TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Is AIS down for anybody else? I tried to log in to check my Engineering Review status, and it says that the website is down for maintenance. Could they be inputting decisions or am I jumping ahead and getting my hopes up?


Same - AIS down …
Sorry for the multiple post - new

Mine is also down… maybe it’s for acceptances? Or perhaps so many people are checking— maybe none of the above.

AIS is down … funny thing is UT portal was down this morning too. So it looked like a lot of people thinks decisions are coming out today for both schools. Crossing our fingers …

Just checked my AIS, it works now! However, still waiting for my decision :frowning:

Mine works too, still no decision :frowning: I’m assuming next week, unless they will release in the evening??

@skinnerss waiting for engineering as well?

@thesaraimartinez no, simply regular decision results. Last year first wave hit around Friday Jan. 11 from what I’ve seen on last years thread, so I thought maybe it would come out today too. Starting to think it’ll just be next week and the wait will continue though :confused:

There you said it. How much this is required depends heavily on the type of work you’re applying for. When the required “intelligence” is not there, the rest only has so much values. If the tasks can be learned/trained, yes, I will choose fresh/rounded over overqualified/experienced any day. However, certain tasks can not be trained/learned on the job without solid background/previous experience. I don’t know what business you are in, but I can tell you about my experience as an engineer. Before becoming my own boss, I worked for many big American high tech companies. At some points in life, I worked for this number 1 (in its industry) tech company. We would go to certain near by universities for job fair and conduct on campus interviews. Students would sign up if they wanted to be interviewed. Each of us was given a binder from our recruiting department. These are parts of real circuitries that we designed for our products. We would give the students these problems and see how they would handle. At the end of the trip, we would sit down all together and grade these and decide on whom to invite in for on site interviews. We would pay for all the expenses including hotel, transportation and meals. They would be invited to stay in the area for a few days. There would be an on site interview and times when other engineers showing them around town. This was when we evaluate how these work with others and if they fit our company’s core values. At the end of this, we would sit down again and decide. The chosen ones would be placed in different departments from products support to R&D based on their grades/classes taken at their schools, prior experience if any and their scores on the interview technical questions. Once there, we would train them.

Good luck to those that are still waiting to hear form A&M and other schools.

My daughter just forwarded me the e-mail. She is in. Woo-hoo!!

Sounds like we are in more agreement than we might originally thought. The best hires are smart, but well rounded and can fit in with others in the work place. Agreed!

Good luck to everyone still waiting on decisions!

Just wondering what early signs of acceptance may be?

@skinnerss Ughh, this waiting period is the worst, but I am sure we’ll find out soon enough. I hope you do get in! Best of luck!

@ElenaParent when did your daughter apply?

Congrats!! What were her stats and when did you apply?

A lot of people we’re talking about there being six tabs on howdy, but I am unsure. Are you referring to acceptance into the university or a specific college like engineering?

Are declines sent at the very end? Or dispersed throughout the rolling admissions?

@cookmom psa is the last to go other then denials. Denials are typically due to incomplete apps. They try to give the PsA pathway to most.

@ElenaParent Congratulations !! Can you give us her stats, including when she applied and for what major ?