TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@micaelah your post is very inspiring to me and the quality of your character shines through. There are many people posting on this board frustrated that they or their child did not get an admissions offer. Blaming the system, saying it’s unfair or feeling entitled because they have given money to TAMU and therefore should receive special consideration over other qualified students. I am sure with your attitude you will do well and you will make an Outstanding Aggie! If only more people (adults and students alike) had your attitude!

Enjoy the beach and Gig’em!

Found out those offered an academy is basically a “second review”. They are re reviewing everyone who was offered an academy decison… Wont hear until march/april. They said it was way more competitive than last years meaning they could not admit people with amazing stats that would have gotten in last year. Its unfortunate, but as an OOS student I knew I had little chance to get in no matter how much qualifications I had. Admissions said it was a new process for engineering waitlist but they had to do it because there was just too much competition. I think atleast 75,000 people applied. It seemed like they told me a lot more people applied with much better stats than last year.

Just found out that my daughter got offered PSA. She just checked her AIS a couple minutes ago and saw it but the decision came sometime after 12 pm, she checked it during her lunch. She noticed a day or two ago that the change major button was gone. It’s rough right now, but we were prepared for this.

She plans on doing PTA and will either be doing PTA at Blinn or lonestar college in Houston where we live, she hasn’t decided yet. We thought about doing regular transfer, but The fact that it doesn’t guarantee admission is kind of scary. Anyone have anything to say about which they think is better, PTA or straight transfer?

Good luck to everyone ??

Received PSA. At least we can move on.

i think everyone who has not heard back from the engineering offers are bound to be PSAed… those who received it on thursday immediately got in although their test scores were extremely low for engineering. i cant believe i will be most likely PSAed because i thought my application would be good enough for at least blinn. sorry for my vent i just dont know what im going to do

@arkeldi feel the same way as you… all APs/honors , calculus, 1380 sat score with 30% ranking… thought i would be safe for galveston/blinn. It has to be the fact that I am out of state, as it seems texas a&m is extremely competitive for out of state . I haven’t heard of a single person with my stats getting PSA or reject from engineering. It seemed all of them got some sort of academy offer, but i guess no matter what there are always highly qualified applicants who get rejected.

All I want to know is how to see what system schools offer psa to me?? Do I have to request participation for psa to see it??

@patrick24 Once you accept/decline PSA offer then list of the participating schools you are eligible for will be released (I can’t remember if that only came via snail mail or if it showed up on Howdy/AIS also). There are 8 system schools and depending on your ACT/SAT sub scores you may receive notification of all to choose from or a selection. This list will be pre determined for you.
By accepting the PSA offer you are by no means committed …at this point it’s really just opening doors. Once you decide on which school (s) you then wish to be ‘considered’ for you then let TAMU know & they forward everything to their system school on your behalf …you DON"T need to send of a new application to each PSA school you select. The ‘considered’ here is different to the considered that has been causing so much frustration this week for Engineering Academy offers. My DS selected 4 schools from his list of 8 - we visited /toured 2 using their Open Day opportunities, then he made his final decision.

@KMH2502 We were waitlised with the first wave 2 weeks ago. Kinesiology major but no PSA yet… we still have our change major button active and manage applications still has major…

@kreed23 I think that obviously PTA is better because you are guaranteed straight admission to TAMU. I recently went and talked with a advisor and the way she explained PTA vs traditional transfer is with PTA you have to have a 3.2 gpa and make a B or better in the bold lettered courses if you get a C then you are automatically dropped from guaranteed admission. She did say that if you did happen to get a C in one of those bold lettered courses but have a higher gpa (3.5 or higher) that it will look better because you are a more “competitive student”. I hope that made some kind of sense and helped a little bit lol.

@patrick24 Request participation does NOT commit you to that offer. Go ahead and request participation so you can see the list of PSA schools offered.

You will hear something between mid-Feb and April. They will have rolling acceptance based on how many Freshmen accept… looking for a 10k freshman class.
If the current outstanding offers is accepted by 5k then they will pull 5k from the wait list. If 3k of those accept then they will pull 2k more from the waitlist…and so on. No stack ranking so it’s pretty much luck of the draw for waitlist.

I just received an email from admission office:

PSA program cannot make transition to following majors.

Petroleum Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Aerospace Engineering

@burnerphone415 where did you get this info? so disheartening… it is super hard to put roomates/other schools/ other scholarships on hold that long.

I know what PSA is, and I know what a transfer is, but what is PTA?

@2NDGENAGGIE yes, I looked at it. It is the second one that our family has read in the last 2 years.glad your daughter has the determination and maturity to push through the temporary setback to achieve her goal. Just got through this with my oldest son who went through the engineering academy in Brenham. He is now on campus as a full time Aggie. He is very proud of what he accomplished on his own as I am sure your daughter will be as she pushes through the ups and downs. Gig’em

Received PSA in AIS after lunch. Nothing on Howdy and no list of System schools listed. Just says:

“Congratulations, C! (had to giggle at that!) You’ve been offered PSA.”

2 buttons: Request Participation in PSA and Decline My Offer

Location in AIS still shows CS.

My Next Steps does not list the system schools either.

Where else should we look?

No matter, looks like we have an excited Red Raider!!

@StoneyK UNT is a GREAT school!! Our DS #2 graduates in May with Honors and a BA in Media Arts! He transferred after 2 years cc and it was the best thing for him! He got to move right into an awesome single apartment (wouldn’t make a good roomie lol) but he became fully immersed in his program & student population!

DS #2 had UNT as his #3 choice behind TAMU only because they don’t have a designated Pre-optometry program. He’ll do well as a Red Raider! We’re excited for him!!

DS #1 went to Tarleton for a year and had a great time #goingGreek then came home and finished up with an AA at cc. More college just wasn’t for him at that time. He’s successfully working for himself now!

Whatever pathway we’re meant to be on, we will find our way eventually!! Best wishes to everyone!

I’m thankful for what I’ve learned here (YES - even after this being our #3 child through the app process, and being a TCU grad myself!) So thanks to ALL of you helpers here!

I’ll be better equipped to help prepare our caboose DD#4 when she starts the visits & application process soon for Class of 2022!!

Phew!! We are ALMOST beyond all of this forever!! =)

@patrick24 yes, hit the request button

@hmporter64 I called. They basically said this is a new process and it might take until april. But they hope to get them out by mid march. This seems consistent with what some others have said unfortunately. They seemed pretty sure when I talked to them. Its a shame I didn’t get in to texas a&m, as if I was waitlisted the chances of me getting in is little to none. I give up with this school personally, and will probably just attend any of the other schools I have been accepted to. Out of all the schools I applied to Texas A&m BY FAR has the WORST application process. It just doesn’t make any sense at all. They are very weird with their wording and such.

@micaelah With that positive attitude and outlook, I have no doubt you will be successful at both CC and CS and will be an Aggie graduate in 2024. Congratulations !!