TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

When is usually the latest you would hear back from Texas A&M?

@TVBingeWatcher2 congrats! Tech is a strong Engineering program! We know many graduates and current students. Fantastic program!


@Vgopalam it is a known fact that TAMU offers very little in scholarships, especially merit based scholarships, to incoming freshmen. Unless Nat Merit/Semi/Commended, don’t count on scholarship $$ from A&M.
Somewhere on this thread, someone mentioned speaking to Financial Aid last week, and all money has been dispersed & posted.
A&M and UT are super competitive universities, they don’t have to offer scholarship money.

A&M have a lot of merit based scholarships but those are department based. They do not award to HS graduates mostly after you get good GPA in A&M.

According to A&M, 83.1% ETAM got placed to first choice, 91% got first or second choice engineering major.

For students with a lot of difficult APs, or Dual Credits, that first year ETAM should not be any issue. 3.75 GPA means for 24 credit hours, student can afford to get maximum of 2 Bs the rest have to be As.

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They say they will let you know by the end of March.

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I’ve heard this, too. A&M is stingy on scholarships to incoming freshmen, but I’ve heard of freshmen who get good grades at A&M that were offered scholarships. It make sense for departments to only give money to proven students, but those scholarships aren’t a guarantee so that doesn’t help us who are trying to plan for the future and make choices.

Woke up to 6 tabs and major change to TEAB (BAC-TEAM-EB) in manage applications. That opened up the housing portal and currently in the process of applying for housing. Thank you all for the support.


Congrats on Teab! That’s awesome. Congrats.

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OMG I’m so happy for you guys! Congrats friend.

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Congratulations. It’s great to see the class coming together. Top quarter, right?

Nope, just outside top Q. 2Q. Nailed every other metric except the class rank. Top 20 public school in texas.


Still nothing over here. Forever stuck in “Your application is complete and in Review”. I’m hoping a big TEAM wave is released soon…or just gently decline him with PSA so that we can close this chapter and move on.

For the life of me, I can’t figure why it’s taking so long. He has every metric for the old Academic Admit category except he went test optional. Which is what they offered and said it wouldn’t count against anyone.

Sorry for sounding so cranky…it’s been a hell of week here in Dallas and I think I’m just finally starting to crack mentally.

Our Admitted Students visit to Tech for tomorrow got cancelled so now I have to figure out how and when to get up there in March…all the other other sessions are showing booked full.

Maybe this is the universe’s way of telling us to throw in the towel and just commit to UTD.


I feel your frustration. Just tell us no already. We have another college that is just as good that we can start planning for.


Totally agree with both becfoup and Momof3B! My daughter applied test optional back in September; top quarter, good GPA, tons of leadership, EC’s, and philanthropy. Have not heard one thing and not even going for Business or Engineering! Just please put us out of our misery, and if they don’t want her, then let’s move on! She has gotten accepted and received scholarships at other great schools, but A&M was her top choice. By the way, my son will be graduating from A&M with a major in Industrial & Systems Engineering, double minor in Project Management and Math, and an International Engineering Certificate, for studying in both Greece and Germany. He was in the top quarter at his high-achieving high school, holistic review, and was fortunate to go directly into Cstat. Just because you are not in the top 5-10% of your class, does not mean you can’t make it. Aggie fingers crossed that our kids can get into A&M…but if not, then I guess it was not meant to be. Sorry for the rant; A&M has been a great experience for my son, and my daughter would love to go there, and we would love to have her there. But at this point in the process, and with our seniors’ crazy crazy COVID year, it may or may not work out. And we will just have to be fine with it and move on.



Yes, however, I believe it is worth mentioning that the student can’t make a B in either MATH 151, MATH 152, or CHEM 107/117. Unless my calculations are wrong, earning a B in one of those 4 hour credit classes will result in a GPA below 3.75 for that semester (assuming 13 hours first semester, and 12 hours second semester).

Does anyone on here know if there is supposed to be a wave happening soon for blinn team or just anything? Just want to know already, and I know it’s only February but it feels so late🤣

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What do you mean you nailed academic and went test optional? Sorry, I truly don’t understand. Maybe it’s the week of being stuck at home. My brain is fried.

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Meaning his class rank, GPA, First Gen college student, rigor, Leadership, EC’s etc, all were in the profile for the Academic Admit category except for submitting a test score…They did away with Academic Admit and went test optional…had Covid not happened and he hadn’t had 7 canceled tests I’m positive he would
have gotten the SAT/ACT requirement that was required for academic admite as well. He took the SAT once, (never got a chance to take ACT),and that too under hurried circumstances which is why we went Test Optional.

I’m trying really really hard not to be bitter here but I’ve seen classmates of his with lesser stats (class rank and GPA) already offered full admission. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.


@Momof3B what majors were the classmates accepted to? Maybe the classmates were able to submit high SAT/ACT scores? Did they apply in August?
Obviously Mays is full, any idea if Econ is full?
I feel your frustration. I sure hope y’all hear something soon.
FWIW-I think you said your son has an offer at Tech? That’s a FAB business school. I would run with that offer, to a school that obviously wants him.