151.
If she takes Calculus 2413, that is the equivalent to Calculus 151 and she would have to transfer that credit as well.
If she took 2413, Cal 151, at CC, would she be able to retake 2413 at Blinn or would that force her into Calculus 2414, Calculus 152 her first semester?

Either campus she chooses, the student body as a whole is much smaller so finding friend groups will be a lot easier and it is more cohesive. Engineering students at CStat have a little harder time if they are not out going with strangers, even thought most are in the same boat, as they see kids for 100 days they may never see again in a class. That is why clubs of any kind are important to join. So many resist this freshman year. The stressful major combined with all of the adjustments can be overwhelming too. Keeping in touch A LOT helps A LOT.
Also, She MUST go to Fish Camp. The counselors they have are theirs the whole semester and they are great about having get togethers with their Fish groups as a way of keeping in contact and having someone you know. I highly recommend it for out of staters and people who don’t have friends from their school also attending.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg Thank you for clarifying the ETAM process if you start in math 150, that it is not a strike against you for ETAM purposes as a third semester applicant. That is very different than a 3rd semester applicant who had to repeat a class. Good information to have.

@rdhdstpchld I did not know she had done it until way after the fact, like a year or more after her son flunked out and she mentioned off hand that older bro had done that. My mouth was on the floor. I didn’t even think about the AF repercussions. I am sure no one ever told on anyone. I was just aghast. To me, it was out so of character for her.

I am working with some high school seniors right now, and we always remind them that there is nothing like the relief of having made a decision and having the destination in mind. I will try to follow up on the football game transportation from TAMUG. Thank you so much for the info, and I hope it’s true. There were some very, very big games played in CS last year, and we didn’t hear anything about transportation.

@Txkellygirl : WOW! That has to be frustrating!! Your son should be an Academic Admit with his SAT scores and 1Q ranking.

Have you talked to anyone in TAMU Admissions lately? Your son should be an Academic Admit, can anyone answer the question as to why he hasn’t heard yet but review candidates have started to receive offers? Go over the info about Academic Admissions with a fine tooth comb and see if it guarantees admission to CStat campus.

TAMU Galveston for Engineering IS a Full Admission to TAMU, but with his scores, I am surprised that he is still waiting and could possibly only receive that offer. Could there be a glitch somewhere in the system? I have been lurking on the UT boards and there looks like there have been glitches over there even in their Top % Automatic admits. :frowning:

If he receives a TAMUG offer, can you appeal that decision asap? Just make sure you have all of the info on how he fulfills TAMU Academic Admissions.

If he gets offered TAMUG and decides to take it, he needs to focus on that it is just a space issue, and really ROCK his classes and transition to CStat asap!

Just don’t do anything in a rush regarding going somewhere else. Even with a massive scholarship on offer elsewhere, if he really wants to be an Aggie, don’t let hurt feelings get in the way. It is where you finish that matters. And living the Aggie life in Aggie land is truly amazing for however many years he will have. The Aggie Diploma, Aggie Ring, Aggie network are all so highly regarded in the State of TX.

@Txkellygirl Contact Admissions right away. Did the application show complete? Have you reviewed the info on AIS to make sure it’s as you expected for academic admission? If the applicant meets the criteria, then they should be admitted. Call today.

But academic admit does not guarantee admissions into engineering, correct??? My son is an academic admit, still under review. So frustrating.

@ajermom correct. But it does guarantee you admission to Cstat campus if you aren’t accepted into Eng. there, you can change major if you want to.

@AggieMomHelp So I’m guessing all blinn team offers have been given out?

@learner234 I haven’t heard of a single blinn Team offer. What makes you ask that?