TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

I have a question about SRAR. I can’t find any of the engineeeing classes my son took listed under either the Math section or Science section. Does anyone which I should pic? Would I just type in the class under other? Thanks!!

Being that the SRAR is new for A&M, and my son a Senior, am not totally unfamiliar with SRAR and have done very little investigating about it to be of much or any help but I will try.

On the A&M SRAR FAQ page is says this:
Does the Course Name need to match exactly what is on my transcript?
No, if the Course Name describes the general content of the course you took you do not need to edit the Course Name. For example, the SRAR Course Name is American/US History but your transcript says US History to 1876; you do not need to edit the entry. English 9 is the same course as English I. When entering courses under the ‘Other Subject Area,’ you will want to enter the Course Name. If you took a Baking Basics course, you would replace Culinary Arts with ‘Baking Basics.’

It sounds like if SRAR does not have the engineering class your son took, and it is totally different from what is listed (not a general discription difference), then it would be listed under “other”.

Just wanted to post that the class rank on the application has finally updated as complete. It took from approx 7/23 until 8/15 for this last piece to be complete on my son’s application.

@Latmpsn still waiting over here for ranking to mark complete. Does your son come from a non ranking high school? My son submitted his app on 7/11, SRAR was marked complete on 7/20 so getting nervous about why ranking is still incomplete. Thinking maybe he should call on Monday to double check that there isn’t a problem.

@Latmpsn does it tell you what quarter they ranked him in?

Does anyone know when the engineering decisions usually take place? As early as???

After October 15th for engineering to hear back. You may hear from tamu before then, but won’t know if got into engineering til after the deadline for early decision. Last year, some early decision students didn’t hear until January.

When did you apply: 7/11
Class Rank: school doesn’t rank- A&M ranked 1st quarter
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1370 composite, 650 english, 720 math
ACT (with Sub Scores) 31 composite, 30 english, 31 math
When did you receive your admission decision: waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: academic
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
Woohoo! App finally complete and in review!

When did you apply:7/31
Class Rank:School does not rank
SAT (with Sub Scores)N/A
ACT (with Sub Scores)32 Composite 34 English 34 Reading 33 Science 28 Math
When did you receive your admission decision:pending
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit:pending
Major/College of Choice:Engineering
GPA 4.2W
We’re still anxiously awaiting to see if A&M will rank her top 25%

When did you apply: 8/4/2019
Class Rank: top 15%
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1410 (730 English 680 Math)
ACT (with Sub Scores) N/A
When did you receive your admission decision:-------
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Academic
Major/College of Choice: Engineering/Mechanical Engineering
Wanting to know if anyone can tell me the chances of actually getting into the Engineering program and getting in at College Station.
Diverse extra curriculars (student council, drama (theater), robotics, national honor society) Student body president, robotics club president.
Dual Credit Engineering class Junior and Senior year (parts 1 and 2).
AP classes and Honors classes in all core classes from Freshman year until now.

@Boogie818 You have a decent shot at Cstat campus engineering based on what you provided. Your math is kind on the low side for Engineering but your DC engineering class as well as your ECs may help with that. What math and sciences did you take or will you take this year?

I have taken Algebra. 1 & 2, Geometry/Trigonometry, and am now in pre-calc.All were honors level. I have taken Biology, Chemistry, (both honors) AP physics 1 and am now in the second year of the dual credit engineering course.

When did you apply: 8/12
Class Rank: 16/182
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1310 (650 reading) (660 math)
ACT (with Sub Scores) 31 (28 English) (33 math) (33 reading)
When did you receive your admission decision: Waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Academic
Major/College of Choice: Applied Math

My daughter’s application is still incomplete because they don’t have her class rank checked off. We asked her school to send her transcripts, but I’m not sure how to ensure that A&M actually got them. We’re out of state, so not on the TX electronic system. Thanks for any advice!

@momofkinsandbean, did your daughter get her registration information for AIS yet (a netid)? When A&M receives her transcripts and then when they upload them, you’ll be able to see in AIS.

Is that the box with the red Xs and green check marks? If so, then yes, we can see that screen. The class rank line still has a red X even though our HS says they sent the transcript and it does have her class rank listed on it.

Has anyone received official acceptance yet?

@momofkinsandbean, it’s the linked box just above the box with the Xs and check marks. It says, “Request Items from my High School Counselor”. You’d use that link if you were requesting any of the following:
Counselor Recommendation
*Curriculum Verification Form
*Fee Waiver
*High School Profile
International HS Transcript
Letters of recommendation
(Note: This is for counselor and teacher recs that don’t get sent directly to your student. You can use this link to send a request for a LOR directly to a teacher, as well.)
*Senior Courses
*US Official HS Transcript

To upload LORs that have been sent directly to your student, you use the “Upload Documents” link under the “My Documents” tab in the main toolbar in AIS.

@cannonmom, no one will have received any admission decisions yet. The first round of decisions is scheduled for September (which is consistent with last year). Here’s the message streamed across the top of AIS:

“2020 Freshmen applicants: Files will not complete with your SRAR information unless you link and submit. Our first round of letters will not go out until September. We appreciate your early application and your patience as we gear up for the season. Received documents can be viewed under the My Documents tab.”

@nomatter thanks!!

Received rank today. First quarter!! Now we anxiously await Engineering decisions!!