TAMU Class of 2024 STATs/Decisions/Dates

Howdy new Ags!

Post here your stats, admissions decision and the dates you received those decisions.
Stats are:
ACT and SAT scores and sub scores
Major requested
Major received
Anything else you feel is relevant to the decision you received.

This will help all of us next year and the Class of 2025 future Aggies!

Welcome to the Aggie Family!

Son is OOS (Northern CA)

Rank: 10/138 Went from 0 to 4 APs over the 4 years. 5s on APUSH and AP World, 2 on AP Lang
ACT and SAT scores and sub scores: 1300 (660 math, 640 eng) (review applicant)
Major requested: 1st - Mays 2nd - History
Major received: History, College Station
Anything else you feel is relevant to the decision you received.
Date Applied: Nov. 30 or Dec. 1
Date Accepted: Roughly Jan. 16
ECs: Tons - 4 years band, jazz band, drumline, plays 3 instruments, head drum major 2 years, 4 years XC, 2 years rugby, very active in campus ministry, 4 years newspaper staff with 2 as news editor, 3 years student parliament. Volunteers at hospice/homeless ministry. Visited TAMU and planned to join the band for sure. Dyslexic - may have written about that in an essay.

So far no aid, not expecting any. Also go into 1st choice - Notre Dame and will most likely go there since he got into their business school and did not get his major at TAMU. Did not know about Mays filling up - lesson learned! Love the band; sad that he won’t be a part of that but ND is a great fit for him. Also accepted at TCU and LSU with scholarship. Still waiting for others.

Thanks @AggieMomhelp for all your info and kind support this year. My daughter asked me to post her stats her since we have gotten so much help in understanding what to expect here. So, dear future applicant… :slight_smile:

Rank: Top quarter by A&M (non-ranking, but just outside top 10%)
SAT: 1400 (710M, 690E)
Major requested: 1. MEEN, 2. Mays
Major received: General Engineering

GPA: 4.0 unweighted, 4.35 weighted
Highest math: Honors Pre-Calc
Science: AP Chem, AP Bio, Honors Physics, AP Comp Sci
Date Applied: July 20
Date Accepted: Sep 20 (or so)
A&M acceptance: Academic Admit
Date of Engineering Offer: Jan 30 (“Early” Action + 45 days, lol)
Engineering Review decision: Engineering Academies (McAllen, Galveston, Blinn Bryan)

She chose the TEAB-Bryan option, plans to live on campus and rush.

Gig 'em!

Son’s stats (TX resident)

Rank: 27/225
SAT: 1250
ACT: 28
Holistic review candidate
Major requested: Meteorology
Major received: Meteorology
Date applied: August 31
Date accepted: October 28

Involved in lots of sports and church, took 5 AP classes and 2 dual credit history courses. 2 recommendation letters: 1 from his former AP English teacher and 1 from his Young Life leader (TAMU Class of 2010)

Rank: 1st Quartile Assigned by TAMU

8AP classes and 4 Semesters of Dual Credit

Holistic Review Candidate

ACT and SAT scores + GPA
SAT: 1310
ACT: 30
4.0 GPA: 3.86

Major requested: Psychology BS
Major received: Psychology BS, College Station

Anything else you feel is relevant to the decision you received.
Date Applied: Aug 4
Date Accepted: Oct 15
ECs: 4 years band (2 years leadership), jazz band, pit orchestra, youth group at church (1 year leadership), interact club(1 year leadership), NHS (2 years)
2 Rec letters (junior year English teacher and band director of four years)
-Psych Department Visit(would recommend!)

forgot to add, employment at Target for two years

You were the first quartile and a 30 on the ACT? Weren’t you an automatic admit?

Did not have the math sub score at a 27

Posting for my daughter who is very excited to be an Aggie!!

Class Rank: 379/1365 - 27.8%
GPA: 3.85 UW 3.99 W
ACT (with Sub Scores) 32 (27 English, 31 Math, 34 Science, 34 Reading)
Date applied 8/9/2019
When did you receive your admission decision: 10/31/2019
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review Admit
Major/College Requested: Animal Science - wants to be a vet
Major received : Animal Science

-Multiple honors and dual credit classes
-Volunteering - church child care for 5 years, multiple other Volunteering past 5 years
-4 years FFA – Chapter President this year, Sentinel last year, District officer last year, involved in multiple FFA committees
-3 yrs CDE Veterinary Science (Career Development Events thru FFA) made it to state each year
-Showed lamb last year and this year
-Works Chick-fil-a since April 2018 - promoted to Business Leader within a year
-Internship at vet clinic - Will graduate High School as a CVA (Certified Veterinary Assistant)
-Many visits to A&M, including CDE competitions, 2 years to Camp Yap (Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine), official tour of BIMS program and Animal Science program , regional visit, Football game

Thank you for all the information you have shared!

DS got the Engineering admission decision yesterday after an agonizing wait over months…

Offered - TEAM Blinn, Galveston, and McAllen.

We are not sure of exactly how TEAM will work for Engineering, since they do not explicitly say complete transfer to CStat after a year. We called and the counselor and they simply said it depends on availability and engineering is always very competitive.

Can anyone share their experience about TEAM Blinn for Engineering admits please?

