TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Thank you both for the reply! I guess it’s just frustrating asking opinions and hearing so many different things. I had also read someone say blinn team trended in applicants with high rank close to automatic but lower test scores which is where I fall, so I was hoping it would be like last year and I could possibly make blinn team. (1100 SAT, 10.8 rank) but I guess really anything can happen. Thank you again

@BlueBayouAZ No problem! And I can’t believe we were both typing at the same time - I think you were referring to my son (although those are not his SAT scores - he took sophomore year and didn’t like the format so stuck with ACT).

Yep. It was your son. I just ran a 29 to SAT comparison, since the OP listed only an SAT. I always give my DDs ACT - because her SAT was 1270, so “lower” than her ACT.

Oh ok! That makes so much sense now that y’all are talking about the same person lol! Did ur son submit resumes or LOR’s or anything like that? Was he super involved in HS?

@Jodievillllllll - @JaceyK and I and many others last cycle - had students with very solid stats (JaceyK’s son was extremely strong) that got PSA. There were thousands more applicants and the same amount of spaces for freshmen.

These student are all Eagle Scouts/Gold Award, AP scholars, NHS, varsity athletes, tons of services hours.

@AggieMomhelp @bluebayou When in January will the “final round” of releases for the Engineering Review ?

@tamu2024hopeful some found out in February last year. Those were primarily academy, but still a solid offer.

@AggieMomhelp so the late releases are typically just academy offers? Also, I was wondering what type of offer a 3.9 GPA, 27 ACT, 29 Math, 40+ hours of volunteering, several sports, UIL, NHS, and 2 LoR would get, thanks!

Not sure. Will depend on your math and science readiness shown in your class rigor as well. Based on ACT I’d say you’ll get academy. It is possible for Galveston too. Just not sure until we start seeing the strength of review candidates get accepted.

What’s your rank? I may have missed it. Haven’t had my coffee yet lol

@AggieMomhelp all good lol, rank is within the top 10%, 14/194

Oh then you’ll for sure get At minimum academy or Galveston offer. but still possible for full Cstat admission. Especially if you have the course rigor in math and science.

Hi all!

I’ve been following this thread and last years thread for a while now, constantly looking over comments trying to figure out where I stand and when decisions could come out this year. It’s all so nerve-wracking! A&M is my dream school and I’m so so nervous to find out. I know my stats aren’t great, especially considering I am OOS from MA and a review applicant, but I’m trying to keep my head held high.

When did you apply: Late October / Early November
Class Rank: My school doesn’t rank, placed Q2 by A&M (which makes me nervous)
GPA: school doesn’t report GPA
SAT (with Sub Scores) : 1250 (best single sitting), Reading: 590 Math: 660. Superscore: 1280 w/ 620 reading
When did you receive your admission decision: Still waiting :frowning:
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: Liberal Arts, International Studies major.

Pretty solid essay IMO, and hopefully very strong LOR’s. I am a tri-varsity athlete, tons of extracurriculars and some volunteer hours. I also spent a night with the corps in October and said that I will 100% join if I am admitted.

Waiting is the worst part! I’ve read full admits start to roll out in January and February along with TEAM, but gosh I just want to know now! Feels like i’m checking my portal constantly, though I don’t really expect any news till much later. Fingers crossed for good luck! If anyone’s got any other pointers I’m all ears :slight_smile:

@skinnerss Hang in there! I know it is a grueling wait. The only advice I can give you is to explore the alternative options in case you do not get the offer you are hoping for. Hopefully this will make it easier to wait knowing you have a plan either way. As I am sure you have read on my other posts by several people, there are many paths to TAMU so if this is really what you want you can get there. If you are not keen on going to a system school on PSA and what to be in College Station right away, then check out the Transfer and PTA (see below)

https://web-as.tamu.edu/ecardimages/publications/2019TCS/LA19-International.pdf - direct transfer; lower minimum thresholds for hours and GPA; but not guaranteed.

https://admissions.tamu.edu/admissions-staging/media/Main/pdfs-pta/LA-intl-studies.pdf - Same basic required classes; need 30 hours of post HS or DC; cannot use AP credits to satisfy the Required Classes; but guaranteed if you meet all the requirements.

They do offer PSA for your major so check this out too…

Best of luck to you!

Best of luck to you. You are in an esteemed Group of students waiting to hear as well! Hope you get the decision you want. Will agree though that 2nd quarter and an SAT below 1300 will hurt your chances at full admit. But you never know.

Hello everyone! I just wanted to get some feedback about my resume/ chances of admission. A&M is my top choice for college and I’m super nervous about getting in. Below are my stats.

When did you apply: I applied early admission so around early October
Class Rank: My rank is 157/670, so I’m in the top quarter of my class
GPA: UW: 3.65, W: 3.9
ACT: Composite: 31, Math: 26, Reading: 33, Science: 32, STEM: 29, SAT: N/A
When did you receive your admission decision: Still waiting

Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: Life and Agricultural Sciences, Nutrition

I’ve been super involved in high school. I am in PALS which is a program where I mentor kids in elementary school and kids with special needs. I’m also the Student Body President at my school. Also, I am in state, so I think that could help me a little bit. My sister goes to A&M already and it’s my top choice. Any advice will help! Thanks!

@AggieThings I think you have a great shot at full admission. You’re a strong student (great grades and test scores). TAMU loves leaders who support their communities. I’d be shocked if you weren’t offered full admission. I will say that we had a few shocks from some very strong students last year, so an alternate path offer is possible. Still, I think that if you wrote strong essays, and your supplements further support your major) that you’ll be in College Station next fall.

@AggieThings i have very little doubt that you won’t be accepted. You missed the sub score in math by one but your act composite is over the threshold. The fact that you aren’t going for engineering, will be in your favor for that. Also, keep in mind there’s no early application deadline for any major except engineering. However, I always believe getting in your completed app as early as possible puts you in a better position.

Your ECs are good too. You’re an all around solid candidate. If you’re not accepted, I would appeal because it just wouldn’t make sense. You should hear back in this next round of admits. Please keep us posted.

Someone asked for my stats a bit back, just noticed
1430 SAT (highest composite:720 R&W and 710 MATH, but got 750 in MATH another time)
Pretty good essays I think, focusing on my ECs (School Play on Bullying and digitization project)
DIgitization project at an Indian government school (recognized by the Indian government) (4 years
Academic Exchange with Swedish high school, collaboration on a climate change project (2 years)
UN Filmmaking Project Showing differences between my school and an underprivileged government school nearby (going to be shown in a UN conference in Japan)
Boxing for two years (More of a passionate hobby that is really important to me to blow off steam)
School Play on Bullying

Best of luck to the others waiting for a decision :).

And again, thanks for all the help everyone. I never would have known to check howdy instead of AIS because it updates first.

Someone asked for my stats,

1430 SAT, 720 R&W 710 Math(got 750 another time though if that matters), UW GPA:3.7, oos
Pretty good essays (based around ECs)
DIgitization project at an Indian government school, recognized by the Indian government (4 years)
Academic Exchange with Swedish high school, collaboration on a climate change project (2 years)
UN Filmmaking Project Showing differences between my school and an underprivileged government school nearby
Boxing for two years (a hobby that is really important to me)
School Play on Bullying

Best of luck to everyone else with their admissions :slight_smile:

Again, thanks to everyone on the thread. I would never have known to check howdy because it updates first.

I am genuinely curious though, is two weeks an exceptionally quick time to be admitted into engineering at TAMU?