TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

Blinn Engineering Academy at Bryan is by co enrollment for general engineering required curriculum.
Students will enroll in Blinn College-Bryan to take the engineering math and science courses.
The required engineering class will be taken at A&M along with one other class, usually one that satisfied a core curriculum requirement.

Entry to a Major Process: The primary pathway to a degree-granting major in the College of Engineering is the entry-to-a-major process, known as ETAM. Engineering students in the Engineering Academy program are strongly encouraged to apply to a degree-granting major as early as possible upon meeting the following two eligibility requirements:

  1. Must be in good academic standing in the Engineering Academy program, which implies a CGPA of at least 2.0 at TAMU and 2.5 at the partner community college, and
  2. Complete at least two math, two science and two engineering courses, which is the engineering core curriculum.

Students who complete the required coursework and earn a 3.5 CGPA or higher at each institution are guaranteed entry to the first choice engineering major at the end of their first year.

Students who complete the required coursework and earn less than a 3.5 combined GPA at each institution are not guaranteed entry to the first choice engineerng major but will undergo holistic review for the majors that they have put on their ETAM application in order of preference.

It is possible for a student who earns less than a 3.5 combined GPA to get into their first or second choice major. The 2017 Spring ETAM cycle analysis gives you an idea of what GPAs needed to be for entry. https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/entry-to-a-major/resources/analysis-spring-2017-admission-cycle/index.html

Again, these are the GPAs under 3.5 that were admitted to the specific major.

That said, the 3.5 only counts during the first ETAM cycle. If a student starts out in Calculus I and therefore is enrolled in the engineering class, the spring of freshman year will be considered the first ETAM cycle and they will apply to it whether they are eligible to be placed into a major or not.

A student will not be eligible to be placed into a major if for instance, they made a D in Calculus I and had to repeat the class in the spring semester. That student will still apply to a major (ETAM) but will not be eligible for a major because they will not have completed Calculus II, which is a general engineering requirement.

This student will then take Calculus II the following fall and Apply To A Major in November and receive their major decision in January.

If this student did not pass Calculus II in the fall, they will retake it in the following Spring semester and once again, Apply To A Major in April and receive their major decision in June.

Every cycle a student is not eligible to be placed in a major lessens the likelihood of receiving a major that is competitive to get into. Students are advised to see their advisor prior to any ETAM process so that they apply to majors that they are qualified for, based on their GPA rather than one’s they may want but not be qualified for.

When an applicant applies to a major that is not qualified for that major or any of their list of 3-5 they can list, if they are rejected from the entire list of preferred majors, they must wait a day or two to see what majors the engineering department will offer them.

If a 2.5 GPA got into Computer Science in the first ETAM cycle, a 2.6 likely won’t in the second ETAM cycle.

If a student beings in Calculus I and the Engineering course, they have 4 semesters to complete the general engineering requirements and get into a major. https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/resources/fourth-semester-general-engineering-students.html

Program Completion: Engineering students in the Engineering Academy program who do not meet the entry-to-a-major application requirements can still secure full admission to Texas A&M by satisfying program completion requirements. In particular, students must meet the following requirements by the end of the first summer session following the second year of enrollment in the Engineering Academy program:

*******Completion of at least 45 transferable hours from Blinn College-Bryan with a minimum CGPA of 2.5
Completion of at least 15 hours of engineering coursework from Texas A&M with a minimum CGPA of 2.5
Upon successful completion, students can apply for a change of curriculum into a degree-granting major at Texas A&M. Advisors for the Engineering Academy program will help engineering students identify majors in or outside the College of Engineering that are suitable for their academic goals and CGPA competitiveness.

This means that if a student is unable to pass the core engineering requirements by exhausting their attempts to pass the general engineering requirements with a grade of C or better in the 4 semesters allowed, the engineering student can still gain admission to A&M into another major if, by the end of summer after their 4th semester (second year) by having the starred criteria directly above.

Also, if an engineering academy student elects to leave the engineering major, they can switch over to Blinn Team through an advisor who will help with that transition process and work towards a selected major.

“What if you don’t maintain a 3.5 average in the two years at TEAB”

You don’t have to maintain a 3.5 GPA in the two years in TEAB. The 3.5 is only to guarantee your first choice major during the first Entry To A Major cycle.

