TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

I second the backup plan with Blinn. My daughter had similar stats and received a PSA decision as well. She decided to go to Blinn for 1 year and then transfer. For her, she decided to go straight transfer because she had several DC classes, but the PTA path is more guaranteed if you meet the requirements. Just talk to an advisor at A&M and they are happy to help with the decision process. She realized that she can live the Aggie life just like those at A&M and no one cares where you go to school. She even lives in an apartment across the street from the A&M campus. So donā€™t fret if you donā€™t receive admission to A&M but want to be in College Station. There are many paths to A&M. :slight_smile:

@icedmachiato Iā€™m sure youā€™re absolutely right in that they probably have already looked at my daughterā€™s file and set it aside till the new year. Weā€™ll just wait ā€¦our daughter is already considering another offer form a great school that might just be a better fit for her anyway.

The sad thing is TAMU was her #1 choice of schools because her sister went there and just graduated from Mays. But the longer they take to accept her (or not), the more she doesnā€™t want to go there. Sheā€™s a bit turned off from the school now that sheā€™s watching students from her own HS that are ranked considerably under her (she ranked 11th %), have not taken the AP classes, and donā€™t have the work experience or volunteer hours as she does, are getting acceptance letters from TAMU already. I feel so bad for her right now, but I know it will all work out in the end. Iā€™ve got the faith!

Are those student first gen students? I know TAMU and UT do give first gen a big push. In any case, if I were you, I would email the admission expressing your opinion and ask for someone to double check on her file to make sure everything is in order. Just be neutral and positive. It does not hurt. Donā€™t call because the ones that answer are usually students on work study. If you feel your daughter is more qualified than others in any way, you should follow through. I understand that feel especially with all the social media. But if she loves the school, she shouldnā€™t be turned off by those. In the end, if the worst happens and she still wants to attend A&M, you can appeal. Most likely they will let her in. They always have room and plus, once UT sends out letters, a significant number from TAMU will turn down their offer.

@YankeeTexan33 Not sure if anyone has suggested this yet but you might want to check out the PSA program and Academy Programs. The vast majority of holistic review candidates received PSA last year. http://admissions.tamu.edu/PSA

Also recommend checking out the Engineering Academies.

Doesnā€™t hurt to check it out and consider if these are viable options for your daughter if that is how it plays out.

@Thelma2 is the resident Engineering expert here so she may be able to provide additional advice.
Wishing you the best of luck for the best possible outcome!

@YankeeTexan33 I was in your shoes just a week ago. My son was prepared to accept his 2nd choice, but as his Mom I knew how much he wanted to get accepted to A&M. It is still early. There is still time. Donā€™t give up hope yet. Have you thought about contacting the admission office, or your admission rep? They may put both your minds at ease.

I was just wondering about the stats of someone I know and his chances of getting into the engineering school.
He is an automatic admit and is in the top 2% of his class and his GPA is a 4.5ish on a 5.0 scale.
He has already been accepted into the university but under engineering review. The only problem is that his SAT scores and ACT scores are low because he isnā€™t a great test taker. SAT is an 1180 and ACT is a 25.
He also has great extracurricular activities, the important one is he is on his schoolā€™s robotics team that has won 2 state championships in a row and heā€™s really involved in the design of the robot. He also has a college GPA of 4.0 and will graduate with an associateā€™s degree. Again everything else is really going good for him except for his test scores. Just wondering because heā€™s freaking out and him freaking out makes me freak out.

Also forgot to say that he is not going to be able to do any alternative admission options for engineering because he will have more than 40 hours. @AggieMomhelp and @Thelma2 Iā€™ve seen you helping people out on here and hoping you could help me out too! (:

@aggiesforever - you are right that @thelma2 is much more of the engineering expert. But as someone that looks at the stats - The top 2% is so awesome. But the tests scores are problematic. This type of spread is not that common. So it is hard to ā€œchance.ā€

You did not mention sub scores on the tests (was math good but English poor?) or the math and science preparedness? Like does he have calculus and physics and how well did he perform in those classes?

This is an holistic process and I think it will come down to if he has the math and science background and how he looks compared to other applications.

