TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

My son’s SATs weren’t even that high. He is a Musical Theater major and just didn’t put a whole lot of effort into SATs… unlike my daughter who did prep courses. His guidance counselor at his high school just said from experience he didn’t have much of a chance. Since UT got rid of their MT program, it is no biggie to him. He is doing well at a good program in New Jersey (30 min train ride from Manhattan) and he get’s in-state tuition!

I think this is a perfect example of what holistic mean. If there was still a musical theatre program at UT - the audition to the program would play a large part in if someone gets admitted. I would venture to say audition based programs in D1 schools probably follow something close to the NCAA sliding scale of score requirements.

@queenpencil and @YankeeTexan33 :

It may be inconvienent to y’all to wait for a decision from TAMU, but this is not unusual for TAMU. Don’t take it personally. The school received 50,000 + applications and each year, there are fewer and fewer spots for holistic review applicants.

Both of my holistic review daughters (HS 2012-TAMU 2016 Full admit) and (HS 2017-TAMU 2021 Blinn-TEAM admit) received their admissions offers in February of their HS Senior year. It was a LOOONNNGG wait, but worth it in the end.

My son-in-law (HS2010-TAMU 2014 Top 10 Auto admit) is from a multi generational Aggie family and I know of at least one of them who received admissions offer in MAY of their Senior HS year, this was many years ago, Waiting until Feb isn’t so bad. :slight_smile: It could be worse!

Your application will be reviewed by many different people at TAMU. That takes more time but is to your benefit as perhaps the second or third reviewer will see something in your application and will advance your cause. A snap “yes or no” decison might not be in your favor. Try to think of this as “no news is good news”.

Other schools whom you may have already heard from may not receive as many qualified applications. There may be hundreds of TAMU applicants with your exact scores, etc and it will take time for the reviewers to find the minor differences and decide on the offers for all of those students.

Texas is a huge state with far more qualified applicants than seats in each TAMU Freshman class. That is why OOS schools offer great scholarship packages to TX students.

Hang in there. Make sure that you take time to enjoy your Senior year of HS. It goes by very quickly.

IS TAMU admissions closed after finals? Still awaiting news for a future Former Student that applied ONLY to TAMU … 3.8SAT4 GPA, 29 ACT, 3 STRONG LoRs, 4 TAMU CampYAPs (I know y’all don’t think those “count”…but, they’re on the app), applied to SEAL (University Studies). Curious if TAMU addmissions is closed 'til January.

Don’t know who “y’all” is - but TAMU’s common data set clearly says “level of interest” is considered. It is placed on the same level as recommendations and personal qualities.

TAMU says rigor, rank, test scores, extra curricular activities, talent and ability are all very important. Essay, first gen, geographical residence, state, volunteer work and work experience are all important.

So the camps, tours, etc are a lesser consideration than the majority of items considered for admission.

And yes they are closed til the 2nd I believe. Nothing will come out if last cycles are any indicator.

FYI they will only read 2 LORs. And what rank? 29 act is strong of course. If a solid rank then they will more than likely be offered full admit

My son is still waiting to hear…

4.6 GPA
27% ranking
1350 SAT
Applied July 3, 2019
Many communtiy service hours. Highly ranked in Civil Air Patrol
Applied to Petroleum Engineering
Any insight to his chances?

@22hope ranking could hurt him for full admit but I assume he’ll get some type of alternative offer, either Galveston or blinn academy. Both are great offers. He was so close to academic though. Still a chance at full admit If his science and math readiness are obvious.

Has anyone had success appealing A&M Mays decision? Son applied the day before the ED deadline to Mays but apparently the school was already full when he applied. His scores are 1450 with over 200 volunteer hours, 3.7 gpa, school doesn’t rank, lots of leadership, team captain, etc, etc. He applied by the deadline not realizing it was first come first served. school recommending that he TRY to transfer to Mays after 1 year but we don’t want to take a chance that he doesn’t get accepted. According to the website they only allow 100 internal transfers. He has already been accepted into Cox and other top notch business schools.

