TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

Howdy still says in review. three tabs. He got an email from Tamu Galveston asking him to go to school there?

His freshman and Sophmore year were all pre-AP with AP computer science. He took one AP science course junior year and a dual credit class. He changed schools half way through junior year and went with dual credit after that due to lack of AP/honors course offerings.


I am going to share with you what Navy Seals do.
Inhale and count slowly for 4 seconds as you inhale 1-2-3-4. Now exhale slowly, counting for 4 seconds. 1-2-3-4. Do this for one minute.

Now, I understand you are very eager to receive your admissions decision. Everyone still waiting on a decision is just as eager. Don’t let it work into anxiety and start assuming things that have not happened.

I can promise you that if you find the admission process this overwhelming, the engineering major will send you over the cliff. Do not borrow worry. It is not productive and it takes so much energy and can be exhausting.

As has been said (and I think I used the term ad nauseam last time) it is NORMAL for decisions to be released in February. I even posted the dates for the past two years of all decision releases of every type.

As long as you don’t have a PSA decision at the top of your AIS, you are still in the running for an admission decision for full, Galveston, Blinn Academy or McAllen Academy.

And if you get PSA, you can apply directly to Blinn Brenham Engr Academy or any of the several A&M engineering academies if one is closer to you. https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/academies/index.html All of the information for each one is listed in the links.

@Txkellygirl Has your son taken dual credit Calculus and physics (if not AP) for those subjects? Which other advanced dual credit courses? Which AP science class did he take junior year? AP Computer Science is a useful subject. ENGR 102 has a bunch of Python programming right away.

@DaughterEngineer we are in the same boat.
My daughter selected Blinn Eng Academy over Galveston and McAllen (onTues), I called yesterday, it is in process, but AIS not updated yet.
I would call next week if you are concerned.
I think they have a LOT to process.
A large public school, no doubt. It is the way it is.
I guess we should all get used to the reality of our kids being at an enormous public school vs some of the smaller ones (like Embry Riddle or university of Dallas… my daughter was admitted there too!)

If accepting Academy, do we need to send FAFSA to Blinn? We got our financial aid stuff from TAMU yesterday.

Okay everyone. I agree with Thelma, please breathe. I am going to try to be as brief as possible and not ramble. Back story (may help). My son was accepted to Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Blinn Bryan (TEAB) Feb 2018. His stats to help some: top 18 percent of class of 1100 in The Woodlands, TX. His ACT: 26 (yes, 26 x 2 tries) and here we are.
Calculus/Science ready.

Here’s everyone’s goals: Direct Admits, Galveston, and Blinn Bryan TEAB all included here. Entry to major after 1 year in their respective programs. ALL freshman are in general engineering. All of these groups have the same chance and same method of getting their 1st choice major in engineering as a sophomore.

How? This is the guaranteed method: 3.5 GPA (Blinn team will have to have 3.5 at both Blinn and A&M). Classes must be completed: ENGR 102 and 216. 2 Math classes: 2413 Blinn (151 A&M), 2414 Blinn (152 A&M) or Blinn 2420 (309 A&M) and 2 Science classes: Chem 1411 Blinn (Chem 101) and Phys: Blinn 2425 (A&M 208). The beauty of this is all students will apply for their major through Howdy once they get that far.

Just to add: Your son /daughter can apply to entry to major after 2 years with the above classes and lower GPA. It is not guaranteed they will get their 1st choice major. It is posted what the general GPAs for each major are on the A&M engineering websites.

Back to Blinn Bryan TEAB exclusively. The differences: students MUST take all their math and science classes at the new Rellis campus. The students are assigned a “track” of math/science at Blinn at their NSC. It was great for us and he had no problem getting his classes. Yes, it can be changed, but not guaranteed. The new campus is approx. 25-30 minutes from A&M. Parking has improved drastically there, as all Blinn engineering students are there. It is advisable for your student to have a car. The student can take 5-6 hours at A&M per semester, including core classes to graduate.

Once your student is accepted, please complete ALL check lists. Something not completed will give your family heartburn. Biggest recommendation: Please tell your son/daughter that all engineering students MUST take a proctored MPE (math placement exam) at their NSC. Have them do the practice exam and be ready. Many students at my son’s NSC did poorly and needed to retake the exam or worse be placed in pre-calculus. If that happens, your son/daughter can not take their 1st engineering class until they are registered for Calc I (Math 2413). It may put them a semester behind.

The other issue is housing. Once your son/daughter accepts, please take a housing tour ASAP. It is a process, to say the least. We chose The Tradition which is near Zachary and walking distance to Sibsa and Hullaballoo. All Blinn Engineering students are eligible to live on campus and purchase A&Ms dining plans. Housing fills up fast, but there’s plenty of off campus choices for your son/daughter.

If your end goal is to be a student A&M all these options are great. Please take the time to read everything carefully and search the A&M website for core class requirements and specific engineering degree plans offered at A&M. They are all readily available. Good luck and I hope this helps!

