TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@robmom2 I’m right here with ya! 6 tabs, no congrats message in AIS yet. I’m not sure what this means.

My son has six tabs, but no message on AIS yet. Maybe that will change overnight?

Hello, my son got the following message:

Congratulations, xxxx! You’ve Been Admitted!
Welcome to the Aggie Family!
You have been admitted to Engineering Review (UNEN). Your NSC Registration will be delayed until the College of Engineering review has been completed. Files completed by October 15th will be reviewed and a decision notification posted here by mid-December. Decisions will post in mid to late January for files completing after October 15. You may apply for on-campus housing immediately by visiting http://reslife.tamu.edu/.

Does anyone know what it means as “Engineering Review”? Is that he might be admitted to the school, but not an Engineering major? He only chooses Engineering for this school.

Can you apply for on-campus housing before accepting admission?

I found other admission indicators on my son Howdy page. Under his profile is says Fall 2020 college station for the term. Also he has an unofficial transcript accepting his dual enrollment classes which indicated he is in May Business School ?

Whoop Congrats to all with 6 tabs. Even if you don’t have the status change… I PROMISE it means you have full cstat admissions. IF you are Engineering, you are now under review for that. Yes it is possible the student doesn’t get into engineering on cstat campus and may be offered alternative routes, but don’t freak out just yet. If the student is math and science ready, then they should get main campus.

Housing is probably being inundated right now, so give it a chance. You won’t miss out on a selection time. You won’t pick housing until April at the earliest. BUT be sure you put down deposit as soon as the system is up and running.

Sign up for New Student Conference (NSC) as soon as you can as well (engineering cannot yet). Choose a time that works for your schedule. Do not worry about classes being full if you choose a later NSC. They continually open up classes throughout the summer.

So excited for you all. It’s a great time to be an Aggie! Now exhale. Now to the holistic review peeps… do not start to panic. You will not hear before December or January at the earliest. It means nothing. It doesn’t decrease your chance just because auto’s and academics are hearing now.

My daughter was accepted this morning as well. Academic admit, applied July 24(ish?). NSC selection pending Engineering Review. Can’t access housing yet even though the AIS congrats screen says she can access it immediately. Probably just waiting to turn on access for the new applicants. Congrats all!

Well, my son was 2 english points out of Academic Admit and no six tabs or welcome message… his composite score was 30.

Does anyone know how long before they typically begin the next round of admits? I assume it’s now holistic review time?

Thank you @AggieMomhelp! I was afraid I had made a mistake in getting excited! I am not seeing the link to sign up for the NSC. Is it under one of the new tabs?

ETA: I found it!!! Never mind! Can’t do anything yet as her app status has yet to change.

I applied on July 1st, review admit. I don’t have six tabs. Should I be worried? And I’m taking the ACT again tomorrow hoping to get academic admit. If I do (assuming my scores are send out on the 24th), would I get my decision faster than with just review admit?

Congratulations to your son on Mays!! And also thank you for the tip on where to look in the Howdy profile’s unofficial transcript. My daughter is in the same boat, top of that transcript now says Mays. Looks like our kiddos are going to be business classmates. SOOO EXCITED for them!! ?

@hmporter64 Sorry to break it to you, but holistic reviews haven’t even been touched. Last year a very small few heard in October and I’m talking like less than 5 people on this forum. This was unheard of before. My sons year (Class of 2022), first holistics went out the week of Thanksgiving and then mid December. The bulk went out in January and February.

So to holistic review peeps… as I’ve stated… do not start to panic. When it gets to the end of Feb… then maybe a small amount of panic MAY be warranted, but still, full admits can be as late as then.

@AggieMomhelp You’ve been SO helpful. Could you possibly answer #177 for me? Thanks!

@fishfamx4 The admissions website has online chat.
You might ask your question there. http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshman/apply

When did you apply: Aug 1 (in state student)
Class Rank: assigned First Quarter
SAT (with Sub Scores) did not take
ACT (with Sub Scores) 33 composite, 32 math, 33 science, 33 english, 32 reading.
When did you receive your admission decision: Today, Sept 13
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
Taken: A/B AP Calculus, Taking B/C AP Calculus and Statics this year.
Other AP classes taken and taking: Computer science, English, Goverment, Creative Writing, US History.
National Honor Society, 3 varisty sports each year, select soccer year round, over 200 volunteer hours in community, attended two engineering camps last summer, Held several leadership positions in young mens service league, helped coach at local sports camps.

What are his odds at Engineering at Cstat vs. Blinn Engineering Academy?

What is Blinn Engineering Academy?

Students are enrolled in courses at Blinn and Texas A&M. More info can be found here:

I reached out to someone in housing and was informed that housing applications do not open until Sept 19th.

My son applied July 18th for Spring 2020 admission and has only 3 tabs still he was in top 10% at graduation last May and decided to wait until Spring 2020 to start. Wonder when he will get auto admitted???

DS got admitted!! Engineering under review - but school says BAC degree his first choice was listed as BS Computer Engineering (Computer Science Track) has it changed to BAC for other engineering admits?

I got the 6 tabs this morning! Still says “In Review” in Howdy. My AIS was loading earlier today, but now it says that it’s “Under Maintenence,” and I can’t view any of the pages. However, in the Howdy site, if you click on “My Profile” and you have 6 tabs, it might say that you’re an Undergraduate for Fall 2020 at College Station. You can also click to “View Unofficial Transcript,” and it should say what major you are accepted into! Mine says “College of Liberal Arts, History.” Congrats to everyone who got 6 tabs today!