I don’t recall an appeal based on the program being full at the time of application. Though I think there may have been a successful appeal for another reason. @AggieMomhelp may have a better memory than me.

Out of curiosity @dallasitemom - when did your son apply?

He applied 10/31, the last day of early apply deadline. I don’t really see the point of a deadline date if they accept applications on first come first served and fill up long before the deadline date. We are very disappointed in A&M’s process. But, we can only blame ourselves because after researching further their website clearly states to apply early as spots fill up quickly. Guess I figured “early” was by the “early decision” date. Lesson learned. Coming from an entire family of Aggies we are very disappointed to say the least. I saw some threads where individuals were referred to the Blin program but then appealed and got into Mays so i figured maybe we could try.

@2NDGENAGGIE Per Howdy, “Texas A&M will be closed for the holidays until January 2, 2020. Freshmen applicants: please wait until January 6th to make inquiries about incomplete files.”

@22hope I agreed with @AggieMomhelp - I think his ranking put him into the later category for Galveston or Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan.

My older son’s stats were similar to yours in 2018 with 30% ranking, 1390 SAT with 700 MATH, several AP classes, and decent ECs. He got offer to Galveston - which is a FULL admission to TAMU engineering - just at the Galveston campus - meaning he can go through the ETAM process (like ALL engineering freshman) for his major in the spring.

From what I have read, Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan is also a great choice since you are close to the CS campus and give your kid a chance to participate in all the college activities, and nobody cares/knows the difference. Good luck …

@dallasitemom there is no early decision date for any major except engineering. All majors besides engineering are first come basis based on academic and auto admits and then holistic based on when a decision is made on application. Don’t be disappointed in Tamu. They are upfront and promise nothing. Early bird and all that.

Transfers are hard and remember that he will need 30 completed hours before they can apply to mays for change of major.

I’ve only seen one appeal go through successfully.

Merry Christmas! May all the students get acceptances in their stocking!!!

And add on to my post yesterday… mays internal transfers need 30 graded Tamu hours not just 30 hours. Just wanted to be clear. My son is applying January 2nd for change of major into mays.

Best of luck to your son! I hope he is able to get into Mays. Please keep us posted. Sadly my son has decided against A&M. He doesnt want to take a chance on not being able to transfer into Mays 1 year from now. They only accept 100 to transfer. You never know what might happen. They don’t really give much insight into the process, how many typically try to transfer or how difficult it is to transfer. Very sad as A&M has been his dream school as long as I can remember. Getting accepted into 2nd choice and not Mays just really turned him off on A&M. Guess it wasn’t meant to be.

Hello, I just wanted to see what chance I had to get into TAMU
Ranking: 24%
GPA: 3.7/4 Weighted: 4.2
SAT: 1260
I am also in the IB curriculum and I am attempting to get the diploma for IB
Many community service hours and clubs
I applied to Economics BS in the school of liberal arts

I would say that your chances are very good as long as you apply early.

This is a tough call since you don’t have the test scores for an academic admit.

I would have a solid backup. Last year was pretty brutal for review candidates and many students that had similar stats received PSA.

The applying early has more to do with getting your first choice of majors. Almost all of the admissions are auto and academic before they start admitting review candidates.

@AggieMomhelp @aGGieENGiNeeR I know that TAMU is currently closed because of the holidays, but do y’all have any more insight regarding the engineering review? I know the second wave is supposed to come out in the middle of January. Really concerned because even the many of the applicants who met the Oct 15 deadline have not yet gotten their decisions. I believe I stand a decent chance: Top 10%(auto-admit/7th out of 84), early college high school (graduating with an associate of science, 60 credits). GPA: 4.2. SAT: 1210 (only thing that might hold me back).Not to mention graduating a year early. Plenty of community hours, solid essay, and heavy involvement with yearbook all throughout high school (my school offers a limited amount of extracurriculars given that it focuses more on obtaining college credit).