TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Good Luck everyone applying to Texas A&M University.

This thread on the TAMU forum is for the high school students applying for Fall 2020 admissions.
When did you apply:
Class Rank:
SAT (with Sub Scores)
ACT (with Sub Scores)
When did you receive your admission decision:
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit:
Major/College of Choice:

And so it begins! Also, parents, feel free to post or add for your students under your own account. You’ll find out some great information here. Thanks @thelma2 for starting us off again this year.

There is a new component to applying this cycle, that is required for incoming freshman. Under REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. There is also a SRAR FAQ and Video tutorial links on the page.
All freshmen applicants must complete a SRAR with a few exceptions.* Applicants create the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) using their official high school transcript. The SRAR lists the courses and associated grades that have been completed, or will be completed, for high school and/or college credit. It replaces the high school transcripts used by the Office of Admissions during the initial admission process in most cases. Applicants will enter their courses, grades, class rank (if provided on transcript), weighted GPA, and graduation plan in the SRAR. Since accuracy is critical, you must have a copy of your high school transcript available to use as a reference when you create your SRAR. The SRAR cannot be submitted prior to the application but you can and should work on it as soon as possible. It must be submitted and linked with your application by December 15.

*All freshmen applicants must complete the SRAR except the following:
Applicants not completing high school in the U.S.
GED graduates
Students who have already graduated from high school

If a rank is not provided by the high school for students to enter in their SRAR a rank will be assigned.

Texas residents reporting a top ten percent ranking must also provide verification of ranking by submitting an official high school transcript with a relative numeric ranking via TREx or the upload feature in AIS.

I wonder if the SRAR is designed aid in the process in terms of speed of decisions.

A lot of the schools here in Pa use it. And if I remember correctly, once you upload the information you can share it with other colleges that use the same system.

When did you apply: 7/23/19
Class Rank: unranking (around 20%)
SAT (with Sub Scores). 1400 (710 Math, 690 English)
ACT (with Sub Scores)
When did you receive your admission decision:
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Academic
Major/College of Choice: 1) Engineering 2)Mays

@L1Ag91 best of luck. Hope you get your choice. Are you set on engineering? Many students put both majors as engineering. If you want mays more than engineering or are undecided… you may want to put mays as your first choice and then minor in engineering.

If you don’t get cstat campus for engineering are you willing to do an alternative pathway for the first year? I only ask because you may not find out about engineering until it’s too late and mays could be full. If you’re a diehard engineer then go for it. But if you’re teetering… think about it. Your scores are great and I believe you have a solid chance at cstat campus for engineering, but last year threw us a bunch of curveballs as to who got in where. So that is my reasoning for the question.

When did you apply: Pending
Class Rank: School does not rank, very competitive HS
SAT (with Sub Scores).
ACT (with Sub Scores) 31 Composite (34 Math, 31 Science, 33 STEM)
When did you receive your admission decision: TBD
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Academic
Major/College of Choice: 1) Engineering
What are my chances of getting into A&M, and what are my chances of getting into Engineering?

@OhioTransplant First, get your application in quickly. Second… what’s your GPA? Third, based on your test scores and being academic admit, I think you have an excellent shot at main campus engineering. What math and sciences have you taken or will take this year? TAMU likes to see math and science readiness. Your ACT scores are impressive and show strength in that area, so I think you are a strong candidate.
Also, on the flip side of the review process for Eng… do you have any ECs, strong LORs, Engineering clubs or something showing interest in that field?

Thanks AggieMomhelp. Quite strong in those areas. Math includes (will include) Trig, intro to Calc, the obvious Algerbra etc. Science: Biology, AP Chem, AP physics. EC include tennis, tech team, STEM club (officer), Band (officer), NHS (officer), plenty of volunteer work etc. GPA is 4.4

Oh,… And will be taking Honor Engineering Design this year.

Pretty sure you’re gonna be okay for full cstat admissions. If not I would be shocked. Please know this is just my opinion based on prior years. Last year was crazy competitive but i still think you would have been solid with this resume! @thelma2 always has better insight on engineering (and pretty much everything else lol). She’ll probably give you some good intel!

Is intro calculus the highest calculus you have/will have by graduation and does your school offer Calculus AB or BC? If your school does offer either/both of those, engineering is going to look at that and either didn’t take or couldn’t take them. What was your math subscore on SAT?
Have you already taken AP physics and AP Chem? If so, What are your scores?

Most Auto and Academic Admits make full admissions to College Station Engineering. I have seen a few Auto top 10% be offered Galveston when their test scores are not competitive as well as Academic Admits be offered Galveston and Engineering Academy. That said, we have no idea exactly what other factors were considered in those decisions, and they have been the exception not the rule.

