TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

congrats! what actual time is “earlier”?

How would the housing application work for CStat housing if I take the Blinn Team offer?

Once you officially receive notice that you’ve been accepted into the Blinn Team, I would think the ability to complete the housing application and pay the $75 would become available to you through your Howdy portal. We are also in that boat since we just received an offer of Blinn Academy this morning.

Ok makes sense. I’ll take your word for it, but I’m also gonna call the admissions office just to make sure.

@AggieMomhelp , @YankeeTexan33 , and @22hope , thank yall for answering my questions about Gateway! I feel much more free and comfortable to be excited and share the news! My son battled cancer his entire freshman year and still graduated on time, so we feel absolutely blessed that he has this opportunity and all was not lost as far as colleges go.

First, I have to say this has been very helpful for me this week after we received the waitlist notification last weekend. I have two questions: 1) are any of the people who are posting their admissions part of the group that got waitlisted last week? and 2) If only major listed was business and we know that Mays is full, will they automatically change to General Studies? Thank you!

if i was given the option to go to blinn bryan engineering academy and i selected it does this mean i am automatically in? because it says im being considered… and i thought everyone gets into blinn bryan

@arkeldi don’t worry…it is just the process. They say you are considered until you are officially placed in that program. Since it is Friday it could possibly take until early next week to be official. Since you accepted pretty early you should be fine. This is an administrative thing not a review thing. Hang in there!

Regarding TAMU-Blinn Team. My daughter received her offer 1 week ago. Her offer said to accept by May 1. She is thrilled she received the offer, but got full admittance to UT. My understanding is that if you are offered Blinn Team look at the letter that was sent to you on how to accept. The only deadline she had on hers was May 1. Just like you are full admit. Is that correct? That is what admissions told us.

@JewelW27 Blinn Team is an official offer and is different from Blinn-Bryan Engineering Academy. For the Academy folks, they were given a choice of three programs and need to pick quickly to secure the one they want or it may fill up. For Blinn Team you are good to wait but keep in mind that if you decide she wants to go to UT then out of courtesy please let them know so that those that are on the waitlist can have a shot at the spot.

If you decide to take the offer, the sooner you accept the offer you sooner you can sign up for the NSC and that is where you will register for classes. Therefore, the earlier the NSC presumably, the better selection of classes/times.

@AggieDreamin She will probably be at A&M. It has been her first choice but just wants to make sure. Thanks for the info! Our older daughter is an Aggie and LOVES it!

Hold on

So BlinnBryan academy is different than Blinn team? Does it actually say Blinn Team or Engineering Academy at Blinn Bryan?

We got Engineering Academy at Blinn as a choice…Not Team Blinn

Blinn academy is only for engineers. Team is for other majors.

As for housing… you’ll have access to do phase 1 just like anyone else and get in line for dorm selection in April. (Virtual line).

@AggieMomhelp are there usually more offers for the Engineering Academies after the first wave or will it possibly go straight into the PSA offers next?

I have been following this thread the entire time for my DS. Today he got the 3 choices for Engineering. (Galveston, McAllem, Blinn-Bryan). We are OOS, so we knew full admit was going to be very difficult as he was holistic review (missing academic admit act/sat by only a few points).
We are so confused. I am slowly learning what it is, and he chose Blinn-Bryan. But what is the difference between Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan & Blinn TEAM? And we have several questions, as he has been admitted to very great schools fully, we want to make sure this avenue is the right choice.

  1. His ultimate goal is going NROTC and entering the Navy. If I understand correctly, he is able to dorm with the Cadets. Is that accurate? How would this work with commuting back and forth?

  2. What happens after 2 years of being in this “Pathway” towards full admit to A&M Engineering major, but they do not get in, such as not meeting the GPA for either A&M or Blinn? What happens to the 2 years of ROTC? Are they out of luck?

  3. Since we accepted the Blinn-Bryan (which is still under review) does this mean he has to go? Or does he have until May 1st like all other college decisions?

This whole variety of ways to attend A&M is very new to us, and actually never experienced a college this way. Thanks so much for answering our questions.

Read this @summergal to get your answers about Blinn-Bryan.

But Blinn TEAM is NOT for engineers. It is the program with Blinn for other majors.


I’m an Aggie engineer and was in the Corps of Cadets (long ago!), so I really want you and your son to get your questions answered…

  1. The way you word this, I’m wondering if you are asking if they can room with the Corps, but not be in the Corps. I believe he would need to be a member of the Corps of Cadets to participate in ROTC, but if this is worth checking with the Commandant, I’m happy to connect you, if helpful. I know cadets who are in the Engineering Academy at Blinn Bryan and they ride the bus to RELLIS campus and back. Of all the things associated with this, the commute is probably the biggest difference to taking the courses on campus due to the time, but there are advantages to the engineering academy too that need to be considered (smaller classes and the resulting tighter academic community).
  2. The terms and conditions posted above answer this precisely.
  3. I believe signing up for an NSC date commits the school to your son (i.e reserves his spot) while attending the NSC and enrolling in classes commits him to the school financially. So, the May 1 date ends up being the first financially relevant date, as you have housing commitments at that point.

It’s amazing to me how competitive the engineering admissions have been. However, I work with and hire many Aggie engineers and I’m continually impressed with their work, so the school is doing good work.

Weird triple post…deleted.

I applied back late November for Biomedical science and from reading all the posts, it seems like my chances on getting Blinn or Gateway are higher. I’ve seen people who have applied for my major later than I have and received a decision before I have. Does this mean that its not looking good for me the later they take to respond? The wait is excruciating and at this point, I would be so happy with Gateway. A&M is my dream school and I just want to be able to attend in the fall. What are my chances on getting into Gateway? How many people do they typically offer this too? Any info is much appreciated.

My son got Gateway on Wednesday morning. They offer it to 300 students.