TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Without knowing more about your application - It’s hard to say. But last year was a very tough year. There were many students with stats a little higher than yours that got PSA last year.

Looking at http://dars.tamu.edu/Student/files/Apply-Admit-Enroll-Sum-All-Fa18-incl-Galveston.aspx I have run the numbers (Percent admitted).
Ag 53%
Arch 46%
Business Admin 48%
Engineering 85%
Geo 67%
Gen Studies 100% (But that is the Gateway etc kids)
Liberal Arts 56%
Science 62%
Vet 72%
Public Health 57%

The cold hard numbers from TAMU show exactly the percent admitted. And the majority of those people are auto or academic. The reality of review candidates last year:

There were roughly 31200 review applicants in 2019. If you take Review Full and Review Alternative - plus the 25,000+ PSA and denied.
So 7.53% of review applicants were granted full admission. And 9.62% were given alternative admission. So in total 17% of review applicants were granted full admission, Gateway, Blinn TEAM or the engineering academy. So pretty much when review candidate folks asked to be chanced - the reality is the answer is “less than 20 percent.”

I would highly suggest looking at the possible options with PSA and see if any of them work for you, just in case PSA is the decision you receive. With PSA it’s only a short year before you are on campus as an Aggie (if you can meet the educational requirements).

Also look at other schools. There are a bunch of great ones in Texas. See if others may a good fit too.

Interesting article from July 2019 on 10% rule. Perhaps time to trash it?


@laurarwrites I know of someone who started at A&M this year as a freshman who did not do her housing online when she was accepted and literally waited till she was at her NSC (New Student Conference) late in the summer to deal with housing! She chose White Creek and was placed in an apartment with roommates she did not know but it worked out. So, it is possible to get into White Creek late in the game.

I’m not weighing in on the 10% rule. But I will say that there are two things I notice with this article.

One, it is based on a “working study” meaning the research has not passed peer review yet.

Two, what jumps out at me is that the study only looks at things from the high school perspective - not the impact the rule has had on increasing diversity at the universities. Something that TAMU had done - using the 10 percent rule as a recruitment opportunity for underserved students.

Back in 1998 - when the rule went into place - TAMU had uphill battle in terms of making their student population for representative of Texas as a whole. Just quick look at the data (and it is not apple to apples) of the undergraduate population for 1999 and 2019 (I could not go back to 1996 like the study):

2.66% Black
9.41% Hispanic

3.15% Black
24.74% Hispanic

Here is an article showing how TAMU is using the rule to increase diversity WITHOUT affirmative action.

@BlueBayouAZ thanks for the additional input. Looks like the 10% rule has indeed done what it was intended to.

White creek doesn’t fill up, especially if you are a single student looking to join any type of room type. Single beds are easy to get. My son had 3 roommates he wanted. He was admitted in December and they were able to get a 4/2 at White creek easy peasy. = )

does it mean anything if my howdy/ais says “application complete and in review” rather than just “application complete”?

@BlueBayouAZ i mean does being in state help at all? now i’m really mad at myself for not getting my stats higher

@m0tionsickn3ss I am in the same boat. Missed academic admit by two points. Will be taking TAMU ACT in Nov to push my scores over the edge. Look into that.
SuperTutorTV is a great resource to study the test.

@CAPSgt i think its too late for me to test again since my app is already in review, but i truly hope we both get in. it’s disappointing cause i like tamu so much more than txst, but we’ll see what happens

@m0tionsickn3ss no it doesn’t mean anything except that you have turned in all required information. AND you can always submit new scores up until the deadline so if you can cross over to academic admit with a higher score, then get on it! You said there’s no ranking… there should be by now if you’re in review. Keep checking or call admissions to see. Your GPA is kind of low for 1st quarter, but you never know. If they put you in 2nd quarter, then you do not have an option for academic admit BUT a higher test score will help you.

@AggieMomhelp unfortunately i didnt make the cut for academic admit, my school is nonranking but on ais i was placed in the 2nd quarter contrary to what my counselor estimated i would be in

Hi. New Here.

Applied: 7/16/19
Class Rank: 16%
SAT: 1300 - M: 690 R: 610
When did you receive your admission decision: not yet
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Engineering

Strong in Calculus & Physics - AP Calculus BC, AP Physics 2 , AP Bio, Multiple AP’s, NHS, Varsity XC & Track, sterilization tech/dental hardware tech for orthodontist in summer, academic tutor for boy with special needs, volunteer work,

Would love Engineering admit… wish I knew chances for that, Engineering academy & other avenues to transfer in.

Already offered Biomedical Engineering at UT Dallas & UT San Antonio

Great info here!

@cjrm11 You should take the ACT. With your stats I bet you would do great, and knock yourself up to Academic Admit. My son put his app in with a 1240 SAT and a 27 ACT - needless to say, he didn’t prepare for either. His rank was 1st qtr. He studied with PrepScholar (an online study program I HIGHLY recommend) and in just 10 days of studying bumped his ACT up to a 30 with a 30 in math & english. Scores were submitted 10 days later, and he was admitted within a week. May be worth a try. Now he is engineering review, so we wait again…

@fishfamx4 Thank you for this info!
I think it may be too late to have the scores in time for the December deadline. It was the first test taken and unable to complete it so focused on SAT.
Do you think it would be appropriate to ask an A&M advisor at this point about anything further to help?
Thanks again!

This article provides very few details about the study. I think the larger factors are cost and distance. Those schools sending few or no students are likely great distances from Austin or College Station, and are likely in under served communities.

These are Texas Public Universities funded by Texas Tax Payers and priority should be given to Texas residents in one form or another.

@cjrm11 I have read in previous posts about an onsite ACT test given at A&M and graded in 24hrs. Call the school and talk to an advisor. With your stats, you should be at A&M if that is your #1 choice. You are so strong in your rank and classes you have taken. I really think you could do well on the ACT.

Thanks for creating the forum.

Here is the stats of my son and would appreciate if someone can tell me my son’s chances in Engineering:

Applied: 10/7/19
Class Rank: 1st Quarter
GPA: UW - 3.644, W- 4.86
ACT: 29 (M- 30, Reading -30, E - 27, Sc - 27)
When did you receive your admission decision: not yet and the status is showing the “App is Complete In review”
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Engineering

High School Course - AP Calculus BC, AP - Algebra, AP Economics, AP Statistics, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Government, AP Environmental Science, AP Human Geography, AP World History, AP US History

Extra Curricular: BPA - State Qualifier and currently Vice president of the School BPA team, DECA - Regional Qualifier, NHS - currently acting as the Vice President of the school, School Captain of Varsity Soccer team and was awarded MVP in Freshmen year, 150 hrs of Community Service, Club Soccer and also selected to represent the club at National Level

Work Experience: Working in Whataburger for the last 2 year and also worked as a Summer Intern for Americorps and got selected to get scholarship from them for his college tuition

Can anyone explain the process of the A&M engineering Academy for Blinn? Thank you!

It’s basically dual enrollment at A&M and Blinn Community College with an opportunity for full admittance to A&M upon completion of certain courses and meeting certain requirements (GPA).
The student will attended classes at both institutions while in the academy program, and will have access to resources at both institutions (housing, library, etc…)