TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Here is my attempt to help everyone on the waitlist - A&M is TOO crowded and everyone who has an offer needs to accept somewhere else - My theory on the new waitlist is that it is a yield management tool. Honestly I don’t know how the admissions yield calculates and forecasts but that has to be a tough job. If they offer full admission to 20k knowing only 50- 60% accept to yield a class of 10-12k. There is a big difference in 10k and 12k freshman class. As a parent of a junior in Mays - just a word a advice for parents they had 150 more kids accept the offer 2 years ago which meant they encouraged all the kids to only take 12hrs because they physically didn’t have room for everyone to take 15- even though you are paying for 15hrs Google Virginia Tech freshman class acceptance problem last year and see what happens when they get this wrong . We love A&M but I would not personally gone there because of how crowded it is but my Aggie loves it. Just wait until class registration starts and they tell you they woke up at 5am and could only get in one class ! The waitlist at least give you a shot if they guess wrong and more kids turn down their offer. Good luck to everyone on the waitlist hope this encourages someone to give up their accepted spot so some on the waitlist can get in!!

Sad to say, but we too experienced that at Mays with our older daughter. She would have to set her alarm for some ungodly time to try and get the classes she needed, and would come out of it with 1 class! She’d stress out over it for weeks until she got an acceptable schedule for the following semester. No way I’d let my child only take 12 hours if she could handle 15.

is anybody going to aggieland tomorrow? If so, are yall going to talk to the counselors about admissions/waitlist.

@AggieFam24 As @trinley said, I don’t think TAMU is stringing anybody along. I look at it from a different perspective and see that TAMU admission is doing its best trying to maximize EVERY available spots to get the most students to CS as possible.

I would like to pose this question: would we rather have them do it the old ways and just rejected the students right away and offered them alternative pathways ? And then find out later that there were 100 full admits slots available that went unfulfilled due to applicants rejecting TAMU & accepting offers from other universities ? How many students/parents would then have said “if we have known that was the case, we would have been willing to wait a few more weeks for a chance at those slots” ?

It’s a tough and delicate situation that TAMU admission has to balance and it’s not an easy task to satisfy everyone’s needs in a timely manner. The facts that TAMU offered multiple pathways (TEAM, Engineering Academies, Gateway, Galveston, Blinn, PSA, PTA, etc…) for those who wants to be an Aggie showed that they are committed to the motto that they have always said “if you want to be an Aggie, we will get you in one way or another”. How many universities can say & execute on that ?

For that alone we should be grateful … and be patient and let the process play out.

And since all my 3 brothers are Aggies, I can tell you that the admission experience is separate and should not & will not detract from the experiences your kids will have at CS or any other wonderful universities we have in Texas.

I have a question, don’t mean to offend anyone, just trying to pick which university to go-what makes TAMU’s engineering program so good? I mean it’s ranked the same as Johns Hopkins on US news; what makes it stand out from other flagship state schools like Rutgers and IU?

Does anyone know the process of moving from General Studies in Gateway to a permanent major? Is getting into your 1st choice major likely? Specifically, wondering about Public Health. Trying to decide whether to go through Gateway or choose another school where accepted without having to give up part of summer. If Public Health is going to be difficult/not guaranteed, not sure it’s worth it.

I have the same question - My son was admitted General Studies Gateway and he is looking to enter into Mays business school. We will only consider this option if he is likely to get into the business school for the start of Fall 2020. Also, does anyone know if the New student Conference on June 18/19 is mandatory? We are from NJ and he will be graduating from high school on the 18th!

@NJmom4574 The New Student Conference for Gateway on June 18/19 is mandatory and it’s the only one offered. I can’t speak about changing majors, but you can stay in General Studies for 2 semesters.
Others who have gone through Gateway will have to weigh in on that.
My grandson got Gateway and is delighted. He wants to be in the Corps.

^^This. It really is a tremendous job that they have, with the ever growing demand (significant increase in applications each cycle) for the university. I imagine that, for another consecutive year, like UT Austin, the actual number of applicants exceeded the forecasts that predicted a record number of applicants. At this point, it’s a numbers game. They’re working within the constraints of availability (space), not just for full admit, but the finite amount of space within the alternative paths. Yield & enrollment management are processes.