Thank you

???: 7th/84 (Top 10%, auto-admit)

???: 4.20 W (Early College High School, doesn’t report UW GPA)

???: 1210
~ ???: 580
~ ???: 640

??? ???:
1) Biomedical Engineering
2) Biochemistry

??? ???: Engineering Academy at Blinn (that’s how it shows up on my Howdy)

??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???:

  • Over 40 hours of dual credit (graduated with an Associate's of Science)
  • Early graduate (completed high school in 3 years)
  • Offers received (1/30/2020): 1) Galveston 2) McAllen 3) Engineering Academy at Blinn 4) Switch majors and go to College Station
  • ECs: Yearbook Club (all 3 years, current President of club)
  • Over 80 hours of community service (heavily involved with youth group)
  • 2 recommendation letters: 1) Youth Pastor 2) Former Chemistry Professor
  • Deadline application met: Regular Decision
  • Accepted into University: 12/03/2019

Hope this helps future classes!

??? '??, ??? !!!

@TXgreen every engineering student has the same chance of getting the major they want regardless of where they spend their freshman year. No one has a leg up! A 3.5 guarantees you get your first choice (after you complete requirements which is done freshman year typically. If don’t have a 3.5 then you list your desired majors in order. And you’ll get one of those most likely. So whether or not your son got full admit or academy… he’s in the same boat!

@AggieMomhelp I was looking at this website (https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/undergraduate/entry-to-a-major/index.html) and noticed the same thing about 3.5. However, under “Application Preview” they talk about three essays. When viewing a sample application, it looks more than I thought it would be. By any chance you know what these essays are for? Is this process more less like an admission process where 3.5+ is “auto admit” and the rest is “holistic review”?

yes but look at the percentage of students that get their first choice!! 88% I think it was. It sounds scarier than it is.

@icedmachiato Regarding the essays on the ETAM application, I remember hearing last year that those essays are very short but need to be done so the ETAM application will be complete. Hope this helps.

@TXgreen 3 things to keep in mind about the Academy route. First it will save you money as the Blinn cost are half what TAMU charges. Second, as your son will be in CS he will have access to the campus and all it has to offer including sports pass, rec center etc. Third, he will have to complete the calculus sequence for his selected major at Blinn before he can enroll full time at TAMU. Most majors in the engineering department require calc 1-3. Engineering technology, computer science and industrial distribution do not. As others have stated, ETAM is on equal footing with the full time students. However, the 3.5 auto admit is only good for the spring of your freshman year. So if you wait until your soph year for ETAM a 3.5 doesn’t guarantee first choice. You can still do ETAM even if you have not completed calc sequence and get accepted to your major. You just need to finish the calc sequence at Blinn. My son and his roommates just went through all of this. He is now on campus as a full time Aggie.

@ trinley
@ AggieMomhelp

Thank you for your helpful response!


Rank: 24% (201 / 850)
GPA: 6.2/6.0
ACT: 29 (Math 29; Sci 27; STEM 28; Eng 26; Reading 32)
ACT: 29 (Math 29; Sci 32; STEM 31; Eng 27; Reading 27)
Major Requested: Engineering
Major Received: Full admit to Engineering at Galveston
Extras: Distinguished Level of Achievement, STEM endorsement, graduating with 27 hours of Dual Credit hours, Honor Roll, NHS, Band, Student Council

Thanks for all your efforts!

@kartmom: From a parent of a 2018 cohort Engineering at Galveston student, !!Congratulations!! There were some strong late-blooming students in my son’s many-hundreds-of-engineering-students cohort, and it’s not getting any easier to get into TAMU Engineering. If your student is interested, go check TAMUG out on one of the engineering preview days there. And good luck whatever your student decides.

This forum was and still is extremely helpful to us all. Thank you all so much for posting and answering anything and everything :slight_smile: here on this forum, especially you, AggieMom. :slight_smile:

My son- in state
rank- 11%
GPA- 4.12
SAT- 1390 (newest one, never submitted)
ACT- 31 (submitted)
Academic admit
8 AP classes, scored 5 or 4 on tests
Physics in community college (2 semesters)not DC
highest math- AP Cal 1
Major - engineering

Applied- end of September 2019
Admitted to A&M one week after applying
Admitted to engineering to CS end of October 2019

The whole process took 1 month. I apologize I don’t remember exact days.

Very good essay and resume. !!!

Please, do NOT underestimate essay and specially resume !!! I strongly believe that in holistic admit these two play very important role.

My son’s grades and test scores are nothing extraordinary , but he was admitted faster than other students and we believe it was because of his essay and resume. He wrote essay regarding his illness in Junior year, very personal issue to him.
his EC and hobbies are about computers, science, technology and engineering.

Distinguished honor roll,candidate for National Merit Scholarship semifinalist,  Microsoft Office Specialist, Invitation to Stanford summer classes and NYL, NHS.

Mu Alpha Theta, Future Business Leaders of America, NASA HUNCH, Engineering Society in College, Computing Group.

Work: Private tutoring of math and physics, Assisting in web design, Assisting in setting up an online business.

Fun: Developer of game modifications, Led teams of other developers, Tester of game modifications
Fluent in :
Python 3, Java, Paradox Interactive custom game code
CAD design – Autodesk Inventor
Writing of poetry and stories
Ex-moderator of online social group
Active Wikipedia contributor
Experience with building computers

He also wrote about his study of ancient and modern languages as his hobby and proficient knowledge of Spanish. But I believe that his interest in computers, coding and science in general put him to the “front line”.

I think that in holistic reviews, TAMU and other Universities want to see the interest out of the school also and something “extra” in the field you applying to.

TAMU gets out of Academic Admit next year, and holistic is starting. PLEASE make sure your application is sharp with excellent essay and resume. !!! Holistic approach is very good, you can show TAMU that you are much more than just numbers.

Good luck to all.