“Let’s say you have a 3.0? What are the chances that you would be accepted into the tamu college of engineering during the ETAM process…”

If a student has a combined 3.0 GPA during the ETAM process, they stand a chance of getting one of their top three choices of preferred major.

I read on the Aggie website
“Those who do not meet entry-to-a-major requirements can apply for a change of curriculum into a degree granting major…inside or outside the college of engineering”

This is for students who wish to leave the engineering program or cannot satisfy the general engineering requirements of a C or better in the required core classes.

"When I called TAMU admissions today they told me

  1. accepting TEAB is not a binding contract
    Your not agreeing to attend until you sign up for NSC
  2. in TEAB if you don’t maintain a 3.5…co-enrolled/ you won’t be considered to transfer to the College of Engineering"

In order to be eligible to apply to a major, a student must:
. Must be in good academic standing in the Engineering Academy program, which implies a CGPA of at least 2.0 at TAMU and 2.5 at the partner community college, and

  1. Complete at least two math, two science and two engineering courses.

A 2.0 GPA at TAMU and 2.5 at Blinn are minimums to be eligible to apply to a major and won’t be competitive for the most competitive majors. A competitive applicant will have higher GPA’s at both institutions.

thank you @thelma2

@pbleigh excellent point about Class of 2020 not being relevant. I wasn’t connecting that dot, lol. I would still bet it’s a high percentage of those that meet the basic requirements and want to stay in engineering, will be able to do so. Just may have to IDIS or something to stay in there (ie something not as competitive or desired).

@maw1970 I hope thelmas reiteration and expanded detail makes you feel more confident in the ability to succeed in ETAM!

@maw1970 You are missing a VITAL pieces of the verbiage for the program completion. Read it carefully.

Program Completion: Engineering students in the Engineering Academy program


can still secure full admission to Texas A&M by satisfying program completion requirements. In particular, students must meet the following requirements by the end of the first summer session


in the Engineering Academy program:

Completion of at least 45 transferable hours from Blinn College-Bryan with a minimum CGPA of 2.5
Completion of at least 15 hours of engineering coursework from Texas A&M with a minimum CGPA of 2.5
Upon successful completion, students can apply for a change of curriculum into a degree-granting major at Texas A&M. Advisors for the Engineering Academy program will help engineering students identify majors in or outside the College of Engineering that are suitable for their academic goals and CGPA competitiveness.

Students who choose to leave the Engineering Academy at Blinn College-Bryan program may request to change to the Texas A&M Blinn TEAM program — provided they are in satisfactory academic standing. Students that receive an offer of full admission to Texas A&M University but elected to begin in the Engineering Academy program must adhere to the terms and conditions. These students will retain their full offer of admission to Texas A&M. If these students choose to leave the program, they can complete a change of curriculum request as per Texas A&M student rule 5.


So, what is the criteria now for applying to a major if 3.5 doesn’t get a first choice major? Do they all undergo holistic review?

It is misleading to say the least if they do not update the website pages to reflect that. I know that anything from 4.8 and under undergoes holistic review for the major. Is every GPA now undergoing holistic review for the major?

Nothing on A&M or Blinn Engr Academy says anything about maintaining 3.5 to be able to apply to a major

Inform us what you know. Also @MomHopesNxtGenAg and @trinley

Are more engineering offers still bound to come? I applied by early action deadline and nothing so far

@Thelma2 @AggieMomhelp
Thank you!!! I finally reached an admissions person at TAMU
I had to direct them to all the links we have been sharing on here
And they finally confirmed what you are saying.
My takeaway
3.5 guaranteed ETAM first choice
3.4-3.0 probably good chance ETAM Top 3 engineering majors offered
2.9-2.5 still a chance to transfer to college of engineering/ maybe not your preferred major…Or at that point/ the student earning “C” grades in challenging courses likely decides “engineering is NOT for me”
You ladies are angels on here to all of these kids and families
It’s like torture trying to navigate all this information
Thanks again for your thoughtful answers
Correct me if I’m wrong in my understanding

If I am in TEAB, do I send my AP scores to CSTAT or Blinn

Sounds consistent, @maw1970, and thank you for running this down.
When this started up today and before I had a chance to research, I texted my son and reminded him of the facts of ETAM GPA life–again :). I wouldn’t want to play the odds. myself, and would get in there with as close to min. 3.5 as I possibly could. There are a lot of students involved here (thousands).