I received my acceptance letter to the school of engineer oct 11. But I submitted my application july3. So I suppose it depends on when the application was submitted

He took physics but not dual credit calculus. He’s taking that now. For some reason I don’t recall he took advanced forensic science his junior year before switching schools and changing to physics. I’m worried not having the calculus is going to hurt him.

@thelma2 You are definitely my fave! = ) Great advice. @learner234 and everyone else still waiting… it’s so easy to get into our heads and then get in our own way. Right now I’m waiting to hear if my recently graduated tamu daughter got the job she applied for that will catapult her into her masters program for special education. I, like you, weigh everything she told me about the interview and follow up calls and OMG why haven’t they called her etc. So reading Thelma’s post was exactly what I needed just now. Don’t borrow trouble. LOVE it. Thanks @thelma2

@Txkellygirl I wouldn’t worry at all if he is taking calculus now and put that on his application. It’s good that he is taking this, absolutely. I would suspect he has taken algebra-based physics rather than calculus-based, putting things in perspective.

TAMU must see the entire spectrum of engineering applicants. You know they do. It’s not for nothing that they do a holistic review to make sure they will be OK in engineering. I believe that TAMU put my son in the right bracket, and you will hear many parents say the same about their youngsters. My son’s very diligent approach to things this year indicates that the message to him was received, but I suspect that your son has good ground for full admission into CS engineering if his stats are as posted–worst case, on appeal. I cannot see that they would not offer him a spot somewhere, again, if his stats are as posted. More engineering decisions will roll out, for sure. There needs to be something that your son didn’t state earlier on his application if it ever comes to an appeal, but there’s always something. The need for an appeal is pretty rare from what I can tell. I bet your son will hear soon. Breathe in, breathe out.

For those that do not get offered admission to TAMU but still want to be Aggie Engineers I strongly recommend the Engineering Acedmy in Brenham. It is very similar to the one at RELLIS in Bryan but all,classes are located on the Blinn Brenham main campus. TAMU teaches the freshman engineering class. Math science and elective are offered by Blinn. They only take about 100 students. You live in a brand new dorm on the Brenham campus. The engineering classroom is on the ground floor of the dorm and is exactly like the ones in Zachary. ETAM process is the same as RELLIS kids. You get a sports pass and can go to Fish Camp etc. you are just about 40 minutes from CS and it is much cheaper. We saved about 7k this year.

So if I get blinn academy, can I dorm with full admits who are in different majors?

@learner234 Yes. A good friend of mine had a Blinn Team (but it is no difference for Academy) live in Aston dorm his freshman year and his roommate was assigned and was 21yr old.incoming Jr. That roommate didn’t show up to school so it was some weeks and he got a roommate that dropped from the Corps. A few weeks went by and that guy supposedly went back to the Corps and he was assigned yet a third roommate.

If you don’t have someone as a roommate selected, you can go potluck and room with another teamer or full admit of any major.

Following up on @trinley’s comment, please take a little bit of time to consider the reputation and rankings of engineering programs that are accessible. Please go look up TAMU CoE and individual engineering department rankings. Let’s all be real here: ratings, reputation, and all the time (decades) and effort spent building up the university matter a whole lot more than transitory feelings of hurt if not getting exactly what we think we deserve. (I realize most of us here are true believers in the school, but I just had to throw that out anyway…)

@learner234 I believe that TEAB-RELLIS students as well as TEAM students are able to freely choose dorms and roommates subject to the same overall housing availability.

You are right of course. His stats are accurate and I was told directly by admissions he was academic admit. The more I think logically about this the more I just need to trust whatever happens is where he will do best. If something isn’t where they want it class wise then maybe it’s not the best fit. I certainly don’t want him struggling more than a normal engineering student already struggles!! I recognize this is all just my mom emotions wanting to see him get what he has worked so hard for. I’m so proud of the honors college acceptances and massive scholarships he has been offered at Tech and U of H so you are right…just need to breathe and trust what is best will happen. Thank you!

Ok @Thelma2 @AggieMomhelp last question. Which academy are applicants with similar stats as mine typically offered?

When did you apply: 11/21
When did you get your UIN: 11/24
When did you receive your admission decision: N/A
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: review
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
Class Rank: idk, but tamu placed in 2nd quarter(26 or 27%)
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1400, 680 r/w, 720 math
ACT (with Sub Scores): N/A

APs every year in hs, 4 years of band, eagle scout, 150+ volunteer hours

You have asked the 60 million dollar question. Typically, Galveston or Blinn Academy. Understand, these are all based on applicants that post here, so it would be helpful once you get a decision, if you would share it for next cycle.

@Txkellygirl My son has a friend who was offered Blinn TEam for business. He was also offered full admit to tech and was feeling slighted that he didn’t get the full offer. My son was accepted to tech and Auburn engineering but denied full admission to A&M but wanted to be an Aggie and earn his way in to a top 15 engineering program so he was accepted to the academy in Brenham. I told my sons friend that my son would crawl over broken glass to get his offer. Then I showed him my Aggie ring and asked him “how many Blinn hours do you think I have poured in this ring?” He thought for a minute and said “your right. I’m going to A&M”. Hopefully with a little reflection and ego healing, he will see the opportunity put before him. Gig’em