TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

You say: “It looks like it’s not a guarantee to engineering and the GPA requirement is higher for Blinn…and they those classes don’t count as CS classes.”

Every freshman engineering student is accepted into general engineering. NO freshman is directly accepted into a specific major. General Engineering IS a guarantee into engineering if a student is capable of satisfying the requirements of Entry to A Major, which is Calculus I & II, Chemistry and Physics, in addition to the engineering class each semester (A LOT of work for only 2 hours of credit).

Most competitive engineering schools either admit to a general engineering pool or if direct admit to major, have criteria to be met in order to advance to upper level classes, after the first year or two. I certainly don’t know about every single engineering school but many high ranked ones are this way. Not every college has Computer Science under the Engineering umbrella. A&M does.

At A&M, the general engineering classes are required by all engineering students, regardless of major that they want or get into. No freshman begins taking courses towards a major until they are in one.

There is no guarantee that he will get into his major of choice. He will have to earn his way there. Is it easy? No, it is not. About 30% of kids will be out of engineering at the end of their first year. They either decide that the major is not for them or the major decides it for them because they are weeded out.

A 2.5 at Blinn vs a 2.0 from Galveston or in College Station. None of which will get one into their top choices of major. A student CAN get into their top 3 choices of major with less than a 3.5 overall GPA. A 2.59 has gotten into computer science. Here is the deal though: The guarantee is only for the first time they apply to a major. There are caveats, and it depends on which math they start in, but if they have to repeat a class, they will still go through the Apply to A major process but won’t be put into a major. So after that, their chances of their first choice major decrease. While a 2.59 got into Comp Sci during his first ETAM cycle, a 2.6 did not during their third and were denied all three choices and then had to wait to be offered a major that would accept them. This is true for every engineering student, be it in College Station, Galveston or an Academy.

TxKellyGirl: “Plus housing may already be full in the engineering dorm which was one of the main reasons we wanted CS”

Housing is not full and neither is the LLC. That is just malarkey wherever you heard that. What matters is you applying for housing as soon as possible within 30 days of admission decision.

YXKellyGIrl: “He’s walking away from a ton of scholarship money which now seems risky. Any feedback on how easy the transfer process is?”

Scholarship money that pays for his tuition and/or Room and board or scholarship money that allows you to pay instate tuition? There is HUGE difference.

TxKellyGirl: " Does he had to stay TEAB the entire 2 years?"
No, it is just an option. He can apply to a major in the Spring (April) of his Freshman year if he satisfies the general engineering course requirements and be in his major the following fall in College Station full time.

In an appeal, they usually don’t consider Sr year stuff unless it is REALLY compelling. Here is a link to the process: https://admissions.tamu.edu/freshman/Appeals

@hansenelliott007 Congrats on his other admissions! Where has he decided to attend? Being OOS, I am sure there are much cheaper options for him than A&M. Good Luck to him!!!

@Txkellygirl your son is going to need greater than a 2.5 to have a shot at his first or second choice for most majors so the 2.0 vs 2.5 is really moot. The advantage to the academy route is that if he gets a “c” in calculus for example, the grade does not count on his TAMU gpa. It just transfers as a credit like any junior college class. At Galveston it will count on his TAMU gpa. The academy route is also cheaper by several thousand dollars as science and calculus classes are thought by Blinn and you pay the Blinn price. :wink:

@Thelma2 This was all very helpful thank you! The Information is confusing because it looked like he had to have a 3.5 from Blinn to get to CS after and a 3.0 from Galveston. A 3.5 was a tad scary! And I wasn’t referring to major so much as the ability to be full CS. It looked like he had to complete 2 full years before he could move all classes to CS. Am I wrong? We will certainly get in line for housing. I just read comments from old posters who said they couldn’t get dorms by the time they were offered TEAB. As for scholarships he was offered $26k from Tech and $26k from U of H (we are in state already) and he has additional scholarships from the honors college at U of H we are waiting on. I think we will save money with TEAB though so maybe that’s ok. Again we were ready to pay more for full CS. My husband is just getting nervous and it’s rubbing off on me. He’s usually so calm! lol

@trinley I read 3.5 at TEAB and 3.0 at Galveston. The 3.5 kind of freaked me out thinking 1st semester freshman in these classes. He’s a great student but that was intimidating. Plus I read posts from some former TEAB engineering students who said they kept getting overlooked even though they had good GPAs. Of course my hubby who is cool as a clam is the one showing me this stuff now that he has decided to get anxious with me lol

@Txkellygirl Of course it is nerve racking when the web pages don’t clearly define in plain English. We all had confusion ourselves early on.One consistant thing you can always count on is things changing and since none of us has inside info, we have to wait to find out through other’s experience that something has changed.