@Thelma2 In Spring 2018 ETAM both MEEN and CSCE filled up with only auto-admits so I was told by my son’s honor’s general engineering advisor. She also said that several other majors almost filled up, not sure which ones she was referring to. That meant even if your GPA was above a 3.5 but this was not your first ETAM opportunity, you did not get into either of those majors that particular go around. Also it could have been your first ETAM but they did not have room for anyone below 3.5 as well. So the posted statistics for spring 2017 or the class of 2020 are very misleading because for the following class of 2021 the holistic review for those two majors would be zero percent, and I am guessing that is why it is not posted. Right after that they made a requirement that to auto-admit you had to have both calculus classes and physics; you couldn’t count as one of your two math classes at tamu the pre-calculus class. So 3.5 is still the GPA for auto-admit but they have put some more stipulations on to what semester you can apply for auto-admit ETAM and that semester being the only semester you are eligible to apply for auto admit. If you look at this link and scroll down to the additional requirements for Auto Admit:

To apply for ETAM is not the same as applying for auto-admit during ETAM, the lower GPA thresholds apply for being eligible to apply, however, it seems it is more competitive than ever to get into some majors within engineering. There were many people within the class of 2021 posting on the aggie reddit that they were eligible to apply for ETAM at their first opportunity in the spring of 2018 and did but did not get any of their choices. Since the school is not posting the statistics I do not know how to quantify that but it certainly does seem very much different then what the class of 2020 experienced.

@AggieMomhelp How long does it take for the 6 tabs to appear after accepting the blinn academy offer?

@mosid2001 Read every grey circle link on this web site. It will explain everything http://www.blinn.edu/engineering-academy-bryan/index.html

@maw1970 By George, I think You’ve Got it!

@pbleigh With the 25x25 initiative for graduating engineers, would have expected the ETAM process to be more forgiving than ever; but your post, unfortunately, says otherwise. Thanks for the info!

@AggieMomhelp Also, do academy students get to be in the Class of 2023 picture taken at Kyle Field?

@pbleigh this post is scaring me a little, for my daughter.
She is strong in math and physics, she really feels strongly about MEEN and all the other schools have her pre-admitted. TAMU is the only shool where she would have to compete for admission to MEEN.
She’s been accepted at Pitt, Baylor, Cal Poly Pomona, U of Utah, Embry Riddle, all Mech Eng. Pre-admit, sure, but once she’s in she’s in and it’s hers to lose.
Gotta process this a little more with her.

@Thelma2 @AggieMomhelp
At what point is your admission decision BINDING? Tamu told me NSC? Is that true?
They said if withdrawal or change your mind you would lose NSC fee…is that all?..
Or are you agreeing to paying full tuition at that point.

If I am in TEAB, do I send my AP scores to TAMU or Blinn?

Ok got it, it is as I thought and what I posted in my long post. Yes, the criteria changed to the 3.5 for guaranteed first choice major during the first cycle only. An applicants chances decrease with every cycle they are ineligible. I know of some 3 and 4 cycle applicants from the Parent FB page. There were many unhappy folks who did not get any of their top 3 who were 3rd semester, second ETAM cycle applicants.Yes, it has been quite different since class 2020, Spring 2017.
I would imagine that by posting the more current ETAM stats would not paint as pretty a picture as saying 98% of eligible applicants got first choice major. It doesn’t say how many of the 4K kids were ineligible to be placed in a major.

@rockmom21 I know the feeling my son is MEEN and went through this same thing with him a couple of years ago, but he liked A&M the best and was not concerned with the ETAM process at the time. I thought maybe UT MEEN would be a more sure bet but he did not feel comfortable in Austin/UT and that is a very important consideration. His friends who had similar feelings chose to go to UT and are mostly unhappy. My son’s case is not the usual but for him, his first choice ETAM was the spring 2018, he had a 3.8 GPA, and all was going well until he had a bike accident and got a concussion which forced him to drop his second math class, which in his case was Math 308. That made him ineligible to ETAM and he lost his only auto admit opportunity and really sweated it out this past fall semester until his second ETAM opportunity got him in MEEN. If you’re daughter is strong in math and physics she can do this, but she has to keep it very much in the forefront of her mind that the 3.5 is very important and make sure her first two semesters she doesn’t overdue it with the course load. My son took nearly all his AP credit and was in some really challenging courses his freshman year.

I want to do Petroleum Engineering for ETAM. Anyone know how competitive that is?