His subscore for SAT was 590 and ACT was math was 23 and ACT science was a 25. He has taken AP physics but has only taken precal from dual credit, but he is in a program where he is only taking college classes and the campus he is at right now doesnā€™t offer calculus at the local campus and the main campus is about an hour away but is offered there. @BlueBayouAZ

That is going to be tough. His rank is SO good. It shows great ability to perform in the classroom. But the math scores are really lower than what engineering programs usually require. I would say a good frame of reference would to look at the requirements of other engineering schools. He would be fine at Tech - but does not meet the minimum requirements at UH.

Hopefully, if not College Station - he will get Galveston or another full admit decision. (Where you do your freshman year at another campus - but are considered a full admit to TAMU) If I were betting - I would have to think Galveston will be the offer.

And are you sure an academy will not work? It does not sound like he will have Math 151 and 152 (engineering calculus) - like most AP/Duel Credit folks who canā€™t make the academies work for them.

@BlueBayouAZ Iā€™m not sure, I know that he will have 40 of college credit going into college which makes him not applicable for the engineering academies/BLINN Team/ Gateway but I know that a few classes will not transfer over. Would that help? I encouraged him to send his current college transcript to A&M so they could see his college GPA and classes that he has taken

I really would encourage you or your son to look at the degree plan for engineering and the structure of academies - just in case he does not get a full admit.


It really looks like the sample first year schedule in mainly stuff your son does not have and would have to take anyway.

What is his second choice major?

@BlueBayouAZ We have looked into it, he will have 60 college credit hours due to the program he is in with his high school to graduate with an associates degree. He hasnā€™t taken those classes but I have seen somewhere that he will not be able to do engineering academies if he has more than 40 credit hours. I have not been able to find where I saw that again though. His second choice is electrical engineering, I have tried to convince him to look into something else but he is deadset on engineering. Also he is not my son but a friend. Iā€™m a current student at A&M and just donā€™t want him to go through what I went through to get here. I was offered PSA and was devasted and attended TAMUCC and absolutely hated my time there. I know if he was offered Galveston that he would also be devasted and probably wouldnā€™t take it unless I could convince him otherwise

Eek I have a friend whoā€™s son was top 2% in a local school and he was offered academy because his test scores were about the same as your friends. That was 3 years ago. Itā€™s only gotten tougher. The fact he has 60 hours may nudge him to the side of cstat campus or it may be full denial. Besides his robotics state champs ec, what else does he have? They will look at everything.

Iā€™m going to vent for a second. I donā€™t get why, aside from cost, why kids want so much college credit before entering. College. Again, besides cost, itā€™s not a huge benefit to have 60 credits going into college. Less than 20 is ideal from what advisors say.

@AggieMomhelp for me, it was because my school didnā€™t tell me how terrible it would be to have 60 credits. They made me think I was getting this great deal, but if I go to A&M Iā€™m going to have to retake my math and science credits plus a ton more credits just straight up donā€™t transfer. If I could go back and choose to go to a normal high school, I would have. Thereā€™s just far more opportunities for those kids. Programs like mine are great for first gens who want to go to a lower state school (SFA, MSU, UNT, etc.) but the problem is in 8th grade when you have to sign up for these programs, you donā€™t know where you want to go or what you want to do. It makes me angry that I probably would have had better stats if I would have gone to a normal public school, but Iā€™m also glad with the effort Iā€™ve put in to make my stats the same as students from other schools.

@AggieMomhelp well it was just a program that his school was decided to try out and he was the guinea pig group. He decided to apply for it and do it just because itā€™s advertised as a way to save lots of money before you go to a 4-year university and probably because it was just something new and exciting. Iā€™m also not sure of what all his extracurricular activities are.

I have been checking my application status and my howdy just changed to six tabs, but I heard Mays was already full and Iā€™m still seeing it as my major. Could it just be taking longer to change to my second choice major or did I get into Mays? EDIT I applied this Tuesday 11/19!

Sat 1200
GPA 93.81 unweighted 95.77 weighted
Class rank N/A school doesnā€™t rank
Have around 100 service hours probably more With some service dealing with animals
In multiple clubs and received multiple awards for academic success
3 letters of rec
Applied 9/30
Review admits decision still pending
Applied for Animal science with wildlife and fisheries as backup

Iā€™m just wondering what my chances are like and when I should hear back

@icycowgrl Congrats on acceptance! Not sure about the major , what does it says under the applicant tab in Howdy ( go to applicant tab then ā€œmanage application ā€œ)

@kasper0137 It still says under review. Level : Undergraduate Major: BUAD Program: BAC-BUAD Location: College Station