TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Will AIS tell you if you have been denied?

Has anyone heard back on Education and Human Development majors? Sports Management?

I just received an email from admissions about decisions. Rhonda is the one who answered, in case anyone needs that reference. She told me ā€œdecisions will continue to roll out through mid-March. This includes admissions and denials.ā€ Good luck to everyone!

Iā€™m beyond frustrated. My son still is in review. His BFF got waitlisted last week and another friend got PSA about 2-3 weeks ago. Decline letters apparently went out last week - at least he didnā€™t receive that. So he still sits in review. Meanwhile, he is in at Baylor w/a nice scholarship (but heā€™s not impressed w/the Engineering program), Texas Tech, also nice scholarship and a good Engineering program, Boulder and SMU.
But he is set on A&M. And we continue to wait. So ready to get off this merry-go-round. :neutral:
A hearty congratulations to those who made it! You definitely earned it! :smiley:

@Beckyspaw5 Itā€™s my understanding that you can look in AIS under ā€˜My Communicationā€™ and see if a letter has been sent to you stating so. Be sure to check both the ā€˜mailedā€™ and ā€˜emailedā€™ options.

My son has NO changes from In Review in AIS or Howdy, but nothing showing up in My Communications either so Iā€™m hopeful thatā€™s a good sign!

@cookmom thank you!

@JJJATX Weā€™re also sitting waiting. My son was accepted to TTU also (Biology) & we toured last week. He loved it so much that he may just choose it over TAMU at this point - in or out! I think the lengthy wait may be starting to dull the shine on the prize!

So is today just engineering announcements?

@Beckyspaw5 from what I read on last years thread that in AIS under manage application it should have 2 options if still being considered for some type of admission. Should see change major and withdraw application options. Once the change major option disappears is indication that you are no longer being consideredā€¦

Tech is a great school! Everyone LOVES it there - a large group of kids from my sonā€™s HS are going, so he would have friends there. Itā€™s his backup, but may become his choice. Best of luck to your son! :smile:

I meant to post this last week but forgot. I called the school asking about my sonā€™s file. The wait was long due to their new semester and all things going on with admission. I was busy so I just left the phone on hold and went to do something else. I didnā€™t get back my desk on time when connected. It wasnā€™t that important so I didnā€™t try again. At the end of the day, someone called back and left a vm on my phone. The individual said she saw the missed call and wanted to make sure I was helped, gave me the time they would be there for the day to call back if needed. I thought that was awesome on their part. I have interacted with quite a few individuals there throughout the process and this just confirms that the way itā€™s run at tamu is really something different. Son/we have not decided but I really have a good feel about this school. I thought Iā€™d share it to those who are considering tamu.

@jmg817 Yes, Blinn dual enrollment is typically the most popular. Blinn campus is not far at all from tamu main campus.

@jumbo7 Blinn is a 2 year college, but the engineering academy is not. You can complete that in one year. All academies, McAllen, Galveston, Tamu go through the same ETAM (Entry to a Major). EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE goes through it and has the same requirements. They are spelled out. Blinn has a different overall gpa requirement on classes taken a t blinn (I thinkā€¦ donā€™t hold me to that), but thatā€™s the only difference.

So excited for all you smart engineers. It is not my thing, thatā€™s for sure. These are great offers. Do not let yourself get stuck of full admit to cstat campus. Like many have said already, nobody knows or would care because itā€™s not a big deal here. My son is taking 6 credits at blinn now and is a full time Mays studentsā€¦ so honestly, there is no stigma.

Curious - which pathway is considered closer to a full admit, Gateway or Blinn Team? In other words, is there a perceived hierarchy between the two when it comes to what is offered a student? It seems like Gateway would be the answer, because it involves less requirements before you can get in fully at cstat. Are the stronger students offered Gateway as opposed to Blinn Team?

If I am to select my application to be considered for this offer, will it expire if I fail to respond in a timely manner? For example, since there is a limited number of spots in the Blinn Academy, if I get accepted, does that mean my offer will expire after a certain period of time? Thanks so much!

They are just different- no hierarchy.

But historically Gateway is a much smaller group of students. Usually there is some sort of adversity that may have impacted their education. But not always.

This year there seemed to be a noticeable amount of Corp and ROTC scholarship students.

Well weā€™re overjoyed to get Gateway, but of the two my understanding is that Gateway is considered a ā€œprovisionalā€ acceptance and for TEAM you are officially in the program. So, I imagine TEAM is a more definite acceptance. On the flip side thought once you are through the five week Gateway program you are fully in as a regular student. There isnā€™t an ongoing program, so you are on main campus like all of the full admit students. They probably both have their positives and negatives, but at the end of it all theyā€™ll all be Aggies.

Basically, my concern is not having any time to decide whether I want to accept the offer or not, so thatā€™s what Iā€™m curious about. If Iā€™ve already asked to put my app into consideration for this, am I on the clock immediately from the moment I get accepted or otherwise I lose my spot?

@22hope My DS is in Blinn/Bryan TEAB and his combined tuition this year was around $4000 per semester (12-13 hours) compared to the $6500 for fixed TAMU tuition. I would recommend doing the fixed tuition option with TEAB as you save early when in Blinn & A&M when the fixed tuition is more expensive than the variable. You then save (hopefully) later when the the fixed is lower than the variable and you are 100% in TAMU.

Also when we were looking at the three options (TEAB, Galveston, and McAllen), the differences were location (obviously), cost, and the fact that you need a 3.5 in Blinn and separately a 3.5 at A&M to get auto entry in ETAM. This is minor, but it is a factor. Other than those three things, there isnā€™t much difference.

My DS chose TEAB and it has been wonderful for him. He lives in Mosher in the Eng LLC and is an Aggie period. No stigma, no drop off in education, no bad schedule, etc. At the end of his career he will have an A&M engineering degree and an Aggie ring.

We are Education and Human Development as first choice has ANY review been accepted yet?

Thank you @Aggiiemom . I just checked and both are still there. Nothing has changed in her Howdy or AIS so I guess just sit and wait like everyone else! She will graduate with 48 credits so she does not qualify for the Blinn team or Gateway so we are a little nervous at this point. We were not aware of that until last week.