TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Just catching up on the 80 plus posts. I’m in shock… didn’t see the waitlist thing coming at all. I know someone in admissions, but I only get intel after it happens. Tight lipped, those people. = )

So @BlueBayouAZ did the research on the past waitlist. I have no info other than that. I can only assume they are doing this to increase more holistic reviews once decisions are made from academic admits/auto admits. This should get us in line with next year when academic admits go away.

as for Gateway, I can’t imagine them doing away with this program. It’s been around forever and while yes, some don’t have hardships and made it into this program in the past, last I heard, they are wanting to get the program back to its original intention. It’s an amazing route and really prepares these types of students.

I’m with @jaceyk on the Team route. This is such a great option and you are 100% an Aggie. All the privileges… every single one. AND if you want to apply for straight transfer after a year, you can. You don’t have to wait out the 2 years. It’s just that simple.

I think they should make a top 15 or 20% with certain test minimums for academic admit only and no auto. I agree with @junebugxmom. They are more well rounded and it would do away with everyone complaining (and yes we all complain) about how competitive their childs school is. But guess what, noone is calling me. rude, right?

Hang in there guys. Sorry we aren’t hearing what we wanted today, but there’s at least some progress and maybe a wonderful outcome!

I talked to someone in admissions and asked about the waitlist this morning. She said engineering was not full and there were still offers going out end of this month and first of next month For engineering applicants who met early decision.??‍♀️

@AggieMomhelp Do you think it’s PSA only that is left for anyone who didn’t get the waitlist options today?

@AggieMomhelp I am wondering if our child DID NOT get a waitlist offer, do we think that puts them under the waitlist people or could it possibly mean they could still get an offer? I guess more waiting is in order? My daughter and I both feel like we wish A&M would just reject if that’s what’s going to happen b/c like so many other people said, we have to move on with housing and other decisions at 2nd choice is this isn’t going to work.

Thank you…So there is still hope…

I can see it both ways @Bremsy96 and @chilanga513

The fact that some PSA offers have gone out already is a good sign for you guys.
However, in the past PSA was the bulk of offers and they went out in February so that’s still a possibility as well. I would assume they would put out offers for full admit now before this waitlist offer but being that this is a “new” thing, I have no real insight. I wish I did.

The whole thing is keeping us on our toes, that’s for sure.

Would it be safe to assume that if applicants in your major are getting waitlisted, and you are still in review, you will be rejected? Just cant see any other path unfortunately.

@bcarltx My thoughts too… However, still holding out hope b/c from what I can see our stats are a little higher, but really who knows…

Past waitlists have not been ranked. Meaning they are just a list and people are re-evaluating when space is available.

The last year of the waitlist, 2011, of 990ish people that came off the list all but less than 10 people were offered TEAM. So just a few people got College Station Full.

My assumption is once all the commitments are made in May the different departments will evaluate enrollment and if there is a dip- they will reach to the waitlists to fill it. So major specific. (But I DO NOT think people will come off the waitlist into Mays).

question for experienced Aggies: does it make sense to attend the NSC before your IB and AP scores from May are published? Thinking about making a class schedule and the fact that scoring well gives me college credit for many classes but then again, waiting until Late July and August seems like a long time.

It is very difficult to know what’s going on, but the decisions do seem to be grouped by majors. Psychology/sociology happened together earlier this month. What we are seeing today seems to be concentrated in public health, animal sciences (and related ag fields wildlife/fisheries).

I’m not seeing anything directly related to my son’s major, so I’m hesitant to be either hopeful or dejected. I am like everyone else on here though in that it is getting more and more difficult not having a decision. It would be nice to make some housing decisions, sign up for new student orientation and start getting excited about his future home, even if it isn’t his first choice campus.

Am I wrong in thinking we really haven’t seen much of anything in the way of economics decisions. I saw one review admit earlier this month, but really nothing else?

@Jaceyk I agreed with you that TEAM offers are good opportunity and pathway into TAMU. And those who received them should read carefully more about it before rejecting it outright.

However, technically it is NOT a full admission. As you said, you cannot enroll full time - only 1/2 classes on campus. The only admission that I know of that is considered a full admission (not at CStat campus) is Engineering at Galveston.

Just to be clear so when people are given options to pick: TEAM, Waitlist or Both, they are talking about Waitlist for full admission to a major.

@mikeinsugarland respectfully disagree - full admission, in my eyes, is being able to be a full time Aggie on cstat campus. They can live in dorms on campus, they can participate in TAMU greek life, they can do corp like any other Aggie, etc etc etc. Dorm roommates wouldn’t even know if one or the other was doing Blinn Team. Core classes/requirements can be taken anywhere and to be able to do that at Blinn AND be a fulltime Aggie? Doesn’t compare to the Engineering at Galveston which is a 2-2.5 hour drive from cstat campus.

IMO, the earlier you go the better. The one AP score that really mattered for my son was chemistry (his is an engineering major). He felt good about the AP test so he signed up for his classes in early June assuming he would test out of it and he did. I would sign up for the earliest session you can get because it is easier to change it to a later date than an earlier date. The early dates fill up faster.

@tamuletmein “My friend who got into UT Engineering got this offer from TAMU today” - can you please clarify the type of offer your friend received from TAMU today?

she received the waitlist offer @kartmom17 but she is not accepting it and is going to UT.

My sons first choice was Mays with second choice Econ. I had him check again this morning. No changes. Ugh.

A friend of mine met with an admissions counselor in Aggieland yesterday. He told her that the letters for kids who would not be offered anything had already gone out. So that tells me, if you are waiting to hear, you have some sort of offer still…maybe waitlist, maybe PSA… Just because some kids got a waitlist today doesn’t mean others won’t. It seems that the remainder of applicants waiting to hear will receive PSA at the very least.

If my daughter ends up with PSA (she was waitlisted today), she will reject that offer and just go to Blinn and transfer. I encourage others who are in this position to consider that route if A&M is your dream school. I can’t attest to transferring into Mays or Engineering, but my Blinn Team daughter transferred into A&M a semester early and got accepted to Visualization, a highly competitive program (from what she tells me, they only accept 100 freshman each fall). She made very good grades on Blinn Team and transferred in. I say that to encourage others to not give up on living in Aggieland if you get a PSA offer or rejection. All roads can lead to Aggieland if that is where your heart is!

Howdy! I’ve been following this thread for a while and I have yet to see any kinesiology/ College of Education review admits to hear back from A&M. I checked AIS this morning and it still says “My App is Complete and In Review” and there is no waitlist link. Does anyone know when the College of Education releases decisions? Thank You!

My son’s major is Biology and he was sent the waitlist option this morning.