TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Do I have to put a housing deposit down even if my son is not sure he will attend A&M?

no, you don’t have to. It just secures housing if your son decides to attend. You will lose your $75 deposit if your son doesn’t attend and you cancel housing by 5/1. We aren’t sure where my son will end up, but we did put the housing deposit down just in case.

@Aguadecoco If you want to “hold” his place and get to choose housing as early as possible, you do have to pay the housing application fee now ($75). If he is unsure, and you all want to wait, you can do that. However, it will mean that his time to choose his housing will be later and some of the popular housing fills up quickly. If he really does not care where/which housing he will have, I would wait.

@Aguadecoco Yes, you have to put the $75 down if you want to hold the spot. If your son decides to go elsewhere then you are just out the $75 but if they don’t…then you’re in early. HTH

Thanks all, I will ask him if he wants to put down a deposit.

TAMU is my son’s top choice, so we put down a housing deposit ASAP to get in line early for dorm choice. He was accepted to UT last week, but doesn’t really want to go there, so decided not to put down a deposit there. We will probably put down deposits at his top two choice schools. Many campuses will refund your deposit by a certain date in the spring if you decide not to go there.

@tmclanton Thanks so much for letting us know about the housing application! We just completed it,

Did anyone happen to try to see if the application was open after midnight last night? I am normally up and usually check, but last night I was already asleep. I am just curious when it may have opened. I checked first thing this morning at 6:15 and it was open.

@tmclanton yes! Thank you! Just paid my daughter’s deposit. She isn’t going anywhere else.

@ all of you!!! How exciting. Even though you don’t have official “Whoop You’ve Been Admitted” it’s only a matter of time. If I’m understanding correctly, your kids were all top 10%. Please correct me if I’m wrong so we can start watching those stats as they come in!

Congrats you guys. And don’t sweat the housing. It all works out. Please be sure you receive an email confirmation for housing that Phase I is complete. I know last year many were just a step shy of completing even though they thought they had. This Phase thing is new as of last year, so I didn’t go through it with my 2 kiddos.

Welcome to Aggieland…

@AggieMomhelp Yes, my son is Automatic Admit.

Also, thank you for the reminder of making sure to get the email confirmation. I had read that last year and remembered that this morning. If I had not read it previously, I am not sure I would have completed the steps after I did the Proxy process (under 18). I went back and thought I was finished and then remembered the confirmation email.

Yes! My daughter is in top 10% and I was able to place a housing deposit for her. She’s still under engineering review though.

My son is auto admit and so is everyone that I know who was able to complete housing this morning. It was shortly before 9am when I saw the post on here and got it completed. Huge thanks for that!! If we went all the way to it telling us that Phase 2 opens for us on Oct. 6, we are good, right?

@LSchTX Yes, if you got to it telling you your Phase 2 opening, you should be good!

Booo… we paid and received that confirmation but didn’t finish until now… thanks for posting about continuing the app… we completed through payment at 8 this morning but the rest just now. Hopefully it won’t make too much of a difference.

HEYO!!! I’m also applying to Texas A&M and I’m pretty anxious haha but I know it will be okay:)
Here are my stats

When did you apply: August 1st but everything was turned in by August 14th
Class Rank: 56/451
SAT (with Sub Scores) None
ACT (with Sub Scores) None (it was cancelled)
When did you receive your admission decision:
Are you an Auto-admit or Review Admit: Review Admit!!
Major/College of Choice: 1st Business (Mays) 2nd Spanish (Liberal Arts)

I want to wish you all good luck with all of your decisions~ you all will do absolutely amazing and even if you do not get in here (or a different top choice) wherever you end up will be for the best and it will be a great experience for you!! Positive thoughts you got this:)

Keep me posted on what you find out WOOT WOOT CLASS OF 2025

you got this!! Those are incredible stats and extracurriculars~they would be lucky to have you

It was hard to see a check box for Perm Housing on a phone, it was easier to see once you are on a desktop that you have to check that box to complete Phase 1 (this is after the payment and proxy if student is currently under 18).

@DawnMH Make sure you complete the 4-5 screens past the screen after you select that box. You aren’t complete until you get a note with a date and time of when Phase II will open up for your student.

My dd is a freshman. Last year we signed up for housing on the day it opened and received acceptance email at 5:30pm cst. that day. Such an exciting day! Best of luck to everyone!