Don’t read anything later than class 2021. Because curriculum and housing process has all changed. The Engineering LLC is now in 3 dorms instead of just the one from 2020.

Applicants that don’t register for housing within 30 days do find themselves at the bottom of the list and some end up in temporary places within the dorms (like study rooms) but it’s all good. It is only as difficult as we make it on ourselves and our kids. About three weeks in, everyone is in permanent housing. Very few upper classmen live on campus after freshman year so, about November after school begins in August, you will be needing to sign a lease somewhere. Current tenants have to tell their landlords usually by Dec 1 if they are staying or not and if they don’t resign by Dec 1, they loose their apartment and could go on the waiting list to get back in. It is happening right now with students who dilly dallied.

26K is 3K a semester over 4 years. My Aggie’s engineering tuition is 61XX and 1600-1800 of that is fees, per semester, so 3K would be a nice chunk of that. Something to consider. You will save some $$ for the year he is at Blinn.

@Txkellygirl you need a 3.5 to guarantee your first choice major, no matter if your a CS full admit, Galveston, or any of the engineering academies. I can’t speak to anecdotal posts about how a student believes they were overlooked but the advisor at Blinn Brenham and A&M have assured us that acedemy students compete on the same level with full admits during the ETAM process. The only difference is the minimum gpa requirement of 2.5 for your Blinn classes vs a 2.0 for TAMU full admits. You can find all the details here.


There is also a link on the right hand side that gives stats on the ETAM GPA for the Spring 2017 semester for each major. Hopefully this helps.

My son will go through the process this April. Even though he is in Brenham, he has visited with TAMU advisors a couple of times and will spend an entire Saturday in CS going through the entire process and visiting with advisors in couple of weeks. He even participated in the engineer career day 2 weeks ago in CS. I have actually met and discussed the academy program with Dr. Cathy Banks. She is Vice Chancellor of engineering for the entire TAMU system and the creator of the academy concept. TAMU wants academy students to be successful and to be Aggies. The last thing they need is to develop a reputation of treating the academy students as second class. Based on my discussions with her, the Blinn advisor, and our own experience this year I believe it.

I read somewhere that Galveston was 3.0 for choice of major which is why I have confusion! I wanted to understand why the TAEB students needed higher

@Txkellygirl The only thing higher for TEAB student is the minimum GPA requirement of 2.5 for your Blinn classes. It’s all spelled out in the link. Please feel free to post or message with any questions. I’m headed off to aggieland Saturday with son #2 who is a HS junior so it may be this evening before I can respond but @thelma2 has tons of experience but she gets bombarded so some of us are trying to help out.

My son got an offer for Blinn Bryan academy yesterday, he also has an offer from UT Dallas in computer engineering with partial tuition waiver. We are looking for some insight on pros or cons of one over the other.

@ham01 both are great. Really going to come down on what he’s looking for in his college life. If he wants big social athletic school then tamu it is. If he Doesn’t care about that and likes Dallas then UTD it is.

@Txkellygirl 2.5 Blinn 2.0 tamu cstat and Galveston. Not sure where you saw 3.0. All is irrelevant though because engineering is competitve and you won’t get what you want with the minimums.

Do howdy and ais update over the weekend?

@Thelma2 currently it’s looking like Penn state. Went and visited last weekend and he fell in love with the campus. He still needs to hear back from a couple of places, but I’m pretty sure he’s going to stick with Penn state.

It’s still going to be pretty expensive, but cheaper than TAMU by about 10k a year all in.

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Congrats @hansenelliott007 I am sure he will flourish and be happy there. A little colder perhaps than humid College Station. Best of luck to him and you.

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@sma1234 No, no one is at work on the weekends.

Kind of a trivial question but do TEAB students get the “I’m going to be an Aggie” banners in the mail? And if so has anyone gotten one yet?

Yes, TEAB and Blinn TEAM students get the “Im going to be an Aggie” banner.


Just an FYI, Even the academy students in Brenham and all other partner junior colleges get the banner as well.

@trinley I had no idea. Good to know. I think it’s strange but good to know.


How does it generally take to receive the banner once accepted?