TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

Thank you @thelma2 for saying that about housing… I couldn’t type fast enought to dispell what @52AG82 was saying. Example, my son was Dec. admit last year. His roomie was Oct admit (auto). Both signed and paid for housing early after acceptance. Both had the exact time and day for room selection.

Any other review admits waiting? Getting very scared now…


That’s awesome! Thank you so much. Definitely going with this program over UT CAP.

My son was offered the TEAB, Galveston & McAllen options today. He chose Blinn. We are so excited!!!

@Thelma2 Just to clarify. " By accepting your admissions offer with Texas A&M, your application information will be sent to Blinn. Please do not submit an application to Blinn. However, prior to registering for classes at your Texas A&M New Student Conference (NSC), we will need to receive a few additional items to finalize your enrollment with Blinn."
So basically, I’m waiting for TAMU to send info to Blinn-Bryan and the " you are being considered for the Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan" should change to a different status once Blinn-Bryan receives and updates the info from AIS? Or am I interpreting it incorrectly? Thanks

@Sybylla - after looking at their page (hadn’t checked; assumed we wouldn’t get anything) yes, that looks like OOS - which means I was right and he’ll get bupkus for $$. LOL. Figures. I’m a CO resident, DH is texas. Just sent proof of residency to UT Austin - back into instate consideration. Was surprisingly easy.

@KeetsMom congrats! Your son and I had similar stats so I’m glad he was able to get in. I got 6 tabs today in my howdy portal so I’m hopeful that’s a sign for full admission.

@Txpharmguy0330 you are correct. Blinn and TAMU are separate educational institutions. TAMU can not guarantee you admission to Blinn any more than Blinn can guarantee you admission to TAMU until the paper work is submitted. Once officially admitted, you will be billed separately by both institutions as you are co-enrolled. All this information is available on the TAMU website via the links that @Thelma2 looked up and posted.

@Conner1c, congratulations!! Sounds like you got it!!!

Anyone still waiting?

@Thelma2 Looks as though I was denied…

Anyone here a Petrol. Engineering Major?

@learner234 Did you get a PSA decision today or an outright denial?

If not, then you didn’t get denied anything. It’s the first of February. How many times must we repeat that admissions decisions for review applicants have historically gone well into February? Nothing is over until you get a decision in AIS.

So my son was offered the 3 pathways today! He’s bummed as an academic admit he didn’t get straight acceptance but I think he will go Blinn Team and suck his ego up. Congratulations to all who heard back today as well!

@Txkellygirl Congratulations! Yes, tell him to put the ego aside. He’s in and is an Aggie. A&M Engineering can be very humbling to very smart students. It is not where you start. It is how you finish.

@Thelma2 so now that we have an offer my cool as a cucumber husband is starting to feel worried about these pathways. It looks like it’s not a guarantee to engineering and the GPA requirement is higher for Blinn…and they those classes don’t count as CS classes. Plus housing may already be full in the engineering dorm which was one of the main reasons we wanted CS. He’s walking away from a ton of scholarship money which now seems risky. Any feedback on how easy the transfer process is? Does he had to stay TEAB the entire 2 years?

My son got the 3 alternatives pathways today; was really hoping for full admission. Since he’s already been accepted into schools with similar engineering rankings, are cheaper, and he likes equally as well as TAMU he won’t be attending TEAB next fall.

@hansenelliott007 what were his stats?

Im an engineering review admit and I still havent heard anything back. I`m starting to lose hope now.


Out of state
rank: school doesn’t rank but TAMU put him as 1st quarter
GPA: 3.2UW, 3.9W - took 14 honors and 7 AP classes (including physics, calculus, computer science and chemistry) throughout high school
SAT - 760 math, 640 reading - he decided to only take it once
extracurriculars - part of national honor society, tutored kids at his school with coding, executive position in school engineering club, at home engineering projects

Anyone know if he can call up/email the admissions office to see if they’ll review some additional info and possibly give him full admission to College Station? His GPA has increased a decent amount after his 1st semester this year and maybe they’d take that into consideration.