I’ll add this. For anyone who is still waiting on a decision, or who has been waitlisted, don’t ignore or miss opportunities with your Plan B or C schools. In other words, don’t just wait on TAMU (or any other school). Keep moving, full steam ahead, with the other options that you hopefully love just as much. You may very well get the offer that you’re hoping for (I truly hope so!) or that’s acceptable to you from TAMU. In the meantime, don’t let other great offers and schools get away! The official decision day is still a few months off!

There’s nothing offensive about your question! I’m assuming you’re referring to the newest US News & World Report ranking for “Best Undergraduate Engineering Program…”? USNWR use peer surveys among colleges/universities who are members of the Accreditation Board for Engineering Technology. They use a ranking system to assess themselves and each other. What the questions are…? I don’t know, maybe someone else can chime in. But, it’s based on peer surveys.

Typically, peer surveys like this measure selectivity, rigor, opportunity, industry benchmarks and accolades, and evidence-based outcomes. What made TAMU standout from other state flagships? Peer institutions rated it higher than other flagships in multiple categories.

@ash980123 the Aggie Network. We are everywhere and look out for one another. I can’t tell you how many times my Aggie ring has opened a door somewhere…

And better football games…Rutgers… sheesh?

How much longer should I expect to wait before hearing on the admission decision? (ballpark guesstimate)

When did you apply: 1 Dec
Cumulative GPA (Weighted) 90.042
Class Rank: 211/434
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1400 700/700
ACT (with Sub Scores) n/a
When did you receive your admission decision: waiting, still
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: no, no, dunno
Major/College of Choice: Engineering


@mikeinsugarland I’m fine with the way admissions is trying to fill every single seat. My issue with admissions is in the way they handled their communications with their applicants. They offered optional pathways to engineering applicants for years, and all of a sudden they change the option one day to mean something else…ie a “wait list”, without explaining in the AIS portal what they were actually doing. It literally made many students believe they had been accepted (and so did many of our “pros” on this forum), only to find out they weren’t accepted. These are the same students that applied for Early Action, but are getting no early action from the school. My advice is don’t offer a deadline of early action for students if you’re not prepared to give them an answer by the date you’ve promised.

This is a fairly common question, esps for non texans. I had a totally different view of tx public schools until it was my son’s time to apply. I knew ut and tamu were good schools but never knew how good until I needed to look them up. Imo, any from top 20 is great, even top 50. Among the top 20, I would think it’s more about the student that would make a difference rather than the school itself. Btw, tamu engineering is 15, ucla is 16 and johns hopkins is 17.

I’ve heard a lot about this. Some said, race doesn’t matter either. The ring is all that counts. Can I assume they would give someone a push if they apply for post grad?

We had a very nice and productive day at Aggieland today. We asked everyone Corps, Departments about Gateway. In the most recent past they’ve had almost 100% success rate with their Gateway program. Everyone was very encouraging and helpful. Corps was highly complimentary of the program. All three majors that he’s considering will either happen automatically or the advisors offered to work with him to help get him on the right path. Everyone was very friendly and everyone gave him their cards and asked him to come meet with them during Gateway. For us at least this is a very positive path. It appears that everyone is ready to help, but the student will need to take ownership of that process.

@pepper5420 @NJmom4574 As your ultimate decision rests upon knowing the correct info I think it would be best you contact each of these depts (Public Health & Mays) directly for verification on this. We keep reading on here that Mays is full & has been for some time. … perhaps each major has to keep an avenue open for those successful summer Gateway students to proceed come the start of Fall semester?? Also a Gateway advisor could definitely share if the opportunity to ‘proceed directly into a major’ is equal for all majors.

any new info on the status of engineering academy list right now?

Hello I was wondering if anyone is still in review. I turned in my application by Dec. 1, and people in my class barely got their results last week. Is somebody else in my position, it is a very stressful situation, because now im thinking I am going to get rejected.

Ipaola- Been waiting since July and still no decision from admissions. Guess we will all have to wait a while longer.

My Son still is in engineering review and has held that spot since mid-Oct. I don’t understand the difference between “review” and “wait-listed” & wondering which is the better position to be in. Getting frustrated playing this waiting game when he has some nice scholarship offers from good schools . He gets calls/emails from them often - definitely feeling the love. Really hoping to hear something from A&M soon.