TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@JustWondring Yes, I haven’t seen much Liberal Arts either… mainly STEM other than some of the LA getting PSA last week (psychology and Poli Sci I believe)

I took my SAT 3 times and each time I couldn’t sleep the two days before and kept telling myself stories about how everything was riding on it. My brain was mush and I couldn’t move very quickly through the tests. Never have I ever gotten like that before any test or situation. I could take AP tests, physics, calculus tests daily without any worries.
I believe this may be one of the reasons leading to TAMU doing away with the academic admit status after this year.
Luckily for engineering, my math hit that of the average accepted applicant for other engineering opportunities if needed.
In the mean time I’m still a review admit waiting patiently, since July to become an Aggie in CS.
My grades, GPA, etc reflect that I’m so much more than my SATs. So, I feel for those in the same boat.
Best to everyone doing the waiting game too :slight_smile:

Has anyone heard of receiving 6 tabs and a major change on AIS but then application still saying under review, then getting denied? I want to know if there is still a possibility of getting denied, my sister has her 6 tabs and a change of major on her AIS

Reading some of the posts today I can feel the anxieties and frustrations for some who are still waiting. I remembered how that was like when we have to waited until mid-Feb 2018 to hear our oldest son was admitted to Engineering in Galveston.

While disappointing as it was, it turned out to be a correct decision for him. Even though he did better than we expected on the SAT Math (700), he struggled with his math classes, Calculus I & II, his freshman year. He finally sat down, evaluated his situation and told us that he realized he isn’t cut out to be a mechanical engineer - and want to switch over to a business major. Fast forward 9 mos later, he is now in his 2nd semester at UH as an accounting major and doing well and enjoying it.

That is just an anecdote of my own son but I think it illustrates some of the realities that @icedmachiato and others have pointed out.

I think most of the posters on this forum are trying to be helpful, provide encourage and support for each other. In some instances, the words might not come across as such on this type of forum so you have to look beyond that …

My sincere best wishes to all …

I spoke with a gal who works in the scholarship department today and she said they are awarding some freshman scholarships this wk. The financial aid portal has been down today and continues to be down. Does anyone know, from experience, if the portal will remain down for a couple days or will it come back up yet this eve?

To everyone who scored less than a perfect SAT/ACT score:

Go to Khan Academy online, see where your weak areas are and then make it a priority to improve in those areas BEFORE your Fall Freshman year. It is an wonderful resource, I wish that something like this had been available back in the “old days” when I was preparing for college.

If you are planning on a STEM major, you HAVE to be prepared for the Math. The professors will expect that everyone is up to the rigor and pace of TAMU. So you have to prepare yourself. Go over all of the Math on the SAT/ACT until you can do it backwards and forwards and in your sleep. There are online prep cources for all levels.

Make the time now so that you are prepared in the Fall. You won’t have time to review the Math when TAMU classes start. There is a Math placement exam you will have to take, I have no idea what happens if someone has a dual credit for a math but does not score high enough on the placement exam. Probably someone on CC does know.

Check out all of the Khan Academy online classes, there may be others that really appeal to you, I’m not sure what is offered there.

If you are in a non-STEM major, make sure that you are prepared for the writing and literary research or any other skills needed for your major. Read the classic books, etc.

Make this preparation a priority. If you need to step back from ECs or something else to make the time, then do so. Some ECs allow HS Seniors to be non-participating so that you can focus on your NEXT stage in life.

Everyone at TAMU is likely to be “the cream of the crop” from their school, but not everyone will be academically prepared or emotionally prepared for the rigor and pace of TAMU classes. Prepare YOURSELF.

Some students won’t study and won’t participate in group projects so you need to know how to do it all by yourself, as it will be YOUR grade that suffers if you do your half and the other person doesn’t. It stinks that they will skate along on your hard work, but that is preferrable to both of you failing. Someone who can’t pull their weight will eventually either straighten up or fail out. Don’t let them drag you down with them.

Some students will focus on the social aspect of college and over do the 'freedom from parental rules". Some are overwhelmed with dealing with roommates/floor mates with different sleep habits/cleaning habits/eating habits/noise levels, etc. That can also bleed over into problems in class.

Prepare ahead of time. Fix any weak areas from your SAT/ACT tests. They are benchmarks that can be compared as apples to apples. Either you know it or you don’t. Even if you just had a brain freeze on test day, go over what you missed, and work on all weak areas.

When you get to TAMU, manage your time well and plan on studying harder than you ever have. But also enjoy being an Aggie in Aggieland! :slight_smile:

Just my 2 cents. Good luck to everyone!

I was told today, when I called the financial aid office, that it might not be up until tomorrow.
Also was told that students will be hearing back anytime over the next two weeks.

Anyone who has been admitted - did you get an email or did it only come in a letter in the mail? I know it’s online but just wondering if they email it as well.

does anyone know if there have been any decisions reported for holistic admits in public health? I’ve been searching the forum but there are just so many pages ? Is the next predicted wave Friday?

@123vca so does that mean all students in holistic review should hear by the end of January then?

My DD got accepted to TAMU-BLINN TEAM! She has a decision to make. DD also got in UT- Moody School of Communications. Her sister is at A&M. We will see if she is an Aggie or Longhorn!

Our second choice is Public Health and nothing has changed in our AIS.

I thought Public Health didn’t participate in being a second choice major? I originally put PH as my first and Allied Health as my second. Upon further research and calling the school, they said that Public Health and Allied Health do not participate as a second choice major.
Update: Now that I think about it, they may have said that this applies to transfers!

@linbad @JewelW27 Where did it say on your portal that you were accepted to Blinn? Just curious where things will be when there is a change of status. Thanks and congrats!!

I had six tabs in Howdy and in AIS my first choice major was changed to Blinn TEAM. AIS updated today to show admitted to Blinn TEAM

My most recent post was only in regards to financial aid notices, not acceptances.
Sorry for any confusion.

@linbad Out of curiosity what was your major that you requested?

Anyone know when the deadline to accept TEAM is? For those that are not committed to TAMU, I’m wondering, if when decline comes from applicant, opens a “place”, do they make TEAM offer to someone else?

@chilanga513 It is in the manage application or click on AIS portal. It had Congrats you have been accepted to TAMU-Blinn Team.

Any english majors get accepted yet? Been waiting for over 3 months…):