Last year, the decisions were all over the place and they gave admission options for review applicants. Just when we see a trend, they shake things up to keep us guessing. But yes, I think you will also be offered full admissions, as long as your rank is in the top 25% of your class and you indeed make academic admit.

If you end up second quarter, even with your great score, full admissions is less likely and Galveston or Engineering Academy will, based on past 4 cycles of 2Q applicants, be the admissions decision. Those come out in February. Typically.

Hi! Posting for my student. If the student is an Academic Admit, is admission to the College Station campus guaranteed?

When did you apply: July 1, 2019
Class Rank: 15%
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1360 (don’t have sub scores handy but they meet requirements)
ACT (with Sub Scores): 30 (don’t have sub scores handy but they meet requirements)
When did you receive your admission decision: Pending
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Liberal Arts

Thank you for your comments. Only took the ACT. Math subscore is 34, science is 31. Took AP physics exam and passed with a 4. Will be taking AP Chem this year. School is very competitive and the school does not rank. What I am hearing is that the chances of admission are good, but nothing is guaranteed.

Yes, Academic Admit is guaranteed admission to College Station for every major except engineering (thought the majority receive it). Your applicant is in. Formal decision release is usually around the 3rd week in September.

Chances are very good @OhioTransplant. A&M will use your GPA based on your school’s grading profile, along with your test scores, and using algorithms, will assign you a class rank. That is going to be key to whether you are an academic admit or not, is where you are assigned rank wise. A&M doesn’t consider how competitive your high school is. They want to see how well you competed against your classmates in that same environment.

I encourage you to read up on the ETAM process and the eligibility on A&M Engineering website. Also, read on this forum the ETAM Statistics for getting into a major. AP courses give you great background in a course, and if claimed, you are still required to take additional maths/sciences to satisfy ETAM requirements that must be taken at A&M College Station campus. There is no way around it. Understand that Calculus 1 & 2 for engineering students weeds out a lot of students from the program, or brings down their GPA, if they are not a strong math student, to where their desired choices of major become out of reach. As of right now, the retention rate of those who begin in engineering and graduate with an engineering degree is about 55%. On par with Purdue. Getting in is the easier part. Staying in is key.

@AggieMomhelp Thanks so much for your thoughts! Your comments brought up a few questions.

  1. Is there any advantage to choosing both majors in Engineering? I thought that it would be entirely redundant to do so. Choosing anything else, even if the odds are low, should still be worth more than a second engineering major. Am I thinking about this wrong?
  2. Do they look at the various sub-scores from the SAT report? (My Math subscore is 35.5, Science 35). I’m in AP Physics and precalc this fall - so I’ve done well in Math, but not taking Calculus.

I’m hoping to make CStat main campus Engineering, but not sure how to play the second option in the event I don’t get in. I’m wondering how to weigh the alternative pathway vs. another major…

It doesn’t matter which major your put down for engineering. That may or may not be the major you end up in. A&M is not a direct admit to major. With your scores and an Academic Admit, you will likely be offered an engineering major, not Mays or any other 2nd choice major. That said, not having any calculus will be a red flag in a sense, if your school offers it. Engineering really wants to see your calculus and physics readiness. Read my post to DaisyDays above.
The Academic Admits/Auto Admits who do not get into College Station engineering, don’t get offers until after January, long after Mays is full as well as some other highly sought after majors.

The reason the major you put on the application doesn’t really matter is that Freshmen are admitted to General Engineering and then, if qualified, in April of Freshman year, they undergo a competitive process called Entry To A Major, or ETAM. Your Engineering curriculum GPA and your overall GPA are considered heavily for the major you are accepted into. An applicant going through ETAM will list 3-5 choices of major on the application. How competitive an applicant you are for the number of spots available in the major will dictate a lot. If you are passed up for your first choice, your application goes to the office of your second choice. If you are passed up for that choice, it goes to the 3rd choice and so on. It is not unusual for applicants to be declined from any of their top choices and in that case, the majors that will take them, are offered to them.

It gets a little more complicated at that point to go into all of the specifics because there are many variables at that point of what students can do.

As an engineering student, you can minor in business. You can also participate in Mays businesses competitions and events that are open to other majors. My engineering son takes part in them. Lots of resume opportunities.

@Thelma2 where does A&M get the school’s grading profile? My son is graduating from a high school in Northern Virginia. It never asked us to send in a transcript with the new SRAR system and certainly no grading profile so where do they get it?

Oh geeze @TexasAggie99 I need to go find that out. Used to, when the transcripts were sent in, the school sent a grading profile in along with it, that admissions used. I am sure they still receive one somehow from the school, I just don’t know the vehicle in which it gets there. To assign rank to applicants from non ranking high schools, they would still need that information.
I am not sure how the grading profile reads on a transcript. That is a lot of info A&M admissions shares and then a lot that they keep the details secret. Like the fact that they use algorithms to determine the rank but no one knows how that algorithm works exactly.